Day 2 begins...

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3rd POV
The Second Day arrives, as Gingerbrave wakes up from his bed, he stares at the place Dark Enchantress Cookie was, wondering if he was imagining things or not? Anywho- He was going to tour Clotted Cream Cookie around the kingdom today! Getting up and wearing the cloak, with his favorite Cane. He stepped put of the Inn and greeted good morning and farewell to start the new day! Heading directly at the direction of the Consul.

"How may I aid you?" Financier Cookie asked as Gingerbrave walked towards the Consul's door. "Um, hullo? I'm Gingerbrave! I promised Clotted Cream Cookie I'd show him around." Gingerbrave spoke. "I see...remain here please" she instructed, opening the door to inform Clotted Cream. "Good morning Gingerbrave! Thank you for coming!" Clotted Cream remarked shaking the young cookie's hand. "Don't mention it! The weather is gorgeous today. Perfect for a tour of the kingdom!" Gingerbrave spoke, after all the Sun was shining that much. "I cannot wait! And it seems that I have chosen the perfect Cookie to be my guide!" He complimented. "You sure did! Alright where should we start?" Gingerbrave asked.

Soon enough they were headed to the Wafflebot Hanger. The first visit of the tour. "Oh wow! The Wafflebot Hanger's still there!" Gingerbrave remarked in awe and in surprise. "I see screws and other mechanical parts lying around. And...machinery that has stopped working. These robots...They look exactly the same as the construction robots in the Republic!" Clotted Cream remarked looking around in awe. "These are called Wafflebots! Apparently the old Vanillians created them!" Gingerbrave began explaining. "When we first met them, they were ferocious! But I guess...they're asleep right now? Look! They're standing still!" He remarked. Just then, the robot activated. "AGH! They're awake!" He yelled.

"HUH? WHAT'S GOING ON? Who dares to mess with my robots...?!" Then came in Strawberry Crepe, irritated and annoyed. "Wait, GINGERBRAVE?!" They exclaimed in surprise. "Strawberry Crepe Cookie! Have you been here all this time?! With the Wafflebots?!" Gingerbrave asked surprised. "Duh! Who else has the craftsmanship and brains to take care of the Wafflebots other than me, Strawberry Crepe Cookie?" They declared, guess they're love and pride for robotics hasn't died out... "And who's that pasty cookie next to you?" They asked sort of spiteful. "Let me introduce you to Clotted Cream Cookie! A new friend of mine!" Gingerbrave introduced. "Clotted Cream Cookie claims he's a descendant of the Vanilla Kingdom! From House Custard of the Creme Republic. Isn't that awesome?" He continued, though he may have overdone that intro... "Custard...? Custard...Now where did I hear that before...?" They mumbled to themselves. "Eh. Whatever." They remarked, shrugging. "Then let's see what you're made of! Let me analyze you!" They demanded, pulling put the device they had. "E-Excuse me?! What is the meaning of this?!" Clotted Cream exclaimed "Oh it's nothing, I'm just analyzing your dough! Now stand still, will you?" They demanded once more."Let's see...hmm... 25% grace, 23% brilliance, 20% ambition, 10% condensed cream, and...2% connivingness." They spoke analyzing the ingredients within him. "Pff. Haha! Not much to see if you ask me!"

"You dare analyze another Cookie's ingredients without their consent?! Such disrespect...!" Financier yelled in anger. "It is alright. I am surprised this kingdom still has functioning robots. They must be ancient and yet they operate as if they were built yesterday. How remarkable!" Clotted Cream remarked. "And this analyzing skill of yours seems very useful." "Of course it is! I'm quite the genius you see!" Strawberry Crepe replied, must've hit a soft spot on them. "Ha ha. Yes, yes. Let us talk more about robotics later. I should get going now." He spoke, motioning to Gingerbrave. "Hmph. He's not so bad! He did recognize my brilliance after all!" Strawberry Crepe remarked to themselves and their growing ego.

"Wait but...His dough didn't contain any custard..."

"Now this is the inn! You can rest here, eat here, talk here and more! All in all, a very fun place to be!" Gingerbrave spoke as they arrived at the Crow's Nest Inn. "Come in, Come in! Welcome to the Crow's Nest Inn!" The Inkeeper spoke, welcoming them. "What an energetic place!" Clotted Cream remarked looking around the place. "Yup, built from the ground up by yours truly! Me and my friends from the village down there worked hard to make it the best inn in the land!" He informed the details. "And I still can't believe we get paid for our work, he he! If you told me we'd be able to afford raisins back then, we wouldn't have believed ya!" He spoke, his eyes closing and cheeks rising indicated a smile. "Hello...! Is it your first time in the Vanilla Kingdom? How are you liking it so far?" A Raisin Villager asked. (I need names-) "I find it most wonderful! Such an inviting place full of vibrancy and optimism!" Clotted Cream replied. "Oh. You should try this! It's called a Raisin Jelly! Have you ever had Raisin Jellies?" The villager asked curiously. "Hmm...I do not think I am familiar with Raisin Jellies..." He replied with sure curiosity. "So...would you like to try one?" The villager asked, getting giddy and holding a plate filled with Raisin Jellies. (Honestly Raisins actually taste good)

"Clotted Cream Cookie, it would be wise to ascertain the source of such food before consumption...! Who knows what unverified ingredients are in there..." Financier warned, obviously trying to keep the Consul safe, albeit in a...fancy matter. "Oh, Financier Cookie! It is most impolite to refuse a welcome gift! Thank you so much, kind Cookie!" Clotted Cream spoke, grabbing a Raisin Jelly then proceeding to consume it. "What do you think? It's good, right?!" The villager asked, most excited when cookies try out their Raisin Jellies. "Most delicious and chewy! And the balance of sweetness and tartness is just impeccable!" He remarked. "Oh, I'm so glad! Would you like another one?" The Villager asked, putting the plate up once more. "Oh no. No no...I usually skip breakfast. But thank you!"

"I was delighted to learn more about the local cuisine! Now I should continue my tour, for there is more to see in your wonderful kingdom!" Clotted Cream informed. "I gotta admit, I thought you'd be more difficult, but you're pretty swell!" The villager remarked putting the plate down. "Ha ha! I'll save more Raisin Jellies for you! Have fun bye!

They proceeded unto the tour as normal...However...
Clotted Cream stared at Gingerbrave for a bit...Financier warned him that despite his personality and his total ordinary looks, his power is that of equal to Pure Vanilla...and the way this completely ordinary cookie has been here once and is attending the Council as a representative of an unknown kingdom with a joint leadership...he begins to keep a close eye on him a bit...during the tour, he feels as if he should ignore first...but it's strange...

Everytime they finish visiting a place...he would swear he could feel a bit of a strong aura of light coming from him...

He should learn more during the tour...

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