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3rd POV
Imma just skip some of the Pure Vanilla dialogues such as his whole entire walk and cut right to the chase.

The...probably the last day of the Council has arrived, many cookies went to gather and discuss their opinions with their own leaders as Pure Vanilla waited for his friends decision...

Will allies turn forever into foes?
Will this so called Creme Republic have a dark secret for the Soul Jam?
Will the Ancient Heroes give up the only power that lets them protect all of cookiekind?

"Find out in Cookie Kingdom news, written by yours truly, GingerNews Cookie!" (I'm just going to say it, every single fucking Ginger cookie will have 'Ginger' in their names because that's how this will work basically, like Hollyberry's is literally just all berries so shut up)

"Err...who's that GingerPeach?" Gingerbrave asked concerned as a news crew who are taking pictures(Idk how phones possibly exist here since Strawberry's canonically a gamer) and writing down notes for the council. "There's a reason why the news travels fast these days, that's GingerNews, she works with the paper." GingerPeach said in the most unimpressed tone ever. "Please be glad it's them and not the Paparazzi..." she points out. "How come I've never seen them the first time I came here?" Gingerbrave asked looking at them again. "They came here the moment they heard 'The Great Gingerbrave' was coming to the Vanilla Kingdom, you didn't see them because they were taking the long road and walked here..." GingerPeach said staring at them like Gingerbrave. "Honestly the first part might not even be accurate considering how LATE they were..."

"Well, it's nice there's someone working on the news!" Gingerbrave said. "Hmm..."

After that Gingerbrave just went over to the Solarium to calm himself...he stared at the did Madeleine figure out there were 6? Gingerbrave and the rest didn't even know until recently...unless there are some history books that weren't seen or burned...

"GingerBrave! I didn't expect to meet you in the Solarium of Unity!" Pure Vanilla spoke startling Gingerbrave. "I was looking at the stained glass...And thinking... About a few things..." Gingerbrave responded. "You too... Something about this sugar glass always puts me in a contemplative mood." Pure Vanilla then looks at the glass similarly to how Gingerbrave was earlier. "This stained glass was created to celebrate the unity of the five friends and the peace we had always strived to protect. I recall that when it was created, our time together was always filled with happiness and merry smiles. Yet, now I cannot help but see what we did wrong. We were too careless to think of the true meaning of "unity," to feel the real weight of the crown." Pure Vanilla vented. "Back then, at the village where we first met, I wished to escape from the life I once knew. I simply did not realize what I could and what I had to do." Pure Vanilla explained then turned to Gingerbrave "I was trying to hide from the truth behind my blindfold... But you... you helped me wake up from my illusions!" He explained smiling at him as he did. "I did?!" Gingerbrave exclaimed. "You showed me that my place was here, in this kingdom. You demonstrated that courage and perseverance can achieve so much! I'd like you to know, that I am immeasurably more grateful to you than I have ever expressed in words. And I still learn a lot from you!" Pure Vanilla explained causing Gingerbrave to lose eye-contact flustered. "Wait, whoah whoah whoah! Are you saying that I... showed you the way?! He he... Whoah! I also have lots of things to thank you for, Pure Vanilla Cookie!" Gingerbrave said smiling at him as well as they both chuckled. "Ha ha... Just listen to us! Indeed, we have chosen the right name for this hall!..."

"Madeleine..." Espresso worded, Madeleine who was talking to a couple of kids about his...cape... "Can we talk?" Espresso asked Madeleine could tell he was serious and just nodded. "Excuse me for I have important business to attend to!" Madeleine remarked as the kids 'awwwed' in disappointment. They waved goodbye as Madeleine and Espresso went to a private area... "What happened those earlier days?" Espresso asked concerned, this was a drastic change in Madeleine's personality. "Why didn't you tell me what happened during the guild? What other secrets do you intend to never tell me?" Espresso questioned asking more and more. "Now hold on! Why do you care all of a sudden? It's not like you cared about me before THAT much.." Madeleine spoke. "I mean you call me a bafoon and even insulting the Light's I don't get why this sudden information is surprising to you." He remarked looking away and immediately trying to leave, Espresso suddenly grabs his arm. "If you won't tell me about those, then why don't you tell me what you and Gingerbrave were doing." Espresso demanded, causing Madeleine to pause. "I KNOW you and him have been collaborating, I KNOW what you two are doing, don't think I don't see it." He spoke squeezing his arm a little tight. "But I don't understand why? Doesn't this go against the Republic?" Madeleine whipped his head and Espresso was greeted in anger. "The whole point of the Paladins is not just to protect the Republic but all cookies that are in need of our call! What am I going against by protecting Gingerbrave?!" He says whipping his hand off of Espresso's "Look, I appreciate the concern, but it's not your business...this...this is personal." Madeleine expressed immediately leaving with that argument...

"What do you know about him that I don't?" Espresso asked, causing Madeleine to pause in frustration. "Why does he need protection?" Espresso asks again. "Why is he in danger?-" "I can't TELL you want me to go on?" Madeleine asks, angry once more, Espresso stays silent...

"...Very well...I'll see you at the Council, Espresso..."

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