Aftermath of said meeting

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I'm really going writing spree fanatic.

3rd POV
"..." Clotted Cream sat quietly upon the Solarium of Unity, unexpected everything there was unexpected...he expected that the heroes would lash out, would refuse such proposal...he did not calculate Gingerbrave in the slightest...going off of the first meeting, he only spoke if it was on everyone's best interest, he did not interpret Madeleine siding with him and proceeding in a strategy that will alter the course of the Elder's was entirely unexpected...

And for one, the new news that another whole civilization has already researched and analyzed the Soul Jam once was entirely not in his calculations, for all they know, the Republicans were the only ones who knew and researched about such power! Who were the new cookies he's never heard of called Ginger Cookies?

Dumbfounded and embarrassed he went into his chambers...he will apologize to the other Ancient Heroes later...

"Consul?" Financier asked concerned as the cookie contemplated on his bed wondering how things have gone wrong...he sighed and laid on the bed...the Elders will be utterly disappointed if this plan fails...he sighs as he thinks of a new strategy. "An envoy of Elder Oyster is awaiting your audience." Financier informed, as Clotted Cream sat up from the bed and sighed. "From the Republic? What is going on?" He asks confused he was not expecting such an arrival. "I do not know sir...should I let them in?" She asks, Clotted Cream only nodded as the Financier opened the doors. "Pleased to meet you, Consul Clotted Cream Cookie. Elder Oyster Cookie extends her best regards." The Envoy spoke as they entered the room. "Greetings! You have come a long way. To what do I owe the honor...?" Clotted Cream asks nervously. "Oyster Cookie expresses great interest in your progress." They spoke firmly. "Tell the Elder that I have met the Paladin and the scientist." Clotted Cream explained leaving the envoy confused. "Unfortunately there is a slight setback on the plan...I'll deal with it personally." He said rather disappointingly that they have to receive such a report. "I see, you better keep the peace in mind Consul. Many eyes in the Republic are watching you most eagerly. Did you know?" They spoke, putting more pressure into the young cookie's shoulders. "Now, please excuse me. I have fulfilled my duty here." They spoke immediately leaving the room with haste...

Clotted Cream was nervous...the plan was falling could he turn the tides...perhaps he should wait tomorrow and see the results for himself.

For now...he must apologize greatly to the Ancient Heroes.

Madeleine Cookie sat near a pod in the gardens...he stared at the reflection of his sword...through his journeys here, he could tell that not everything in the Republic is the right way to do things, it's just the way he and Espresso are used to...after learning the ways of other cookies, he's somewhat learned to put himself into the other cookies' shoes and learn what's right...yet there is a part of him that still falters when he is hated or not praised. "Ser Madeleine Cookie." Financier Cookie spoke, spooking the Commander. "Ah! Financier Cookie! How long have you been here?" Madeleine asked nervously, she noticed that his light has gone dim since that he unsure of himself now? "In all my years of hearing stories of you, I have never heard of you standing up for someone else other than the there something bothering you Madeleine...?" Financier asked...she talked with Espresso earlier and he had said Madeleine acted so out of character today, that usually he was the 'Egotistical Knight' she first saw...but that cookie in the Council was a very different person, even now as his Light grows dim, he is completely different...


"Can I be frank with you, Ser Financier Cookie?" Madeleine asked staring to the sky now, his eyes fully blank and focused... "I wanted to become a Paladin because of my Mother...she inspired me into a life where I can protect cookies and keep them safe." He explained the light slightly returning. "But...that is not always the Commander of the Paladins...I see that...not everything is what I had thought..." He explained, again looking upon his reflection...

"When Gingerbrave was going about on getting an Alliance with the Ginger Cookies, I requested that a few adventurers that were willing to hold back the beasts..." Madeleine explained...Financier never heard of this before not even a report! "Espresso didn't know this...he was busy with the guild at the time...and at the time a sudden wave of beasts appeared from the sky once more!"

Remember the chapter 'War Under Shattered Skies?' That wasn't happening during the story quest of 'War Under Shattered Skies' in canon, that was after. Which means Gingerbrave's War Under Shattered Skies was Madeleine's second wave.

"I tried to lead them in battle, to take them to the guild!...but...little by little such beasts were able to overpower them all! Crumble them without a hint of remorse!" He explained almost distraught. "It woke me up from what I was...

What I was doing in the world...I never told Espresso because...I didn't want to look... 'Out of Character'" he explained rubbing his head. Financier's eyes widened in shock by the whole story...most Paladins don't leave the Republic...yet...when one changed him forever...and this guy pretends it never happened? "But why did you oppose us then? Surely if you saw what happened, how helpless they were, then you would've agreed!" Financier asked, even more confused...

"Because it wasn't a good solution! We barely know a thing about Soul Jam, but Gingerbrave's kingdom does! He's allied himself with people more reliable! Sure the technological advancements will prove more effective but our knowledge on how this works will not guarantee success! We could do more harm than good!" Madeleine explained...keeping away the fact that Gingerbrave, if he was caught off guard, might reveal he has a Soul Jam himself. But Financier did understand what he was saying. "I see...then...I gravely apologize for...misunderstanding you, Ser Madeleine must be hard for you as a Paladin and a Cookie..." she understood, as she herself grew up in the church by herself...all the hardships he must've faced hiding behind a smile...

"Perhaps we could talk for a while before heading back?" She suggested, Madeleine just nodded and stayed there...

Unknown to him that Espresso was listening in...

"Her Majesty, the Princess! Another letter came from the Council from Sir Gingerbrave!" A Ginger Fighter spoke bringing the letter. "Ooh! What does it say?!" Wizard asked anxious, the last letter was rather serious. "Take it easy Pointy Hat! The little kid aint getting himself in trouble!" Chili Pepper remarked, GingerPeach opened the envelope and read the letter... "Hmm..." She silently read the letter. "What does it say GingerPeach?" Strawberry asked concerned. "It says that the Ginger Cookies are to be invited to the Council Asap, as now the Ancient Heroes are trying to decide whether or not to give up their Soul Jam to share its power with other Cookies." GingerPeach reaffirmed, the others looked shocked. "Sharing the power of the Soul Jam?! Isn't that impossible?" Custard Cookie III asks. "Difficult, but not impossible, it is possible to replicate Soul Jam, all you need is Life Essence, an item to place said Life Essence and a main ingredient of a cookie." GingerPeach explained. "I guess I have to accompany a few researchers the representative of my people I must go...I highly doubt they'd trust someone to lead research without the permission of an actual Ginger Cookie." GingerPeach explained. "We'll look after the kingdom while you go, we'll wait for you to come back GingerPeach!" Strawberry assured as the others nodded. She sighed.

"Fighters! Prepare the Air Balloon, we set a course for the Vanilla Kingdom!"

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