Once more a Trial is held

480 20 18

3rd POV

Gingerbrave stared at the sky from the balcony beside him, his face completely blank, he held a paper in his hands as, written down were a list of things to say...

'I'm sorry I never informed-'
'I had no choice-'
'Last request-'

Most of them were scribbled out...

He continued to stare...looking deeply in the sky and lost in thought, he had all the answers in his head...and yet despite his name he was afraid...

Gingerbrave thoughts landed on his past...and he shook away the burdens no matter how heavy...

Breaking the unending, peaceful silence was Gingerpeach who opened the door to check on him, she sighed as she saw how deep in thought he was...

"Just a few minutes Gingerpeach..." Gingerbrave spoke, still staring at the sky. "You know how impatient these Vanillians are...you probably don't have a few minutes..." Gingerpeach warned, he responded with a nod. "A few minutes please..."

Gingerpeach sighed and closed the door leaving him in the silence once more...

Gingerbrave thought about the past...
What would Dozer say in this situation?

What would he advise to him at this point in time?


He was alone now...
GingerCandy had stopped responding to his call...ever since he lost control, it must've allowed GingerCandy to abruptly pass on...and yet...

He still needs someone's wisdom...


Help him...


He's on his own...

"An Outrage! A scandal!" Elder Custard yelled, in an accusatory tone. "You better explain this situation! You!" Wizard stood his ground against the accusations...he's heard it all from this loudmouth who calls himself a cookie...Traitor...Lying Deceptive PowerHungry scum...Gingerbrave was none of those things...

"I can assure you we have a reasonable explanation, GingerCandy himself had requested no one know about the Sixth Soul Jam, that includes us!" Wizard explained. "How many times do you have to have that explanation?"

"Bah! Absurd! Why would an Ancient hide his power?! GingerCandy Cookie has always conspired against Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Elder Vanilla Sugar explained, riling up Dark Cacao. "You...!"

Gingerbrave opened the doors, greeted by silence as he entered, his face no longer held the warm and brave smile, instead his face looked like...

'Dozer...' Both Wizard and Strawberry thought, staying silent...they knew that face...very rarely would Gingerbrave be serious about something...and he was really serious today...

And that usually led to an argument with Gingerbrave and Dozer...both stubborn to the core...

"I...assume you were arguing about me?" Gingerbrave asked, as The Elders looked at him with distrust... "You...! You better have a good explanation for this!" Elder Canele demanded, looking incredibly pissed. "Lay it off him will ya?! He's just a kid..." Captain Caviar explained as Elder Custard scoffed. "Clotted Cream Cookie was younger than this! I bet someone who's led a whole kingdom can handle a bit of argument."

Wizard shot up from his seat, but Gingerbrave placed a hand out for him to calm down and sit back. "I understand you're all upset...I had my reasons..."

"First is exactly what Wizard said...we were just honoring GingerCandy's last request...Secondly...the Soul Jam is just a replica of the original 5." Gingerbrave explained which caused the Elders to look at him with shock. "What?"

"The Soul Jam just like the Magic Candy...GingerCandy created the first recipe and we've been using this Soul Jam as a base..." Gingerbrave explained. "If I told you about it...then you would've just snatched it like the rest, right?"

"Don't tell me that wasn't your plan all along..." Gingerbrave spoke, his face darkening. Elder Custard's face seemed pale, as he became angered. "You dare-!"

"Espresso, what was the reason you were FIRED from the Institution of Thaumaturgy?" Gingerbrave spoke in a stern manner, scaring even Espresso. His temper clearly wasn't one to be tested with...

"I...refused to proceed with the distribution of Magic Candy through the use of Pearls...I thought it'd be a dangerously hazard if we substituted Pearls with the ingredients from the Magic Candy...and another factor...Magic Candy only holds when it bonds with the ingredients of a certain cookie." Espresso explained and Gingerbrave nodded. "And why did Clotted Cream decide to substitute Pearls for the original?"

"Well...he wanted to distribute them to the Pearl Legion..."

"Without consulting us first?" Dark Cacao asked, which clearly infuriated him. Honestly it made Clotted Cream almost hide behind Financier again... "Yes..."

"So a power play from the Republic? I understand having to share the Soul Jam with Cookies, but you're telling me that a whole Legion belonging to the Republic will get the Soul Jam's power first?" Gingerbrave asked, now being the one pinning them against a corner.

"Gingerbrave-" Clotted Cream tried to speak, but Gingerbrave shut him up. "You asked if I had intentions of telling you about my Soul Jam...I am telling you now..."

Gingerbrave then put his hands down on the table in front of him. "I had and I would've...but Clotted Cream proved to me that you would use it as a weapon." Gingerbrave spoke, absolutely pissed. "So either you do way with that information, or I'm taking Espresso as the main leading Scientist and continue the Magic Candy Research in the Time Kingdom."

The Elders stared, looking at each other in silence, Gingerbrave waited for a response, but they remained silent. "...so...what else are we going to talk about?"

"Nothing else Gingerbrave...that is all...sorry if that irritated you too much..." Pure Vanilla spoke, slightly concerned for Gingerbrave as he sighed. "I was worried...it's too early to start a war now...I'll be resting some more..."

Gingerbrave walked away and left the room in a swift.

"That was strange..." Hollyberry remarked slightly concerned as well. "Don't be...this is slightly normal if he's pushed hard enough..." Wizard explained, to which caused curiosity. "When we lived in fear...Gingerbrave and his brother Dozer were the ones taking care of us...like any sibling sometimes they would argue...it's rare, but we know it can happen..." Strawberry explained. "It's scary sometimes...but he'll apologize later..."

"What does he need an apology for?" Captain Caviar spoke. "These Vanillian-Flavored Milk for brains can't even think of anything else other than what is good for themselves...even now they cover up Elder Mille-Fuille's involvement with the cult!" He said. "Kid deserved to push some boundaries and respect!"

"It is only a natural reaction, Hollyberry, Pure Vanilla." GingerPeach spoke. "You know how hard it is to be a leader..."

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