The Convocation of Elders

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3rd PoV
"Venerable Elders. Thank you for granting us this audience. Without further ado, I shall deliver my report on the summit held at the Vanilla Kingdom." Clotted Cream begun. "I've invited Ser Madeleine Cookie and Espresso Cookie to provide their input as well. Now then... upon my arrival at the summit..." he informed. He begun his explanation for how he was able to get the Soul Jam, in explicit detail, never leaving out any. "...And thus, we have succeeded in transporting the Soul Jam to our Republic." He explained. "They are safely secured in the Institute of Thaumaturgy, and we have already begun a detailed analysis." And with that he ended his report. "The Ancient Heroes, willingly giving their Soul Jam! And you bringing them here safely too! Well done!" Elder Vanilla Sugar praised, joy filling her heart. "As it is natural that we preserve our traditions as the rightful descendants of the Vanilla Kingdom, it is just as natural we have a say in the Ancient Heroes' usage of Soul Jam!" She says. "Let us proceed with special commendations tomorrow at the Divine Sanctum!"

"I beg your pardon, but my research must take precedence. Receiving a commendation also means I must partake in a... frivolous ceremony." Espresso says bluntly. "Have you truly the audacity to reject such an offer? They are only bestowed upon the greatest of the Crème Republic! A magnificent gift from the Divines themselves!" She says insulted that he didn't accept, Espresso only sighed, knowing that he couldn't say no. "I still cannot believe it! Soul Jam of legend... here in our Republic. Is that why I felt an overwhelming presence of vigor and power? Or perhaps my senses are more attuned to perceive such things!" Elder Sable spoke delighted. "It sounds like our scientists will have their hands quite full!" Elder Mulled Juice remarked (Man how are you even there? You're a juice, how the frick are you Vanillian???) "Hmm... Consul. How are you going to proceed?" Elder Canele spoke curiously. "The Institute of Thaumaturgy will proceed with its research at full-speed. No expenses will be spared, no equipment will be unused." Clotted Cream informed. "The energy contained within Soul Jam will be scrutinized to the smallest granule of sugar. We must then find a way to safely harness a portion of this energy for other Cookies to use. If we succeed, Cookies all over Earthbread will have the strength to stand up against Dark Enchantress Cookie." He says. "HA! HA HA HA HA! It sounds like a good way to thwart some more pirates too!" Captain Caviar spoke. "It may be possible to use a portion of the Soul Jam's power to heal the sick and tend to the wounded." Elder Baumkuchen suggested. "Regardless of the outcome, my heart yearns to see a world where no Cookies will face the pain and grief of war." Elder Mille-Feuille said tenderly. "A job well done, Clotted Cream Cookie! Convincing the Ancient Heroes is quite the achievement! Elder Custard Cookie! You must be extremely proud of Clotted Cream Cookie's success!" He says. "Quite so, but it is times like these when one must remain humble." Elder Custard spoke (screw you-) "To clarify... The Ancient Heroes have not entirely relinquished their Soul Jam, correct?" Elder Oyster asked for confirmation. "Correct. We are working on borrowed time, and must take full advantage to research its power. The Ancient Heroes still have a full say in all matters of the Soul Jam." Clotted Cream informed. "Exactly how much time?" Elder Oyster asks. "Their proposal left us no room for error." Clotted Cream replied...he always saw her as a sorta...mother figure.

"And it better not have been an empty promise." Wildberry threaten, putting himself into view. "Who are these Cookies?" Vanilla Sugar asked "Ah, pardon me for the lack of introduction. These Cookies are delegates from the Dark Cacao and Hollyberry Kingdoms. They are here to ensure the safety of the Ancient Heroes' Soul Jam." Clotted Cream introduced. "I go wherever my great King Dark Cacao Cookie commands! I was ordered to keep the Soul Jam safe at any cost and I never disobey orders! His Soul Jam is here and I'm keeping an eye on all of you!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed. "Her Majesty Hollyberry Cookie and the other Ancient Heroes have come to this decision after much deliberation. Their will is to see peace on all of Earthbread and I hope you won't disappoint them." Wildberry explained, contrary to Crunchy Chip's bluntness. "If successful, this research will remain in history for all time. Our Convocation's legacy and the name of the Crème Republic will be remembered by all future generations. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of the world rests in the hands of our fair city." Elder Oyster explained...but as soon as she ended... "Ahem." Madeleine directed to Gingerbrave. "Ah...and one other thing...I'd like to request something of you well as introduce you to someone." Clotted Cream said as Gingerbrave stepped forward. "This here is Sir of the leaders of apparently a kingdom lost to time and history...ever heard of the Ginger Kingdom?" Clotted Cream asked as Vanilla Sugar and Elder Custard (Calling him just 'Custard' makes me feel weird) just flinched at the familiarity. "This is the leader of the Lost Kingdom of The Ginger Cookies?" Vanilla Sugar asked. "One of the leaders...he humbly asks a request from his own government." Clotted Cream asked as Gingerbrave begun to speak. "Hi,I uh...I'm glad to finally meet you! Clotted Cream speaks a lot about you during the Council..." Gingerbrave begun a little nervous. "He does? Well we expect well with our dear Consul...tell us, what is it you request?" Oyster asks curiously. "Well, my kingdom already has some research about making artificial Soul Jam...and my kingdom would like to ask to collab." Gingerbrave requested as the Elders talked among themselves. "A Kingdom lost to time already having research on Artificial Soul Jam? Hmm...I didn't expect less from the lost kingdom of GingerCandy." Vanilla Sugar said. "From what I could hear he possibly studied alongside Pure Vanilla Cookie...and was a powerful wizard despite being a Ginger Cookie." Vanilla Sugar stated as Gingerbrave cringed at the false GingerCandy hid the fact that he was an Ancient even back then? " was possible for his kingdom to wield such research..." Elder Custard spoke. "Hmm...very well, we shall collab with you Sir Gingerbrave...the more faster we continue the research the more results we get..." He spoke as Gingerbrave smiled. "There is another request...not coming from Gingerbrave himself." Clotted Cream explained. "The former Princess, now one of the leaders of their now named (insert kingdom name here sorry if this is getting annoying probably all of you should suggest a name that will be fitting for a kingdom that will fit all yall cause I don't want to keep writing that) has asked during the Council a request for more security to be involved." Clotted Cream explained leaving the Elders confused. "Why the nee for extra security? Hasn't there been enough delegates?" Mulled Juice asked concerned. " be heard, Their former King, GingerCandy, perished during the timespan of the Dark Flour War." Clotted Cream remarked. "They explained that the king went missing one day an never such they request the same never happen to Gingerbrave as he is 'Traveling Unknown land' He explained trying not to insult the request and the Elders. "A lot of security for just one cookie? Ah...won't that cause panic among the Republic?" Captain Caviar asks concerned. "Sorry about that...but she insisted...GingerCandy was her father and she doesn't like the same thing happening to me." Gingerbrave explained even though he was very capable of defending himself...perhaps she was concerned about her father's Soul is very important... "Goodness! My condolences to her...if this is a personal concern then perhaps it is best we agree for the safety of another leader within our grounds." Mille-Feuille spoke as the Elders agreed. "We shall agree to these terms...and with that, this meeting is dismissed."

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