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3rd POV
"What happened to the Soul Jam? Has it been recovered safely?" Mille-Feuille asked concerned. "No luck on my end! The Cookie I caught didn't have them!" Gingerbrave says as Madeleine bursts through panting. "I, too, was unlucky. My plan to triumphantly return with the Soul Jam in hand has crumbled before my eyes..." he says exhausted. "I GOT IT! HEY! I GOT THE SOUL JAM!" Crunchy Chip yelled running and holding it up. "This is Hollyberry Cookie's Soul Jam. We have successfully retrieved one of the three." Espresso explained as Crunchy Chip's eyes widened in horror. "What?! Where's the rest? What about His Majesty's Soul Jam?" Crunchy Chip asked worried. "I believe Wildberry Cookie has succeeded in retrieving one. There is something glowing within his hand." Financier pointed out. "You got one too?! Well, spit it out! Which one is it?" He says as he begins to grab Wildberry's shoulders. "I have retrieved King Dark Cacao Cookie's Soul Jam." Crunchy Chip immediately calmed as Wildberry retrieved the Soul Jam. "Thank the glaciers!" He remarked.

"My nerves are shot! This was much tougher than training seven days and nights... on an empty stomach... in the mountains... during a blizzard...!" He remarked. "That means only Pure Vanilla Cookie's Soul Jam is left!" Gingerbrave spoke looking around as Clotted Cream returned.

"AH! My friends! I am glad to see everyone here. Is everyone safe and sound?" Clotted Cream asked looking around. "We're OK! Did you find the Soul Jam?" Gingerbrave asked With great success. The masked fiend I chased was holding it tight." Clotted Cream informed showing the Soul Jam. "If I may...! One, two, three..." Espresso counted. "Hmm... Yes, no doubt about it. These are indeed genuine. And I see no blemishes or damage to their integrity." He explained.

"Clotted Cream Cookie! Why YOU...!!" Crunchy Chip yelled grabbing him by the chest. "We almost lost the Soul Jam! Was this your plot all along, HUH?!" He accused, Madeleine pushing Financier back a bit. "Let us speak without physical altercation." He reasoned, "King Dark Cacao ordered me to protect the Soul Jam at all cost! And I swore my life to uphold his command!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, "Mark my words. If the Soul Jam is lost, there will never be a safe place for you to hide." Wildberry threaten. "...I am sorry. I failed to predict this sequence of events." He admitted. "I had attached an anti-tracking device to the reliquary as a precaution. But I never imagined they'd remove the Soul Jam from the reliquary itself. You have my word. I will take the utmost caution to prevent such incidents from occurring again." He says bowing his head in shame. "We must get the Soul Jam to the Institute of Thaumaturgy as soon as possible. Its security systems are state-of-the-art, and only authorized Cookies are allowed entry." Espresso spoke. "Very well. Let us head to the Institute at once." Clotted Cream declared knowing it was unsafe for them to be here.

"WHOAH! We're back at the Monument Square!" Gingerbrave said as if a crisis haven't happened. "A grand place indeed. Who did they say those Cookies were? The winners of the Republic's Friendly Battle or something...?" Wildberry remarked, speaking casually. "We passed this place in such a hurry... I can finally take a closer look at the monument!" Gingerbrave says " I think I saw a statue that looked just like Madeleine Cookie! Ummmm... Which one was it?!" He said. "Let's see... Huh?" Wildberry said before bumping into someone. "Goodness...!" A woman spoke. "YOWCH! Huh...?" Gingerbrave looked around in confusion. "Oh...? Oh, please excuse me!" She says moving out of the area. "I'm fine, he he! Oh, you dropped something!" He worded. "...Huh? A portrait pendant? Must be someone dear to you!" Gingerbrave said handing it over. "...N-no, not really, no! It's... nobody. I... I must go! I'm... awfully sorry for bothering you!" She says fleeing the scene before Clotted Cream sees. "Strange. A portrait pendant... of nobody?" Wildberry remarks. "I know, right? The way she was holding the pendant... It's gotta be someone important to her!" Gingerbrave says as Wildberry just looks in awe of his obliviousness.

"Is this the fancy institute y'all were talkin' about earlier?" Crunchy Chip says looking around the Institute. "Quite a collection of equipment. Some as tall as the ceiling." Wildberry remarked. "There are so many scientists! They all look VERY smart... and very BUSY!" Gingerbrave says, the cookies reminding him of Wizard Cookie. "The Institute of Thaumaturgy is the largest and most well-financed laboratory of magic in the Republic. It is not an exaggeration to say that this facility paves the way for a better future. Espresso Cookie. How will you be proceeding with your research?" Clotted Cream asks Espresso. "Conducting a full analysis with the usual methods. My own mixture of mineralogy, organoleptics, and sub-granular gastronomy." Espresso replies. "The experiment will then proceed with the goal of transferring Soul Jam's energy into a Cookie-made receptacle, of which I have already established a substantial list of candidates. The final and crucial step is to stabilize the energy contained within acceptable margins for Cookies to use." He spoke. "You have my full support in this endeavor. I doubt I need to remind you of all Cookies but... time is of the essence. I already recruited a team of the finest researchers beforehand. They will assist you in your research." Clotted Cream says introducing them.

"It's an honor to be working with you!"
"I look forward to the breakthroughs we'll be making here!"  They both spoke. "And be careful! Experiments or not, make sure to keep the Soul Jam safe! They need to be returned in perfect condition, with no harm done to them!" Crunchy Chip demanded.
"Of course, no worries!"
"We'll be careful! We graduated top of our class with honors, Sucrose Gum Brûlée!" They reassured.

"Now then. Let us make way for an audience with the Elders. I am certain they are eager to hear of our return." Clotted Cream informed. "I will remain here and begin my research. We have already forfeited valuable time." Espresso says. "The Elders will have many questions for you about Soul Jam. You are the only one capable of providing an answer to assuage any qualms they may have. I assure you it will not take long, Espresso Cookie.." Clotted Cream reminded as Espresso sighed in annoyance. "As you wish. Then let us make haste. You two. Are you capable enough to perform a basic yet thorough analysis of the Soul Jam?" He asks the researchers. "Yes, sir! We'll start at once!"

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