The Land of the Ginger Cookies

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3rd POV
The Cookies travers through trees of the forest, arriving at a gateway. "This here will lead us to Paradise" GingerPeach spoke as she went through the gateway, everyone else followed suit. And on the other side, they stared in awe of the land.

A big civilization of cookies, farmers, wizards and witches, alchemists, hunters, Warriors. They surrounded the plains of the forests, surrounded by sunlight and enchanted trees that cover them. Cookies playing music, dancing and playing around the grass and path. "This looks amazing!" Custard Cookie III spoke as he stared in wonderment at the scenery. "I wonder what treasures I might find here!" Chili Pepper Cookie remarked. "This place is so peaceful! And to think these were the old residents of our kingdom." Strawberry Cookie remarked as she too was amazed by everything. "What magic do they teach here? This place looks magic in itself!" Wizard spoke as Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla stared as Paradise really was a good name for this place, memories flooding back to them as the remember GingerCandy...

"We did it! We did it GingerCandy, we're here!" Gingerbrave spoke as he lifted his cane. The Cane glowed brightly as GingerCandy's form emerged from pure magic. He opened his eyes and turned towards paradise smiling at all the happy cookies that would've died if it weren't for him. "Your Majesty-!" GingerPearl spoke as the rest of the Ginger Fighters bowed. GingerCandy just bowed his head in respect as GingerPeach went up to hug her father. "Father..." She spoke as GingerCandy hugged back, knowing full well that just one hug wasn't enough to make due upon their long separation. He sighed as he looked towards the lands...Peaceful...but soon enough it won't be. "Lead these people out of here, before disaster comes upon them." GingerCandy spoke as GingerPeach looked up at them confused. "The war under shattered skies will commence upon them soon, their bodies aren't like you are Gingerbrave's, they will crumble quicker than regular cookies." He explained as GingerPeach nodded. "Ginger Fighters! You heard them, we must commence forth evacuation protocols!" GingerPeach ordered as they went forward with the command. "GingerChoco, gather the rest of the Fighters, we'll need more cookies on board." GingerChoco nodded at the command and went forward with it, as GingerPeach went to announce an evacuation.

"Aren't you coming with, GingerCandy?" Wizard Cookie asked, still shocked that Gingerbrave was telling the truth. "I cannot, for reasons I cannot explain, however, I can still protect my cookies...please I beg you, protect them when I cannot." GingerCandy spoke solemnly as Gingerbrave looked to him knowing what he meant. "Alright! Come on crew, we got some butt-kicking to do!" Chili Pepper spoke as she ran towards the village. "Chili Pepper Cookie, don't run off without us!" Strawberry spoke as she bolted towards Chili Pepper while Wizard and Custard Cookie III followed. "Aren't you coming with us, Gingerbrave?" Pure Vanilla asked concerned. "I'll catch up, I need to speak with GingerCandy first!" Gingerbrave spoke with a smile. Pure Vanilla nodded, knowing that Gingerbrave won't back down on a decision he's made. "Good to see you old friend." Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke happily. "Good to see you too, Old Friend..." GingerCandy spoke as Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla rushed into the village to join in the evacuation...


"Is it because I absorbed your Soul Jam?" Gingerbrave asked in an unusual tone, he was sad...unlike the Cookie who was positive along the way...GingerCandy frowned, confirming Gingerbrave's statement. "Yes...I cannot travers through Paradise because of will give me away..." GingerCandy spoke solemnly. Gingerbrave looked towards him sadly. "Will you ever tell them?" Gingerbrave spoke in a serious tone than ever. "Which one? You absorbed my Soul Jam so that I cannot pass through or..." GingerCandy gestured a look towards him. As Gingerbrave frowned, nodding. "That..."

"That you're already dead..."

Gingerbrave frowned at that phrase...Dead...GingerCandy was already Dead, whose spirit he keeps bringing back from the dead via spell...Unlike Licorice who uses black magic for necromancy, GingerCandy uses Mistletoe magic...He cannot do Necromancy...thus had to bring back his spirit...his ghost...though, he cannot remain for long... " must never tell them...until the time is truly right...until the time...they can let me go..." GingerCandy explained as he looked upon his land. "They won't let you go if you're still here, if they don't know..." Gingerbrave spoke remembering Dozer...saddened by the memories. "The only way to make them let go is aren't might hurt, but in the end...there's always a rainbow after a storm right?" Gingerbrave explained smiling brokenly, still saddened by GingerCandy's fate. GingerCandy smiled back, knowing well to take that advice...after all, even his daughter would suggest so... "How did you die?" Gingerbrave asked curiosity filling his mind. As GingerCandy pondered. "It was after the Dark Flour War...I left my kingdom to find out what Dark Enchantress Cookie meant about what we were created to be by the Witches..." GingerCandy explained...  "When I realized the truth, I went to run back towards the window...then fell into a bowl of batter..."

"I drowned afterwards..." He spoke solemnly, Gingerbrave looked sadly, what a horrible way to die...but, how did Dark Enchantress live if she fell? But he didn't think much of it, for now...they wait...


The skies boomed as they shattered. Monsters seeping into the cracks like a Wave. They dropped from the sky prepared to attack via Dark Enchantress's orders.

"Alright, let's kick some butt!" Gingerbrave remarked with GingerCandy giving a confused look.

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