GingerCandy's request

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3rd POV
The Ancients looked to him. "The old lands of the Ginger Cookies?" Pure Vanilla said. "Those lands disappeared a long time ago!" Hollyberry explained. "It used to be a land filled with a segregation of Ginger Cookies..." she said explaining further. "Segregation? They didn't live together?" Wizard Cookie asked confused. "Nope...Ginger Cookies usually don't come in packs...they have to live separate from each other." Pure Vanilla explained. "They do this because they're weak, living in packs gives a bigger target on their backs..."
"No wonder they wanted this kingdom secret,GingerCandy was protecting them!" Alchemist added, all of them nodding. "But why did you ask about Paradise Gingerbrave?" She asked curiously. "GingerCandy said that's where they hid the rest of the Ginger Cookies!" Gingerbrave explained, causing a shock. "They're alive?!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed in surprise. Gingerbrave nodded "GingerCandy said that when the Dark Flour War went south, he said that they used magic to guide them to safety!" Gingerbrave explained. Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla looked at each other...nodding. "But, he told me it was no longer safe...that we needed to find it and lead all the Cookies back here!" Gingerbrave explained. "ALL OF THEM?! I don't know about this Gingerbrave...Did you agree to it?!" Wizard Cookie said concerned. Seeing the nod on Gingerbrave's face, Wizard Cookie sighed in disappointment. "Gingebrave! These are citizens of this old kingdom! I don't think it's big enough to fit all the new and old cookies here!" Wizard Cookie explained. "With the added addition, that would take weeks to get supplies for possibly about a a hundred more cookies to live here!" Alchemist explained, calculating the amount. "But we may also take weeks finding them!" Gingerbrave argued back. Causing surprise from the two ancients.

"How so? Me and Holly know the way to paradise by heart." Pure Vanilla explained. "It was a safe-haven for the Ancients when we needed to retreat from a nearby adventure..." He explained further, causing Gingerbrave to shake his head. "GingerCandy said that when he hid the Cookies in paradise, he placed a combined spell so that no cookie would find them!" Gingerbrave explained. "A combined spell?! Is that even possible?!" Wizard Cookie. "I mean, I know it is, but that powerful of a combined spell?!" He exclaimed. Unbelievable knowledge pouring through him. The Ancients looked concerned...
"Beyond that! We should help them! His entire kingdom could be crumbled without our help!" Gingerbrave declared with determination in his eyes. His blue eyes sheering with might. "Ah...well..." Wizard Cookie contemplated. "Oh, have your way with adventures." Wizard said slightly annoyed on how Gingerbrave always has his way of finding trouble. "I'm coming!" Strawberry Cookie said "After all...we did go in adventures before!"

"Hey! Don't forget us!" Chili Pepper Cookie said pointing to her and Custard Cookie III. "Count us in..."
"I do hope you're not thinking of going without a plan!" Alchemist Cookie said sternly. "They won't..." Hollyberry declared. "We are the only ones who know of Paradise's last location...we would be a start." Pure Vanilla added. "Good! Now let's start at the morning!" Gingerbrave declared.

"Right!" Everyone cheered...

However....that night...


Gingebrave woke to someone calling him...he rubbed his eyes and smelt the scent of a cinnamon candle...

he rubbed his eyes and smelt the scent of a cinnamon candle

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New artsyle cause yes...

"Huh?" Gingerbrave spoke, seeing Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry from the dim candlelight... "Pure Vanilla Cookie? Hollyberry Cookie? It's the middle of the night..." Gingerbrave remarked. "We know...but...we just want to ask a few's about GingerCandy..." Pure Vanilla spoke softly,his grip slightly tightening on the candle. Gingerbrave got up and sat on the bed, Pure Vanilla put down the candle, preferring to sit on the floor along with Hollyberry.
"Ok...ask away!" Gingerbrave whispered, as if anyone was going to be awake. "Well...Question one: How was GingerCandy?" Hollyberry asked concerned, Gingerbrave guessed it was because none of them had met a long time... "He's doing well! He doesn't have injuries or is sick!" Gingerbrave explained. Both Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry sighed in relief.

"What did he tell you? Other than that request..." Pure Vanilla asked. "He told me that you guys were good friends...but...he didn't want to talk about his relation to you..." Gingerbrave explained. "He was to keep you guys safe..." Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry were confused. "But...Dark Enchantress Cookie knows that we are important to him...what's the point?" Pure Vanilla spoke. "I don't know...he just told me it was to keep you safe..." Gingerbrave replied...a little ashamed he didn't really have any answers... "I see...and...that glowing orb...did he say anything about that?" Hollyberry asked. Seeing the shock in Gingerbrave's eyes as he realized "Oh shoot! I forgot to ask!" He said "Sorry..."

"It's alright Gingerbrave...I'm sure you were bedazzled by his home to even remember and were in quite a shock before then..." Pure Vanilla chuckled "Well...that was all...we may leave now...sleep well Gingerbrave..." Pure Vanilla spoke as both him and Hollyberry got up...they showed themselves to the door of Gingerbrave's room. "By the way...where did you get that cloak?" Hollyberry asked curiously. "Oh! GingerCandy gave me his when I was in that was...kinda cold..." Hollyberry flinched at the reply...but nodded. "Goodnight Gingerbrave" Hollyberry spoke before she and Pure Vanilla left the room... "Goodnight!" Gingerbrave replied...after that getting ready to sleep and snuggle in the warm feeling of the cloak the lost Ancient had given him...

after that getting ready to sleep and snuggle in the warm feeling of the cloak the lost Ancient had given him

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"May the winds protect you on your journey

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"May the winds protect you on your journey..."

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