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Gingerbrave woke up to the sound of birds chirping, his hand was in the air, as if grabbing something, he place his arm back on his chest

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Gingerbrave woke up to the sound of birds chirping, his hand was in the air, as if grabbing something, he place his arm back on his chest...and sighed. He feels lighter on his bed...and feels like he has forgotten something...Gingerbrave sat up his bed and rubbed his eye for a bit. The sunlight shines through the window and the birds that were chirping earlier continued. He sighed and got ready for the day. Thinking a walk could help...even though Alchemist Cookie told him to rest, he felt like a small walk wouldn't hurt a bit. He got up and grabbed his favorite Candy Cane and went off. Able to see the sights and sounds of the Cookie Kingdom...the sunshine, the sound of the smithy, the smell of fresh food. He was felt proud, but the same melancholy...why was he sad? He was rebuilding a kingdom that once was grand! A home and a place where Cookies could live in peace! Why was he sad all of a sudden? "Gingerbrave!" Gingerbrave jumped and looked back at Pure Vanilla. "There you are! I didn't see you at your house..." He spoke. "Yeah, I went out for a walk, thought it could help" Gingerbrave said smiling. "Um...my apologies for yesterday...there was an important matter I needed to go to..." He said, Gingerbrave was impressed, could Pure Vanilla have a spell that could tell him if he had work to do? "I was wondering if, you could have tea with me and Hollyberry?" Pure Vanilla asked, hesitantly. "Really? Is that okay?" Gingerbrave asked excitedly his posture and his cane being held tight. "If you can drink tea...what type of tea do you like?" Pure Vanilla asked. Gingerbrave's eyes gleamed, he tried to calm his voice so that he wouldn't be too loud... "Hmm...well, I think I did try herbal tea once...so maybe that?" Gingerbrave replied, Though he did notice Pure Vanilla flinch and his changed expression for a bit...Pure Vanilla just nodded and told him that they would meet in the Blue Sage Tea Cup house. Gingerbrave hurried home to get prepared, despite not really having clothes.
Author: I seriously prefer his costume over his regular outfit.
When he went home, Gingerbrave felt an aura shift, he's never felt that before...then suddenly the room disappeared and became a black and red void...
"Strange...Cookies don't usually feel my presence before the illusion starts..."
Gingerbrave looked back recognizing the voice put his cane up...

Dark Enchantress Cookie.

"And what are you going to do with that old thing? Smack me?" Dark Enchantress mocked. "Why are you here Dark Enchantress Cookie?!" Gingerbrave exclaimed holding his stance in a familiar way. "That stance..." She spoke before sighing. "I am here because there has been a shift...I don't usually feel this...and that feeling is coming from you..." Dark Enchantress spoke. "Your aura...why did it change...? Why is it the same as...them..." Gingerbrave looked confused, who's them? "What did you do?" Was the last thing Dark Enchantress said before she vanished. Gingerbrave looked around defensively and sighed, she was gone, for now...how did she get here anyway?


Hollyberry spit out her tea in surprise and starting gagging. "Herbal Tea?! HERBAL TEA?!" Hollyberry shouted. "Yeah, that's what he said..." Pure Vanilla. "He's just a kid right? How did he try Herbal tea?!" Hollyberry asked. "I mean, technically they've been trying to upgrade this kingdom before going to Dark Cacao and it's been like...5 years?" Pure Vanilla spoke. "Damn that long huh? Makes sense, Dark Cacao's place is pretty rough to get into...with all the blizzards and all that" Hollyberry remarked. "Also I know that's unrelated but Gingebrave liking Herbal Tea is basic Gingerbread Cookie way..." She spoke cutting off Pure Vanilla, "Gingerbread Cookies usually like the tea they first drink, ask one and that's a basic fact..." Hollyberry continued. "Just sad that most of them went extinct..." Pure Vanilla looked solemnly, "I guess you could say that..." 

"Hey, Hollyberry Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Gingerbrave waved. "There ya are kid! What took ya so long?" Hollyberry asked. "Erm...I...didn't know if I should wear something fashionable or-" "That's alright Gingerbrave, here." Pure Vanilla cut Gingerbrave, not wanting to feel like Gingerbrave should dress like the other Cookies around them. Gingerbrave took a sip of the tea, liking the flavor. "So Gingerbrave...erm, Pure Vanilla told me that you found a glowing orb inside a ruins?" Holly berry asked curiously, "Yeah! Although Alchemist and Wizard Cookie weren't able to find it..." Gingebrave said. "Weird...I swear it was there!" He said. "It's alright, Ancient Artifacts tend to have magical properties, you don't know how much magic was used back in the day..." Pure Vanilla explained, a smile plastered on his face. "So, if it was magical, does it effect dreams?" Gingebrave asked "I've been wanting to ask...ever since I found that item, I've been having dreams of that Cookie that was made into a statue." He continued, as Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry placed down their cups for a bit. "This time, they were guiding me through the void, and they weren't colored in their usual colors, they were all red!" Gingerbrave explained. "And...where were they leading you to?" Pure Vanilla asked. "I don't know...I woke up before I could say..." Gingerbrave explained. "Does that happen? Are those Ancient Artifacts powerful enough to do that?"

Pure Vanilla sighed. "Well, since you are...technically a descendant..." He said. "He can know..." He said hesitantly, only now Gingerbrave realizes that Hollyberry was looking at Pure Vanilla for approval. "Please keep quiet about this..." Hollyberry warned before she sighed...

"There was a Sixth Ancient...one we do not speak of..."

"His name is GingerCandy..."

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