Suspecting the Investigators

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3rd POV
"I...I have some suspicions...but I cannot tell them just yet." Espresso stated. "Well, if it isn't enough to rouse suspicion, then let's list the candidates. So far, we have Espresso, Financier Cookie, Madeleine Cookie and...myself..." Clotted Cream informed. "But it can't be you...since you both are captured with us and are also being threatened." Wizard pointed out. "That would leave out the Paladins..." GingerChoco said. "Our Paladins?! The culprits?!" Elder Vanilla Sugar said, flabbergasted. "Now now...there's another possibility...and that is unwilling culprits of this case..." Clotted Cream informed. "Unwilling culprits?" GingerChoco asked. "Perhaps, one of us has been enchanted or hypnotized into the beliefs or maybe, a distorted version of the Light's teachings." Clotted Cream suggested, as GingerChoco put his hand in his chin. "That is a possibility...he never specified what type of gods he served." GingerChoco said.

"It could also be a she GingerChoco...but, that possibility can't be ruled out...but that would cause some that sense, that would mean many are being hypnotized and simply cannot remember due to the hypnotization." Wizard explained. " is possible with the theory, there would be multiple suspects and targets..." Clotted Cream spoke. "Making it impossible for us to narrow it down..." Espresso spoke. "Let's go with the first of the Paladins are responsible for this attack." He said. "But...which Paladin? Financier Cookie?" Elder Sable spoke. "It seems likely...she herself has history in the past...and has a motive for taking down the Elders...I will not disclose the information...but it does make her a suspect." Clotted Cream said. "And what of Madeleine Cookie?" Espresso asked as all of them look almost insulted. "The very Pride of Paladin Academy?! How dare you accuse such things!" Elder Vanilla Sugar replied in anger. "But it cannot be exempted as a possibility! How much do you even know about Madeleine Cookie? How much do we know about Financier Cookie?" Espresso questioned. "Financier has motive and suspicions...She is very dedicated to the Light, but unlike most of the Paladins she does not exert the same charisma as a normal one, she has access to the information needed and would know the streets of the Republic far too well." Espresso listed. "Then goes for Madeleine Cookie, his status, his fame, the power he has as the face of the Republic? He could cover it up and blame another person for it...sure he lacks motive...but he has the information needed to execute such a plan." Espresso said. "His fame and status could convince the masses and cover up the evidence, and his status as the Head Commander of the Paladins would give him the advantage of the whole Republic as a guard and shield, much less, no one would suspect Madeleine Cookie to even be a vigilante due to his charisma!"

"We mustn't leave everything to chance, we must list all possibilities as possible!" Espresso declared. "I'm afraid to say...Espresso is correct, excluding Madeleine Cookie just because he is the face of the Republic will do us no good...for now we must find the culprit responsible." Clotted Cream informs. "You guys do and Wizard Cookie will investigate the Elders...if you do not succeed in less than three days, we shall have to give up the traitor to the vigilante." GingerChoco declared. "GingerChoco mind yourself! You're willing to sacrifice a cookie to save your own life?" Wizard asked, knowing that feeling...


Sure they weren't as good, after all they stole the Soul Jam.

But he will not have another Dozer situation!

"I am not doing that to save my own life, rather yours and Lord Gingerbrave...I am doing this for your safety my lord, as it is my duty as a Ginger Fighter" GingerChoco declared, as Wizard fell silent. "Then I still wouldn't forgive myself for that..." Wizard muttered...

"Hold on, Consul, you're not going to leave this investigation to these cookies?" Elder Vanilla Sugar stated. "Quiet you! You are also a suspect! Everyone here is a suspect of the attack. Do not exempt yourself from us just because you do not trust us!" GingerChoco declared. "It is part of my sacred duty as a member of the Ginger Fighter! The traitor amongst this room is a danger to the rest of the Ancient Heroes, and I will not have another war break lose!"

"The Ancient Heroes have long since protected the Soul Jam, and we have defended them as well as that! If another party poses a threat to our world...then it is within our jurisdiction to take over!" Wizard remarked "You cannot be serious, Consul-!" "We have to give them this Elder Canele" Clotted Cream spoke "The Ancient Heroes officially showed them and their representative gratitude for their are, in accordance of the Ancient Heroes, the official gatekeepers to the secrets of Soul Jam, if they are entitled to protect the Soul Jam they have every right to step in and investigate" 

"Alright, I have a spell prepared in case someone lies about what they implied! If anyone so tries to or keep their mouth shut, we'll interview them personally" Wizard directly ordered GingerChoco "As you command, my lord."

Espresso's POV




... not doubt him...he might be my main suspect but..!

How can I?...


"Madeleine Cookie is your main suspect?" I gasped as I turned to the Consul, the Elders were seated in their places in the Convocation of Elders. Honestly, Wizard Cookie is as tough as a poptart... "Well?" he asked, I turned away...

Could he be?

"What are your reasons?" Clotted Cream asked directly, I sighed...right now was to think logically "Madeleine Cookie has many reasons to be the culprit." I informed.

"One: Personality and Routine change. Madeleine was defensive about giving up the Soul Jam and the reason he was defensive was what he told me...he told me that he was protecting someone"

"Madeleine, this is out of hand! Don't you want to protect these cookies?!"

"It's not just protecting these cookies, it's about protecting him"

(scene from "The Plan" chapter)

"According to Financier Cookie when he relayed the information about Dark Enchantress Cookie, she mentioned a sudden personality change...even I saw it...I saw a very different Madeleine from the one I travelled with" I stated. At first...I suspected trauma...I suspected inner guilt...but, he does not seem to respond that's almost as if he placed a mask on too quickly...and the sudden personality change did not end there...

"Espresso Cookie? You look so worried! Aren't you happy to finally go back?" Madeleine says as if acting that everything was normal.

(Scene from chapter "Departure")

"I see, anything else?" Clotted Cream asked "Two: Religious Beliefs, Madeleine believes in the Divine, and the Vigilante did not specify what type of god he serves" I spoke "But the vigilante calls the gods as plural, not singular" He informed me "Perhaps it's a sham, to misguide us." I informed he nodded "Three:His status and fame, those two things will cover up the fact that he's a vigilante, thus putting him under the radar as a suspect and his status as a Paladin, not only will this further shield him from suspicion, but it will give him access to every part of the city, including the Lower City." I said "But..the only thing he lacks is motive..." 

"Perhaps...this person he wishes to also in danger of these assailants in White Masks...if they are being orchestrated by an Elder...then someone like the vigilante would have known before hand." Clotted Cream suggests...which makes sense..

But would Madeleine do that?

And if he could...did all I ever learn from him...all the memories we built... just a lie? 

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