Bury the memory.

355 17 24

3rd POV
"Gingerbrave...you called?"

Gingerbrave looked to the window, while Strawberry and Wizard stood next to the door concerned.

They waited for his reply, knowing him, it was probably serious...


"Do forgive us for ending this ordeal on a sour note..." Clotted Cream apologized bowing. "And send my regards to Gingerbrave..."

"I'm sure Gingerbrave would forgive you Clotted Cream..." Pure Vanilla spoke. "Even if he did point out some of your wrongs...usually a child still feels guilt after speaking up..."

"Tell 'im not to be hard on 'imself, he's a good kid." Captian Caviar spoke. "And a strong one as well...that little guy will be going places that's for sure."

"Well then we'll be off..." Clotted Cream spoke, turning away.

"Clotted Cream Cookie...about that info about Gingerbrave...you say he uhm...was born into a land outside of Earthbread correct? Where do you suppose that land is...?" Pure Vanilla asked with curiosity.

"I...am not sure...he was particularly vague about it...best not to press any further..." Clotted Cream spoke. He wasn't afraid of Gingerbrave breaking down, second worst case scenario is when Wizard comes and blasts him with lightning...

These children are scary...

He should've known that though...

"I see..."

After they left, Dark Cacao and Hollyberry surrounded Pure Vanilla. "Why did you ask that question?" Dark Cacao asked. "When White Lily Cookie became Dark Enchantress Cookie...in search of a perfect cookie...she spoke of a land beyond Earthbread...a land that allowed her to discover the truth about this world..." Pure Vanilla spoke. "I wonder if Gingerbrave hails from that land?"

"He may not know this but...when I was captured, I heard some of her ramblings...she believes that the cookies were made to be eaten..." Pure Vanilla spoke. "But now...when I hear Gingerbrave's origins...I thought...maybe she misunderstood...?"


The Ancients looked at Wizard and Strawberry Cookie, their faces looked serious as if they were delivering bad news...

"Wizard Cookie, Strawberry Cookie, how may we help you?"

"I'm sorry...what?" Pure Vanilla asked in concern for Gingerbrave, who looked emptily at the table full of tea and sweets...

"...I want to give my brother a proper burial..." Gingerbrave spoke. "As well as the other cookies who died trying to get here..."

"I...understand but...you need our help?" Pure Vanilla asked with concern, as Gingerbrave gripped his hand.

"Making...17 shrouds is...hard to do alone...even with the materials we have in the Time Kingdom..." Gingerbrave spoke, he paused when he spoke 17, reminding him that out of 20 only 3 remained alive...

"You remember them individually?" Dark Cacao asked, to which Gingerbrave nodded. "Every single one."

"By Earthbread sakes Gingerbrave..." Hollyberry rubbed her forehead. "How are you still even sane after that? Or even not affected?"

"It hurts to think about sometimes...I thought it would go away eventually...but..."

Gingerbrave paused, looking to Wizard and Strawberry as emotional support. "I hated burning an empty shroud..."


Gingerbrave looked down again, hiding his face from the Ancients. "I just need a few materials...then me, Wizard Cookie and Strawberry Cookie will...ahem, be on our way."

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