Curiousity lingers

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3rd POV
"How is he?" Wildberry asked GingerChoco. "He's well...he just needs some rest, today's been stressful." GingerChoco replied as both delegates sighed. "That Clotted Cream Cookie! What was he thinking?! Imprisoning a Lord, from a foreign land, who didn't do anything wrong?!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "We must understand Clotted Cream...even you would be suspicious if one of us was possibly involved." Wildberry explained. "Yeah, but this is the second time he made note of someone's personality without knowing them! He called King Dark Cacao Cookie a selfish, Power Hungry King!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "I swear...if this happens again I'll-"
"Calm yourself...we mustn't raise a panic..." GingerChoco says. "As much as how insulting those Prideful Vanillians are...raising a panic here will most likely stir them into more suspicion on us...thus bringing danger to Sir Gingerbrave and Sir Wizard Cookie." GingerChoco explained. "Right...that Wizard Cookie is also one of your lords right? Man...that guy can throw a punch with just words." Crunchy Chip remarked, GingerChoco just chuckled. "Well, Sir Wizard Cookie is known for his, bluntness and intelligence, many cookies who seem to have lost guidance in magic come to him for advice...lucky for us, he has quite the experience despite being so young." He explained. "That makes me wonder...Gingerbrave and Wizard Cookie look far too young to lead a kingdom...yet, they hold the position in great's hard to believe that cookies that look the age of 12 have so much power and responsibility in their hands yet barely even struggle." Wildberry remarked.

"Is it not the same for you Hollyberrians? I heard the princess was around 12-16 when she first started adventuring." GingerChoco asked curiously. "When she started adventuring...she was merely 18 when she officially started her official princess business...and still, in the Hollyberry Kingdom, that's the age of an adult." Wildberry explained as GingerChoco raised his brows acknowledge the new information. "Well...I'm not sure if I can answer you...but perhaps if we took a seat, I could try to explain the details of your question." GingerChoco explained as they walked out the hallway near Gingerbrave's current room, finding a private spot in the Mansion's backyard to converse in private.

"So? How does things work in the Time Kingdom? How come your leaders are so young?" Crunchy Chip asked as he took a seat. "Well...originally..."

"As you know, the Time Kingdom, originally used to inhabit us Ginger Cookies, however some time after the Dark Flour War we had to flee back to out Birthland in order to keep our race alive and thriving." GingerChoco explained. "Years after the Dark Flour War, a group of cookies, Gingerbrave, Wizard Cookie, Strawberry Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie and Custard Cookie III, stumbled upon the ruins of our old home and the Sugar Gnomes who helped us in the past, explained what the kingdom was, eventually, they all decided to found their very own kingdom there, without a ruler and dub it the Cookie Kingdom." GingerChoco explained. "The Kingdom was originally king-and-queenless?" Wildberry asked. "Originally...until Gingerbrave received a message from our previous leader, using Ancient Magic...he found the place we built our sanctuary and helped us out before the forces of Dark Enchantress Cookie could wipe us extinct. Eventually, after we returned and received our place as previous residents of the kingdom, a voting was held." GingerChoco explained.

"So in this decided to vote for multiple candidates for the new kingdom?" Crunchy Chip asked, as the butler arrived to ask them if they needed something to eat. Wildberry was handling it at the moment. ", originally we were only going to have one..." He explained. "One? Then how come you have a Princess and two lords running the place?" Crunchy Chip asked confused. "This is where I am unsure about the first, it landed on a tie between M'lady GingerPeach and Sir Gingerbrave respectively, but after a private discussion with some diplomatic sources and others, they decided to have six instead, forming The Time Kingdom's Council of the Six." He explained further as Wildberry finished. "How come you don't know? Aren't you like, that Princess' husband or something?" GingerChoco blushed hard as Crunchy Chip asked that. "H-Ha-uh-Husband?!" He exclaimed blushing harder. "Hm? Isn't that what Gingerbrave said? Hasn't she proposed to you?" Wildberry asked as GingerChoco panicked. "N-No! We're not married YET! I'm only her fiancé! As if I can take part in some diplomatic means when my current status is still in the upper guard!" He explained. "Besides, me and her are very busy cookies, so the wedding might not happen for a while..."

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