Investigation: Clotted Cream's POV p2

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3rd POV

"Halt, state your purpo-Ah, Consul. Welcome, Clotted Cream Cookie." The Oyster Envoy spoke. "Greetings. I have sent word to Elder Oyster Cookie in advance requesting an audience. May I enter?" Clotted Cream asked as she nodded. "Of course, Consul. Please, this way." She motioned opening the door. "Clotted Cream Cookie. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Elder Oyster asked as she ascended the flight of stairs. (Woman, I love you, but uhh...sometimes you give me Childe vibes). "Manor Oyster is as radiant as I remember. The glimmering of pearls throughout its halls is beautiful as always." Clotted Cream spoke. "The affluence of House Oyster has consistently grown throughout the years. Especially so due to Captain Caviar's assistance." Elder Oyster spoke motioning her hand around the manor. "But please, sit. Ah, a cup of tea for the Consul please." She said motioning to the seat in front of the balcony. "Right away, madam." The envoy begun as they walked away. "Apologies, but I'm afraid I do not have the leisure for tea. I must soon return to my duties." Clotted Cream spoke to the envoy,but she already left as swiftly as she spoke. "Oh? And here I assumed you were visiting to speak of important matters in privacy, which is why I've asked my aide to remain outside during your visit. For you to send an envoy, immediately after the assembly in the Lyceum... There is something on your mind, is there not?" Elder Oyster caught on, there was no reason for the Consul to step into the manor with personal issues...especially for House Oyster. "Truly nothing can get past your sharp eyes and wit, Madam Oyster Cookie. Your insight shines brighter than the most valuable of pearls." Clotted Cream remarked. "I am compelled to inform you of an... incident that occurred while transporting the Soul Jam. Unknown assailants, concealing their faces in masks of white, ambushed us and stole the Soul Jam." He explained. "Though we successfully recovered the Soul Jam... My mind continues to dwell on the ambush. They seemed to be moving according to an agreed plan."

"Cookies in white masks? I'm unfamiliar with such a group. Do you have any suspicions as to who they may be?" Elder Oyster asked curious, it's been at least a decade maybe since something interesting has happened in the Republic, the last time possibly was when Captain Caviar became one of the Elders. "I do not. However..." he was unsure if he could trust her, but Elder Oyster was known for keeping her mouth shut when something interesting appeals to her. "No one outside of the Convocation of Elders knew of our mission to retrieve the Soul Jam. In other words, an Elder is directly involved in this incident." Clotted Cream spoke bluntly as the Elder sighed. "Hm...I see. Are you certain you can voice these concerns to me, a member of the Convocation of Elders?" She asked calmly, as if trying to see the reaction. " I am certain that you, Elder Oyster Cookie, are not responsible." He bluntly stated. "What have you to gain from such subterfuge? House Oyster is the wealthiest and most influential house in the Crème Republic. Why engage from the shadows with a group of masked Cookies?" He asked as Elder Oyster chuckled. "Ha ha! You speak the truth. Indeed, those are not my methods. Though speaking in such a manner is somewhat poignant, I must be frank, Consul. Each member has their own set of motives and schemes in play." She stated, "One cannot reach such positions of power and prominence without ambition. I am certain there is a member whose main interest lies in Soul Jam itself, rather than the imminent war with Dark Enchantress Cookie looming at our doorstep. It may not even be one member. It could be two, three, maybe more." She proposed, knowing the Consul possibly has an answer. "Hence the reason for the utmost caution, madam." Clotted Cream warned. "I have asked the delegates from the kingdoms to assist in a discrete investigation."

"You already have a plan in motion? I am impressed. It seems our young Consul was truly a perfect fit for the job." She smirked, but her expression quickly changed as she warned. "But, heed my advice. Do not be too trusting, I myself included."

"As a Cookie of the sea and one who witnessed the founding of our Republic, I've seen much change sweep across our nation throughout the years. I've amassed a great fortune of pearls and stand at the forefront of House Oyster... And yet, if given the opportunity to claim Soul Jam as my own for an eternity of wealth and power, I would not hesitate to seize that chance." Elder Oyster stated. " ...I understand." Clotted Cream spoke. "Pardon the intrusion, I'm afraid the Consul's tea will go to waste...two Paladins are here to seek your audience sir..." The envoy informed as the Consul reacted. "I see...please excuse me, Venerable Elder" he spoke as they both nodded in understanding.

Madeleine and Financier were waiting outside. "Well?" Clotted Cream asked as The both of them looked at each other cautiously, "we found no evidence within the Elders..." Financier informed. "But...Elder Vanilla Sugar proposed an idea we might've overlooked." She spoke as Clotted Cream raised a brow curiously.

"Have we considered maybe the delegates were involved in the event? Perhaps Gingerbrave?" Financier asked as Clotted Cream's eyes widened. "I...agree that, I never considered it...but how could he? Especially since he was right there with us." Clotted Cream asked. "There are some facts to it Consul, he was there with us, and he is a leader of a kingdom, Elder Vanilla Sugar stated that the Ginger Cookies follow a different Divine Creator than the Divine Light we serve, the cookies in White Masks were speaking something of punishment and providence." She explained. "But Gingerbrave was personally congratulated at the Council." Clotted Cream recalled. "Then could that cookie...? Especially one with that plain of dough...we only saw him disorient Dark Cacao, he nearly got killed fighting a Golem...which he recognized..." Clotted Cream remarked as he nodded.

"If this is the case...I'm afraid Gingerbrave will have to go on trial...perhaps..."

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