St Pastry Order vs Creme Republic

485 22 8

3rd POV
Defense is on.

They were prepared...

They were ready...


"My lord, should you be staying in the line of battle?" GingerChoco asked Gingerbrave, the holder expressing the most serious face he's had in a while...

"Yes...make sure everyone else is safe." He ordered, GingerChoco bowed and left the room...he sighed under his breath...remembering the vision.

This was going the way it should be...

Madeleine was doing swell at it's time to make sure that Gingerbrave and Wizard Cookie make it out alive...

Meanwhile, Wizard was wrapping the a bag and giving it a crow, Black Raisin had revealed herself throughout the whole ordeal, and has given them the crow to deliver the Soul Jam. "How are we going to explain this?" Espresso asked, knowing the Soul Jam suddenly disappearing would lead to some complications. "Simple...put some fake ones." Wizard said, showing the duplicates on the table. To which Espresso's eyes shone in surprise. "Wizard...if you were a thief you'd be a criminal mastermind." Espresso says, looking at the duplicates and even he couldn't tell the difference between them. "Blame Chili Pepper cookie for avoiding law enforcement for this long." Wizard remarked as the Crow left a nearby window. "Alright, let's go." Wizard spoke holding his staff as tight as ever, heading towards the battlefield with Gingerbrave. "Wait?! You, you're going out there?!" Espresso asked, he knew the child's capabilities and knew they would be safe...but this is not some war with monsters! These are actual cookies! "If Gingerbrave stands in the line of battle, then so will I, I'm not running away from a fight!" Wizard proclaimed.

Gingerbrave stood at the front lines, the other Ginger fighters in position. "You sure you wanna do this kid? There are plenty of Paladins that can hold the line." Caviar asked the child, he merely nodded. "The Soul Jam is our priority...the Ancients called us to protect it...and so we will." Gingerbrave responds, Wizard comes out to fight alongside the cookie. "You ready?" He asks.

"As I'll ever be..."




They heard the marching of cookies head over to the safe zone. All in white masks and nun outfits. Clotted Cream stepped up, acting as a representative of the Crème Republic. He took a speakerphone and turned it on. "Cookies in White Masks, we mean no ill will, turn down and we won't detain you!" Clotted Cream bargained, one of them scoffed. "Fowl unbelievers! You dare negotiate as you selfishly keep the Gifts of the Godly Creators!" They yelled. "We shall purge you, foul heretics!"

"Looks like we can't negotiate..." Clotted Cream said before nodding to Gingerbrave and Wizard, they nodded in response. "Then if you do not yield, we shall have to seize you for your crimes!" Clotted Cream declared causing the Paladins to march towards the frontlines. "So be it Consul." The Cookie declared, screaming the word 'charge!' As the Cookies in White
Masks proceeded to the attack the Paladins.

"Secure the Safehouse!" Wizard shouted, creating a magic circle around the area, the Ginger Fighters in position activated the barrier magic surrounding the area in a huge barrier. Wizard Cookie shot a beam ,of magic in the air as the magical aura around the Ginger Fighters formed, meeting with the lock on top.

"This should hold for a while, but it's not like I have Custard Cookie III's barrier's hard to replicate that." Wizard informs Gingerbrave, the latter smiled. "Don't worry, the Paladins outside will overcome this, they even have shields!" Gingerbrave spoke, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You place a lot of faith in the Republic...but I guess this isn't Dark Enchantress Cookie we're fighting" Wizard said relieved looking over to the barrier. "It's designed so that anyone outside will definitely be able to get in, if the specifications of the cookies are met, the cultists won't go here." Wizard explained further, to which the latter nodded, let's head inside, we'll check if there's anyone we missed" Gingerbrave says, wrapping his arm around Wizard's shoulder.

"Should we be helping them out there?" Crunchy Chip asked, looking outside the window. "According to Wizard Cookie, it'd be weird if we left the Soul Jams unguarded..." Wildberry stated looking at the replicas of the Soul Jam. "They look so real..." Crunchy Chip remarked before being hit in the head by Black Raisin Cookie. "Keep your voice down, what if someone hears?" She scolded, Crunchy Chip rubbed his head in annoyance. "I'm surprised Pure Vanilla made sure you were on the ship...did he think Gingerbrave incapable?" Wildberry asked skeptical. "No...he is well aware of Gingerbrave's skills, which is why I'm here, I'm in case everything goes wrong..." Black Raisin answers. "As much as Gingerbrave has helped out a lot, we cannot keep relying on him...besides...he's not meant to handle things alone." She continued. "Yeah, no kidding...Gingerbrave might be strong but sometimes he changes tactics to fit his group." Crunchy Chip says. "What do you mean?" Wildberry asks. "Well, for starters, Gingerbrave doesn't use magic, but whenever it's necessary he has to...not many cookies have that ability, besides it's hard to master." Crunchy Chip explained. "He's more hands on combat...and he lacks being defensive...when he has to he mostly goes in front of the cookie."

"Wait? In front?" Black Raisin asked. "I did notice that too...he tends to act like a living shield sometimes..." Wildberry says. "You think it had something to do with his past?"

"I guess so, being born in a cult must be hard huh?" Crunchy Chip remarked Black Raisin widened her eyes. "W-What?! When did he tell you this?!" She asked concerned. Then they heard a yell from Wizard Cookie outside.


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