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3rd PoV
"We have nothing to do." Wildberry remarked, while they were all sitting at the fountain. "Are we to stay idle until Espresso Cookie and GingerChoco are done?" He asked, "Hrmph! Sounds boring!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed. "Waiting around in some city isn't for me, as a proud guardian of the borders of the Dark Cacao Kingdom!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed crossing his arms. "What do you propose?" Wildberry asked curiously. "The Night Market! Let's go back to the Night Market! That place was fishy, I tell ya!" Crunchy Chip suggested. "The atmosphere was different, yes, but one skin to any market or bazaar in Earthbread. It resembled the Grandberry Market back home." Wildberry said, putting a hand over his chin. "Nah, I tell you, there's something weird about that place! If we go looking and sniffing around, I know we're gonna find something! Right Gingerbrave?" It was then he noticed...


That the young cookie was gone. "Weren't we supposed to watch over him?" Wildberry asked, concerned. Crunchy Chip looked around panicking. "He was right here right?! Darn it! Where did that cookie go?!" He remarked. "Lord Wizard Cookie's gonna kill us!" He said panicked. "Hmm...where do we search?" Wildberry asked. "Erm...you check the Night Market, I'll check back at Mansion Madeleine!" Crunchy Chip suggested, Wildberry split up and the both of them ran in their respective directions...


Meanwhile Gingerbrave looked over at the glass stained window in the chapel. He's seen something like this before...after all, they built one in their own kingdom...he feels...blessed...even though he doesn't believe in gods...

Because the real gods he has seen...




"Oh, GingerBrave, is it? Have you come alone?" He turned to Elder Mille-Feuille Cookie asked, though she realized Gingerbrave seemed to not have heard her. "Gingerbrave?"



Y'know, with the whole 'religious beliefs' he has seen, even in his own kingdom...he respected and even experienced those beliefs...but all that talk...



"Gingerbrave, child, are you alright?" Mille-Feuille asked, putting a hand on his shoulder, startling her. "O-Oh! Uhm...hi, Elder...Mille-Fueille?" He said, trying to confirm that was her name. "Are you alright? I was calling out to you earlier, you barely responded." She remarked. "I'm fine! Really!" Gingerbrave said. "Sorry...I was just thinking! I-It's nothing to worry about!" He said, waving both his hands at her. "Welp! Sorry to bother you! Bye!" He said "Just wait a moment!" She spoke as Gingerbrave paused. "perhaps, you could help me? If you have time, that is." She asked.

"I need to visit Choco Mud Town. But I'm too worried with all those rumors about Cookies wearing white masks. Perhaps, you could accompany me? That would make me feel safe out there." She asked, smiling as she did. "Whoah, of course! Leave it to me!" Gingerbrave spoke, holding her hand as if he were a child.

"You mean he's not here?" Crunchy Chip groaned. "Where is GingerChoco then? Isn't he supposed to accompany him?" Madeleine asked, concerned, Wizard Cookie was informed that Madeleine couldn't constantly check up on Gingerbrave due to his... 'private life' but he didn't think the other delegates would take his place! "He's with Espresso! They figured out that was the easiest solution since his ingredients were the easiest to find! I mean come on, guy's made out of Cocoa Powder, how often do cookies use that to make sweets?" Crunchy Chip remarked, Madeleine hummed. "I will help you search for him...perhaps he is at the Lyceum...maybe the Elders summoned him abruptly?" Madeleine suggested. "Hah! I would've heard if those fancy pants came in and summoned him...maybe he went to go talk to them then?" Crunchy Chip implied. "Then try and check Paladin Academy, it's just at the far right to the Divine Sanctum! Perhaps he went to see how Paladins train in the morning?" Madeleine suggested. "Alright...good luck Madeleine!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed riding his wolf and heading that direction. "Hmm..."

"Bustling and busy as yesterday. The narrow streets do not make this easy..." Wildberry thought to himself, scanning the area, it wasn't hard to find Gingerbrave, after all, the cookie stands out more than anything. "Perfect gifts for children, right here! Every child loves these toys! Especially this squeaky puppy, on sale now!" One of the merchants spoke, Wildberry took notice...Crunchy Chip remarked on how it was suspicious...

But he knew better...

"How much is this?" Wildberry asked, "15 Coins! A best bargain price!" They said, Wildberry checked his pockets (Don't ask how he has pockets) taking out his wallet and pulling out the coins and paying for the squeaky toy. "There you go! Enjoy!" I mean...

He heard that Dark Cacao Kingdom is suffering in Poverty right now, their only trade route to the Hollyberry Kingdom being bombarded with beasts from the Licorice Sea...it didn't help that the Hollyberry Kingdom was on a literal separate island on sea. "Hmm...it wouldn't hurt to give a gift..." Wildberry said, checking his wallet again to buy the Herring Jelly Pie.

"Hm..?" He says, as he saw the cookie in a White Mask. The Cookie quickly turned, signaling he was spotted. Wildberry ran after them, no one steals from Queen Hollyberry Cookie!

"So this is Choco Mud town...Wizard Cookie told me about this place." Gingerbrave spoke, remembering that Wizard said he had to go to Choco Mud town to collect a specific ingredient for the Artificial Soul Jam...he even went to Espresso's house! "The back alleys of Choco Mud Town...The most unfortunate Cookies dwell here." Elder Mille-Fueille spoke, almost sorrowfully. "Oh! I remember! There was a Cookie telling everyone about the promised land or something..." he said, Wizard said something about that... "Please... A Coin... Spare a Coin! Huh? That Cookie again!" One of the Back street cookies spoke (I did not name them, they are literally called 'Back Street Cookie 1') "Greetings! I'm glad to have found you in good health. How are your children?" Elder Mille-Feuille spoke. "They went to the beach... Do you have a Coin to spare?" They asked Elder Mille-Feuille added a few coins in their little tin can. "Coins can bring food to your table. But only for a short time. If you seek true salvation, come to the Divine Sanctum. Our doors are always open for everyone." She proclaimed. "Yeah yeah, I've heard that already... I don't wanna mess with that. Move along!" They spatted. "May the Divine Light be with you...Let us go. The children are waiting." She spoke. "S-sure..." Gingerbrave said, looking back at the cookie. "Could you go on ahead? I'll be right behind you!" He said as Elder Mille-Feuille smiled, knowing the direction of where the children were, she went over towards there. Gingerbrave stayed behind, then looked to the Cookies around, he waved his cane around and gave made coins appear next to them. "Hope that helps!" Gingerbrave says, before running after the the Elder.

"Huh...who was that cookie?" One of them asked. "I don't know, I've never seen him before..."

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