Sweet Time

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3rd POV
"Huh, what's this?" Crunchy Chip asked suspiciously. "These scones are best enjoyed with soft, rich cream and sweet apricot jam. It is popular dessert in the republic. Please. Try one." Clotted Cream insisted, Crunchy Chip looked side-eyed. But took the gift anyway, since it was rude to deny gifts. "Th-This...is...SWEET?!" He exclaimed more shocked instead of angry. "I am glad you like it! Would you like some more? We have enough for your entire squad." He asked politely. "N-no...NO! Sweets corrupt the mind and hinder the body! Dark Cacao warriors will not be swayed by such desserts...but I thank you for your generosity." Crunchy Chip informed "Ugh. And I had a big bite! I guess...Guess I should double today's training to make up for it!" He spoke to himself, honestly it probably not that much of a big deal...

After that the tour ended, Gingerbrave waved goodbye and scurried off into the Crow's Nest Inn. Where Dusk Raisin Cookie (name submitted by Mystic_Violet_Magic it is now the name of the Innkeeper) was attending to guests with a plethora of stories to tell. Clotted Cream stared at Gingerbrave. "Financier Cookie, when our envoy arrives...tell them to look into the Soul Jam...and Gingerbrave." He instructed. "Yes sir." Financier agreed, something suspicious was emitting from Gingerbrave...and they weren't sure if it was good or bad...

"Oh! Today's the big day! The first day of the Council!" Gingerbrave remarked in the plaza, preparing himself for the diplomatic talks, discussions and whatever fancy shit happens in diplomatic discussions. Honestly, Gingerbrave was currently used to the fighting and repelling opinions in...law...that he was preparing for disagreements in the Council. "Looks like cookies from all around have arrived to witness the event." Black Raisin Popped up from nowhere, but at this point Gingerbrave was used to it. The plaza swarmed with people within an instant... "I...I can't believe it! I'm visiting THE Vanilla Kingdom!" A flunked pilgrim remarked, as they were former Vanillians. "I feel like my luck will turn around from now on! Yes, YES! I can feel it in my dough!" He convinced himself... "I thought I'd never set foot in these Vanillian lands again...!" Another one spoke. "I can...I can now become crumbs in peace..." with...a rather taste of death I must say...

"Wow...everyone looks super stoked! Looks like Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie will be joining us soon too." Gingerbrave remarked...though after the the Actual Council starts...they will not be friends...instead Kings, Queens and Diplomatic Representatives discussing war. "You know...there's something that's been on my mind." Black Raisin spoke. "Remember the old statue of Pure Vanilla Cookie? The one that got shattered? Well we did our best to fix it...but I was thinking maybe we could make the plaza more...inviting..." Black Raisin suggested, looking at the Statue. "This is the place where visitors to the kingdom will see first and it would be great to make them feel welcome here." She spoke. "Ooh, we could decorate the plaza together with the statue!" Gingerbrave suggested. "That's a great idea! Let's gather some materials for the statue!" Black Raisin told as they gathered the Raisin Villagers in help decorating it.

After helping and doing a wonderful job (I have to skip this part because it is taking the chapter up) Gingerbrave went to Clotted Cream's room to check on how he was doing. "Gingerbrave, I am truly grateful for the tour." Clotted Cream said, almost thanking him. "I have learned so much thanks to you. It also reaffirmed my belief that the Vanilla Kingdom was, and is, a great place." Clotted Cream spoke. "Don't mention it! I also had a great time. Making new friends is the best thing ever!" Gingerbrave remarked smiling as he done so, "I feel more connected to the kingdom. Now, shall we make way?" He asked, Gingerbrave just motioned he go first and followed suit, Financier seemingly eyeing him and Clotted Cream at the same time...he wasn't sure about that...

They arrived at the Council, everyone was getting ready to take their seats. A few moments of silence...and the deed was done. "Hello and welcome to the first Council meeting here in the Vanilla Kingdom." Pure Vanilla begun, as he hosted the Council meeting "I would like to thank my dear friends, Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie. And of course, the esteemed Clotted Cream Cookie, who came all the way from the Crème Republic! We have gathered here as representatives of our nations to discuss matters of great significance." He informed, Gingerbrave was slightly shocked by how different he was diplomatically. " But before we begin... I'd like to introduce you all to a special Cookie." He spoke then motioned to Gingerbrave. "GingerBrave! As you all know, he is a Cookie of unheard bravery!" He introduced. Gingerbrave chuckled in nervousness cause gosh people were watching! "Hear! Hear!" Hollyberry exclaimed. "He witnessed the very sight of Dark Enchantress Cookie's awakening and fought valiantly to protect the Cookies of this world. If it were not for him, this very soil we stand upon might have been reduced to ashes. It is because of his courage that we are able to gather here to discuss our shared future." He explained and honestly it sounded much more grand than what...actually happened. "Huh. So small yet so brave." Wildberry remarked, as he looked at the plain-looking Cookie. "But how? He doesn't even have any icing armor!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed as the only form of icing Gingerbrave had was a single cape. "Aww, stop! He he... I wasn't alone! I wouldn't have gotten this far without my friends!" Gingerbrave spoke, he was flattered but that was the truth.

"Now let us begin."

A heavy toll filled the room, no longer will they chat here in this meeting as friends, but as leaders and representatives of their own nation, the winds were heavy, the atmosphere tense, but here, here is where all 4 heroes will discuss the events of war...

Cause even if they didn't see it...

GingerCandy was in the room with them...

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