The Institute of Thaumaturgy

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How the ef, can I spell 'Thaumaturgy' without using Autocorrect but can't spell  'Ancestor' right?!

3rd POV
"Ah, Wizard Cookie, welcome, I wasn't expecting you here." Espresso remarked at the young lord. "Heh, GingerPeach insisted...GingerPlum is working on something and I was the only one available at the moment." Wizard explained with Espresso. "I am finally confident that we have examined and analyzed Soul Jam to its fullest." Espresso explained walking with Wizard as a researcher handed him a paper. "Pure compressed sugar with no traces of impurities of any sort. And, as suspected, an unknown source of concentrated Life Energy contained within." He explained as Wizard looked at the paper. "Fascinating...where did so much Life Energy come from? Hmm...anyway, I'm not here for that, I'm here to help improve the power of the Soul Jam to its fullest extent." Wizard said handing the paper to the researcher. "Ah yes, Let us proceed immediately with the next phase: a safe transference of energy into a different receptacle." He explained. "Wait, sir! What sort of receptacle are you thinking?" The researcher asked concerned. "My initial hypothesis is to use the materials that we have on hand and find a suitable substance and form through trial and error, but since Wizard Cookie is here, maybe the written research before this, may prove to have some use." Espresso remarked as Wizard Cookie pulled out a file and placed it in a nearby table.

"These are the ingredients needed for the receptacle, however one ingredient is unknown. As well as we need a cookie to substitute for the activation process." Wizard explained. "I do not see why we need to go through the activation process quickly." Espresso questioned. "That's because, the receptacle, without the necessary ingredients to bind the cookie to the Artificial Soul Jam, the receptacle is high likely to explode." Wizard explained as Espresso understood. "So we need a test subject...for now, we need to find the ingredients for the receptacle." Espresso says, Gingerbrave and the other delegates walk in after their conversation with the other Elders...

"Hi, Espresso Cookie! How're things going here?" Gingerbrave asked. "Ah yes, thanks to Wizard Cookie's efforts, we may have a head-start in the process of creating the Artificial Soul Jam. But now we are at a bit of a lost." Espresso explained. "The receptacle is able to be made, but the power is too much to contain without activation...meaning in order to create an artificial Soul Jam, we need a cookie to volunteer in order to have a hardened container for the Life Energy within the Soul Jam." Wizard explained as well. "As of this moment, my standing hypothesis is to use substances as similar to Soul Jam itself. As they are composed of pure sugar, a receptacle of equally similar purity should suffice." He says already starting. "We will need sugar. Lots of it. I need you to bring me sugar cubes, as many as you can carry." He informed.

"Oh, and Gingerbrave before you go...maybe the delegates could try and volunteer for this?" Wizard whispered as he suggested. "Isn't that too risky?" Gingerbrave asked. "It worked with you didn't it?" He asked. "But that's because my ingredients are similar to...Theirs...How are you supposed to find the ingredients necessary?" He asked, they were both whispering in a private area as the other delegates begun getting the sugar cubes. "'re right...I guess we'll think of something else." Wizard assured as Gingerbrave smiled...

Hours later...

"Why hello there, fellow scientists. How goes the research on the Soul Jam?" Elder Mulled Juice asked as he entered the Institute. "GAH?! The Elder of Engineering, Mulled Juice Cookie!" One of the researchers noticed, as Espresso groaned...Wizard just looked curiously confused. "Ah...hello there fellow scientists...I noticed a few unfamiliar guards outside the Institute, may ask what that was?" He asks Wizard Cookie stepped in. "That...they're from me." Wizard explained coming into view. "Why...hello little one." He spoke, as Wizard nearly choked at the 'Little One' nickname caught him off guard. "Please, refrain from picking on my colleagues' size...this is Wizard Cookie, Head of Research and Magic in the Time Kingdom." Espresso introduced. "Head of Research and Magic? But he looks so young?" He wondered, it a cultural thing? Cause that...THAT'S A CHILD. "I assure you I'm very capable of what research is happening here." He says slightly insulted as he walked away. "I see that you are too concentrated on his work! How are we so far?" Mulled Juice asked looking over him. "...On the contrary. I am merely focusing on finishing a crucial step in this current experiment." Espresso explained. "Oh? I thought Wizard Cookie brought detailed information you needed?" Mulled Juice asked confused. "A detailed information, unfortunately, the instructions on how to make a receptacle have been lost to time!" Espresso complained. "I've been experimenting with sugar for the most part, but each receptacle is much too weak to safely contain the energy." He explained. "Sugar, you say? A great choice. Apply enough pressure and compressed sugar can be some of the hardest material known to Cookie." He suggested as Espresso came up with a realization. "Compressed sugar...An exemplary idea. I shall try with compressed sugar immediately." He says motioning to Wizard Cookie to come. "Glad to assist!"

"Honorable Elder Mulled Juice Cookie, I was wondering... Your innovations have done much to advance technology and improve life in the Republic. But... why is it that you have decided not to lead the research on Soul Jam?" A researcher asked curiously. "Huh! That's a good question... I guess... I didn't feel like it! He he, sounds rather plain, doesn't it?" He explained. "Let me elaborate. Soul Jam is a power that already exists in this world. But MY passion is to create something new! Something... from nothing! Besides...that Head of Research and Magic could provide some insight." He suggested. "But your insight may be of immense help!" They remarked. "I am rather preoccupied with my own little experiment! I'm in the process of creating a mechanical bird that spouts water automatically! You'll be the first to see my finished prototype!" He says...

"Oh...and Espresso Cookie, unfortunately we will have to cancel the commendation ceremony..." Mulled Juice explained as Espresso looked confused. "Huh...? But, you never cancel anything! Especially with Madeleine Cookie!" He asks confused. "Oh...well...because there will be a trial being much as the Archbishop would do it, in the middle of a trial? Bah, this is too important! Especially against another leader." Mulled Juice stated as Wizard reacted...


"What did you say?" Wizard asked concerned. "Why, the Ginger Cookie is being put on trial for the possible theft of the Soul Jam! And all the Elders need to be there for the details, especially Madeleine Cookie, as he and you are the ones in charge of researching the power of the Soul Jam..." Mulled Juice begun explaining the details. "Also since he was once of the witnesses well as the other delegates..."

"When's the trial starting?" Wizard asked seemingly irritated. "I do believe it starts a few minutes later...I'll be off now, I need to attend it after all." He says walking away...Espresso face was full of shock and confusion...Gingerbrave is being out on trial?! For stealing the Soul Jam?! But why?! He looked to Wizard Cookie to check if he was ok. "Are you alright? You seem tense." He noticed the grip on Wizard's staff had tightened...he tried to put a hand of reassurance, but was pulled away, Wizard begun to walk, his steps as serious as the Coffee-Cookie has ever heard!

He was pissed...

"Gingerbrave stole the Soul Jam? What nonsense! That Cookie would rather use himself as a Dough-Shield than steal something from his allies! What do they think he is?! Some power hungry maniac?!" He begun to fix himself walking towards the door, Espresso stopped him. "Now now, let's not get hasty...! Emotions will only cloud your judgment!" Espresso warned as Wizard pulled away again. "You don't understand...accusing Gingerbrave for stealing is like accusing a toddler for fixing a train!" Wizard described as Espresso realizes the seriousness in that metaphor. "Gingerbrave wouldn't have the guts to steal the Soul Jam! Trust me, if there was a last piece of pizza, he'd let me have it." He explained as he started to open the door. "Meaning if I dare hear accusations like this I'll be throwing hands at this point!"

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