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So After a lot of waiting and seeing everyone's suggestions.

I decided this

Though I disagree with Chili Pepper and Strawberry's role (Because I am unsure with Strawberry doing Finances

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Though I disagree with Chili Pepper and Strawberry's role (Because I am unsure with Strawberry doing Finances. And cause Chili has to have something serious for her to stay on the board) Gingerbrave and GingerPeach are something I can agree on and what I'll be placing

Both Gingerbrave and GingerPeach do the main side of politics, Gingerbrave handles politics outside the kingdom, mostly alliances, delegations, outside political meetings

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Both Gingerbrave and GingerPeach do the main side of politics, Gingerbrave handles politics outside the kingdom, mostly alliances, delegations, outside political meetings. GingerCandy handles politics inside the kingdom, kingdom expansion, law creation/enforcement and Financial Income (God forbid Chili Pepper do that)

 GingerCandy handles politics inside the kingdom, kingdom expansion, law creation/enforcement and Financial Income (God forbid Chili Pepper do that)

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These two were pretty much good, so...for FlippingOcFanatic 's suggestion, I decided to swap Strawberry and Chili Pepper.

for FlippingOcFanatic 's suggestion, I decided to swap Strawberry and Chili Pepper

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Chili Pepper is in charge of the army in the Cookie Kingdom. She is in charge in training cadets, leading the army, handling bounties, expeditions, etc (From Outlaw to Law Enforcer right there) tbh she takes her job, almost seriously...almost. She sometimes sneaks really outlawish stuff sometimes.

Strawberry is in charge of Health and Medicine (Advisor seems to be too much at the moment)  she takes medical lessons from Milk Cookie and studies it in her free time, sometimes she'll take confidence lessons from Purple Yam (Headcanon confirmed,...

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Strawberry is in charge of Health and Medicine (Advisor seems to be too much at the moment) she takes medical lessons from Milk Cookie and studies it in her free time, sometimes she'll take confidence lessons from Purple Yam (Headcanon confirmed, Purple Yam is her father figure) She uses this to talk to cookies and improve her shyness around them, though there are times when she needs to step back for a bit.

And as I said Wizard does education, research, alchemy and thaumaturgy, and Custard is sorta in-training.

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