Soul Jam of Determination Creation

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Tw: Mentions of Religious belief
3rd POV
Gingerbrave stirred in his sleep...the bed was more uncomfortable than usual..,was it because he was sleeping with the cape on?

He moved to another side, and found his comfy position...

Drifting off into slumber...Once more...

"! Compressed Sugar doesn't work!" Gingerbrave was confused as he heard the voice, He opened his eyes...seemingly not by his will...he felt...frustration? "Ugh! I've tried everything! How am I supposed to create a replica if the mold keeps exploding?!" He heard the voice again...accept he was moving with the movements of frustration within him...upon further inspection...he was wearing...Wizard clothes? "I knew I should've gotten a more experienced Wizard! What do they think I am? I'm only a mere student! And they asked me to try and create a replica to study on! How am I supposed to do that?!" He heard the voice sigh as he dropped down a chair, it took a while for Gingerbrave to realize this but...wasn't this GingerCandy's house? The one he described to be in Paradise? "What am I going to do?..."

He blinked and suddenly he was in a different area...a church? It looked like the Sanctum in the Republic but it was littered in magical blue vines and purple front of him, a statue of a cookie he does not recognize. "Oh, Wizards of Earthbread, hear me...I am in need of friends have given me but the hardest task of shall I complete such a task for a cookie who has barely made a contribution to the realm of magic? Hear me, my creators...for your humble servant, calls for thy will." Gingerbrave was slightly uncomfortable by this...especially since he himself was created by Witches... "GingerCandy?" A cookie spoke as he looked towards her in fear. Fear? Wait, GingerCandy? He's not- "Ah, Priestess! Forgive me for coming in this ungodly hour." The voice spoke as he bowed...

Wait...was Gingerbrave...seeing through GingerCandy's eyes?! When did this happen? Wait why is this happening, what memory is this?! "Now now, my child, it is normal for us to see the likes of you here...many cookies have told that you come here for guidance or safety, come now, what is troubling your soul?" The Priestess asked as GingerCandy looked away. "I do not think I should disclose that to are but a Priestess...what I desire in guidance is part of my research and contribution to the Magical does not concern you..." GingerCandy explained as the Priestess sighed. " concerns me when you come here at insanely hours...and not even when our church is constantly come here with baggy eyes or doubt! Perhaps in yourself? Come now...the Wizards would damn me if I do not do my job in maintaining the health of others..." GingerCandy though as he looked her in the eyes...

"It's about the Soul Jam..."

"I was tasked in acknowledging the research of it...yet my friends...the Chosen Ones, have important needs for it...Each of them need it to maintain their kingdom...and I need at least one of instead of taking each of them in a destined schedule, it is more effective to create an exact replica of the Soul Jam." He explained they sighed. "But so far, no matter what receptacle I place it in, it just seems to explode! I nearly got myself blinded because of it!" They said frustrated. "Maybe...maybe the Soul Jam isn't meant to be learned...maybe that's what the gods intended with them...they created it after all." Gingerbrave was puzzled by this...there's a text in their beliefs that says the Wizards created the Soul Jam? But interrupting his thoughts, the Priestess chuckled. "Now, who said the Soul Jam was created by the gods?" She asked as GingerCandy looked back confused. "Aren't the Soul Jams considered, 'The Jewel Relics?' Named after each status of the Five gods?One not known to CookieKind?" He asked as the Priestess sat down with him. "True...but that is their official title and use...however they were only powered by the gods themselves...The one who officially created the Soul Jam...was a cookie." She explained, the young king's eyes widened. "A...A cookie?" They asked...

"Say, GingerCandy, what do you know about Saint Phoenix Cookie?" She asked as Gingerbrave could feel a hand on his chin. "That they were the first Cookie ever...after Earthbread was made by the fallen crumbs of a cookie bigger than them, the cookie founded it and named it Earthbread...later...after completing their journey and fulfilling being the bridge between the gods and cookies, they would later rename themselves Phoenix Cookie, guardian of eternity." GingerCandy explained as the Priestess nodded. "Now this story about them is not recommended to tell to the public...but it is the story of how they and the gods were able to create the Soul Jam..."

"Long ago in the first stages of Earthbread, as Phoenix Cookie was about to make their final call and end their journey, leaving the mortal realm and making their rest, the gods called to them once more..." She begun the story. "The gods called to them as they bowed. 'What is it you ask of me, my lords?' He asked, curious, the gods then explained to them that they couldn't watch over this realm for too long anymore...for the Witches have found a way to breach he was told to create and forge Six Relics of their power..." She begun, as a puff of cloud visualized the story.

"By using Hardened Sugar and Salt, a magical spell that prevents any who was deemed unworthy to use it, and the powers of the Wizards, Phoenix Cookie was able to create...The Jewel Relics or now commonly known...the Soul Jam. But...the Soul Jam could not be protected for long...evil forces wished to take it for themselves and manipulate the power of gods...and such, Phoenix Cookie hid all of them for those who would find them later...however...

When hiding the Sixth one, unknown forces of evil attacked." She stated the puff of cloud turning dark and purple. "Phoenix Cookie had no choice, but to seal away the Six Soul Jam, within himself when they died, so did the Soul Jam...some say it can be recreated...some say it could not...only the Wizards could tell..." The puff of cloud disappeared afterwards. "Does that help...GingerCandy?" She asks smiling...GingerCandy nods, taking notes. "Yeah, it does! Thank you Priestess!" He says bowing his head, already rushing out of the church...

The moment he blinked he was already forward in time...back at GingerCandy's house. "Hardened Sugar and Salt...some of the Life Energy...and...done." They say as Gingerbrave witnessed the whole process of...

Creating his Soul Jam...

GingerCandy sighed satisfied, ready to head to bed...


The power of the Soul Jam glowed bright in his eyes...

The last thing he heard was explosion...then he woke up...

"GingerCandy?!" Gingerbrave asked looking around...he sighed holding his chest...such a...horrifying dream...I mean, it's not fun looking from someone's eyes...

"Oh, shoot what time is it?! I gotta go!" Gingerbrave said leaving his bed unfixed...

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