Bury the Memory p3

338 14 3

3rd POV

They arrived at Dusk...

Perfect for the scenery, Gingerbrave was quiet...

Too quiet...

The cookies immediately gathered, immediately preparing the funeral service...

"How are you Gingerbrave?" GingerPeach asked, wondering if she should give reassurance to her fellow cookie.

Gingerbrave was silent, only giving a sad look...he wasn't entirely ready for this moment...but in order to move on, this decision had to be made...

Torches were lit that night, guiding the road to the top of one of the cliffs. Where the smoke would reach the Heavens above and the souls will follow it to their final destination...

Perhaps then, they could live in peace...

The cookie kingdom was shrouded in darkness, only lit by a trail of cookies creating a path with torches in hand...flames guiding the funeral service...

The Cookies...mainly the Ginger Cookies, lifted the newly made shrouds, and went in order of how they were made down the flame-lit path...

Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry, GingerPeach and Chili Pepper all followed. While the children were kept indoors...

The night was silent, with faint music coming from multiple cookie's chorus...

"Can't believe we're doing this out of 'respect' for the Witches." Wizard mumbled, hating the music in the background. "Think of it as a sign Wizard...a message...to tell the Witches that we lived." Gingerbrave spoke quietly, as if declaring war on the Witches themselves...

"We survived...and they didn't die in vain..."

The rest of the walk was quiet, yet unnerving...
Strawberry looked at Wizard nervously...

Something must've changed during the Soul Jam's rampage...

They needed to talk about that...the way Gingerbrave went mad...crazy even, to the point that he spoke like an angry god...

No...he FELT like he was divine.

The way he talked like he was there since the dawn of time, the way he loomed as if he could crush them like ants, the way his voice echoed so that all could hear of his divine power...

Another way to show that the Soul Jam was dangerous in the wrong hands...

Even his formed had changed from the Gingerbrave they knew...sprouting wings of flame from his back and eyes as dark as night.

The red glow of his Soul Jam mimicking the red aura of Dark Enchantress Cookie...

It didn't feel like Gingerbrave...

It felt like...the Soul Jam was speaking...

"Gingerbrave...about that...incident." Strawberry asked, causing Gingerbrave to lift his head, trying to hear her against the cicadas and crickets that roam the night. "With your Soul Jam...are you okay?"

"...I'm fine..." Gingerbrave assured. "It hurts still, but I'll be okay..."

Wizard and Strawberry weren't too sure about that...that declaration that sounded like the start of war against the Witches...that didn't sound like Gingerbrave...

Maybe something happened when he wasn't conscious...

They walked against the road, heading towards the cliffside, once they arrived, they laid the shrouds down, Dozer's at the very edge of the cliff...

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