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3rd POV

The two Cookies travers through the cold and unforgiving mist, however, they were unaffected by it

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The two Cookies travers through the cold and unforgiving mist, however, they were unaffected by it...mostly GingerCandy. Gingerbrave felt the place get warmer and warmer...he felt the mist subside...and suddenly they were in another place...
"Where are we?" Gingerbrave asked, staring at the big tree, marked with windows and lanterns. One single door was the only thing that showed it was a living place. "My home..." GingerCandy spoke. "Mind if we go inside?" They asked, Gingerbrave hesitated, but nodded as GingerCandy opened the door.


Hollyberry sat in the chair of Pure Vanilla's home, after visiting the kingdom, while they try to rebuild and restable the Vanilla Kingdom, Pure Vanilla and the villagers from Black Raisin's hometown, and they've been staying there for a while. "Find anything yet?" Hollyberry asked "No...I don't get it! This is the exact same spell! Yet, nothing about the mist! Or Gingerbrave's Cane..." Pure Vanilla said, putting both his hands on his face. "Why must he combine spells all the time?" He said with frustration. "Combine spells?" Hollyberry asked... "Yeah...this one is a private communication spell, then the other is a transportation spell. The one from earlier was a warning spell, mixed with a silencing spell." Pure Vanilla explained. "Well, he did say that spells are little holiday decorations, meant to hide the purpose of the user" Hollyberry chuckled, recalling the times with GingerCandy...when something hit Pure Vanilla. "Of course! They're just decorations! Meaning...that...that's not the full spell!" He spoke.

"Quick! We need to see if the castle has a library!" Pure Vanilla said ecstatically. He rushed outside the door, "Hey wait up! Geez!" Hollyberry exclaimed before rushing after Pure Vanilla. "What are we supposed to find in there anyway?" Hollyberry asked running pass a bunch of Cookies.

"The Mistletoe spells! GingerCandy always wanted to use them, and I bet, since we haven't interacted...they know how to use them by now!"

Gingerbrave looked around in awe, books and books galore of endless and countless knowledge! Wizard Cookie would love to see this! The place was enchanted! Decorated like a Christmas party with Mistletoes and Wreaths everywhere...The birds were even pure white!
"This looks so cool!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, still dawning the green cloak. GingerCandy only smiled, pleased that a Cookie that was meant for his kingdom would see this place. "This was my home, before I founded the Cookie Kingdom...I remember every single book and spells I landed my hands on..."
They said, calmly... "This is where I met Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry...I was glad to see they were doing well..." He said turning and smiling "And this is where I wanted to talk..." he said...

Gingerbrave could tell under his smile, this was a serious matter... "Well...what is it?" He asked, tilting his head like the curious little Cookie he was. "This is where the last of my subjects reside..." GingerCandy explained, shocking Gingerbrave "Your people? Your subjects?! They're alive?!" Gingerbrave's said, as GingerCandy nodded their head. "But, they were considered the weakest Cookies back then! How?" Gingerbrave asked as GingerCandy chuckled. "Oh it wasn't hard...I am a Ginger Cookie myself...the Ginger subjects...were guided to this land by my magic when things went south during the Dark Flour War..." GingerCandy said. "My Cookies were no longer safe...I had to guide them some place else...Paradise..." They explained further. "Paradise? That's the name?" Gingerbrave asked. "Yes...Paradise..."
GingerCandy stared...then sighed. "Gingerbrave...I call upon you...and seek your Cookies need to return home to this kingdom...Paradise...cannot protect them anymore..." GingerCandy warned dimly, his eyes turning to a serious gaze. Gingerbrave panicked in concern, "What?! Why?! What's wrong with Paradise?!" He exclaimed. "Unlike the spells I cast upon my kingdom...the ones in Paradise do not last forever...for it is a land bigger than my own kingdom...The Mistletoe Spells will not protect them from Dark Enchantress Cookie." He explained, kneeling down towards Gingerbrave's level. "Therefore, they must return to the kingdom...And I need your help finding it..." GingerCandy explained further, putting a hand on Gingerbrave's shoulder. "My help? But...can't you find it on your own?" He asked...the Ancient guided their people towards Paradise and yet doesn't know the way?

"No...I cannot...I designed the spells as a mix between the Stealth spell and the Nature spells...The forests and paths that might lead to the land constantly change...therefore, making it impossible to find Paradise...the Stealth Spell, allows the land to be hidden from the rest of the world..." GingerCandy explained, "That's powerful! But I guess I get why that kinda...backfires..." Gingerbrave said. The Ancient smiled and sighed "I will help you GingerCandy! Find your subjects and take them back home! You'll see!" Gingerbrave said, his eyes gleaming with passion and content...GingerCandy sighed in relief... "Thank you..." GingerCandy said with a relieved smile. The mist comes back, surrounding them both. "Now time must be wasted..." GingerCandy said, before disappearing in the mist...

"Look!" Strawberry Cookie said, pointing towards the same spot Gingerbrave disappeared from. "The mist! It's back!" Wizard Cookie said in surprise, the mist roared and glowed. Then started to disappear once more...

"Gingerbrave!" The main gang shouted, pulling Gingerbrave into the biggest group bear hug

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"Gingerbrave!" The main gang shouted, pulling Gingerbrave into the biggest group bear hug. There were a mix of "we were so worried" and "Glad you're ok" in different versions, but everyone was happy he was alright. "Where were you?!" Alchemist Cookie asked. "Pure Vanilla said you were transported somewhere!" She continued, only to see Gingerbrave's eyes gleam. "I just saw someone cool!"

"I met, the guy from the statue!" He said in excitement. "What?! He's alive?!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed. "Hold on! Let's take this inside!" Alchemist Cookie announced as they pulled Gingerbrave back into his home, they had to figure out how to unlock his room first and explain to Gingerbrave why his Candy Cane had a Christmas-themed bow attached to it. "This is so exciting! Turns out, his name was GingerCandy! And they're just like me! A Ginger Cookie!" Gingerbrave said ecstatic. "We did know about the Ginger Cookie part, but not the name?" Wizard Cookie said. "This is interesting"
"Why did he transport you, WHERE did he transport you?" Alchemist Cookie asked. "He transported me back to his home before he ruled this kingdom. You should've seen it! It was so festive, with tons and tons of books!" Gingerbrave explained. "As for why...he wanted to talk to me, you know...since I'm...technically the last Ginger Cookie that Earthbread knows of..." He explained further. "One Ginger Cookie to another I guess..." Alchemist Cookie wrote down in her notes. "Strange...the Ancients never talked about a GingerCandy..." Wizard Cookie noted curiously...Gingerbrave could see the two Ancients shudder a bit...he knew they couldn't speak of, he couldn't blame them...and GingerCandy did give him a last minute request before he was transported back... "Do not speak of my relations with the Ancients" they said. "For your safety...and for the rest of the Cookies..."

"Well...he was actually just a Wizard...a powerful one! And this Kingdom was made in secret, not even Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla know it!" He lied...but he had to fulfill that request, he could see the slight relief and confusion in the Ancients eyes, but they knew that maybe something happened with GingerCandy... "A powerful wizard king? How could the Ancients not hear of him?!" Alchemist Cookie said skeptical. "Because if we heard that a Ginger Cookie was a 'powerful wizard king' we would call bollocks." Hollyberry explained, Ginger Cookies during the time were the weakest amongst the Cookie ranks...causing Alchemist to understand the situation. "And besides, the Kingdom was for Ginger Cookies too! Of course he wouldn't be public about it" Gingerbrave explained. "This whole land, was made by Ginger Cookies?! Wow...its no wonder...they're not alive anymore..." Wizard Cookie explained... "Actually about that..." Gingerbrave stepped in.

"There was another reason why he transported me to his home..." Gingerbrave explained and looked to the Ancients.

"Is there a place called "Paradise" around Earthbread?"

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