Day 3 of the Creme Republic

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3rd POV

"YOOHOO!!! Is everyone awake? Come on down! Breakfast is ready!"

It was the next day already...everyone woke of the sound of Madeleine's aunties. Actually- wait...

Crunchy Chip had awoke earlier than usual, getting ready to scan the perimeter and take daily training. Wildberry woke up after, getting his armor ready for the day...honestly, it might be a hassle to put it on, but it's more uncomfortable to sleep with it. Gingerbrave woke up in his usual time of 8:00, just how he likes it! (Gingerbrave speaks morning person to me) and Wizard Cookie woke up after, due to how late he slept. "Morning Wizard Cookie!" Gingerbrave greeted, all refreshed and dandy. "Morning Gingerbrave..." Now, he wouldn't blame Wizard for his tone...he knew his friend was not only a late sleeper, but he wasn't a fan of waking up...THAT early. "Morning Wildberry Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie!" Gingerbrave greeted with a wave. "Good Morning Gingerbrave." Wildberry greeted back. "Mornin'" Said Crunchy Chip, they all chatted as they went downstairs, Gingerbrave in awe of the food. "WHOAH! So much yummy looking food!" Gingerbrave exclaimed looking at the food as all of them sat down to eat. "How are you liking the city so far? Having fun? Enjoying the weather? OH, of course you are!" One of the aunties spoke (Did I ever give them names?) "Erm... actually! We got ambushed by some strange Cookies!" Wizard's eyes widened at Gingerbrave's response as he shut his mouth. "Gingerbrave...are you trying to cause panic around here?!" Wizard warned as Gingerbrave removed his hand. "An ATTACK? Oh, you poor things! What happened?" One of them asked concerned. "Some Cookies in white masks tried to steal something important from us! We stopped them, but it was a close call!" He explained as she put a hand on her mouth. "Oh, Divines! How could such a dreadful thing happen?! And you said you stopped them? How commendable! Here, eat some more! Eat up!" She complimented, encouraging them. "It was all thanks to my training in the Dark Cacao Kingdom!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "Oh, you simply must tell us more about the Dark Cacao Kingdom! Is it a good spot for vacation? When is the climate the nicest?" The first Auntie asked, curiously. "It's always freezing cold, and the snow never stops! If you aren't as used to the cold like me, then you might end up as a frozen Cookie!" Crunchy Chip explained, kind of wondering why such cookies would want to take a vacation there. "Goodness! That sounds rather rough for my taste!" The Second one remarked. "And you, Wildberry Cookie? You said you were from the Hollyberry Kingdom?" The third one asked. "I've read in books that the Hollyberry Kingdom's palace is filled with music and hosts grand balls and festivals." She continued "Oooh! Now THAT sounds like a nice vacation spot! How do Hollyberrians dance? You know, I've been receiving dancing lessons recently!" The first one remarked.

"I do not know much about such affairs. That is... not my area of expertise." Wildberry remarked. "That makes me even more curious! The Hollyberry Kingdom sounds like such a wonderful place!" The second one exclaimed. "Madeleine Cookie! Where do you think you're going?! You've only had six plates! Come, have some more!" The first one says, all giddy. "Always looking out for my health! Thank you, aunties! HA HA!" Madeleine remarked. "You know what they say. A well-fed stomach is a stomach well-suited for great deeds." The third one spoke. "Don't any of you go anywhere just yet! We've more food to come and plenty to go around!" One of them suggested. "Today is the last day the Soul Jam can be researched. It feels unfitting to spend the morning with such leisure." Wildberry informed. "Ya got a good point there! We gotta stay focused!" Crunchy Chip added. "Hey, Wizard Cookie, you're headed to the Institute after eating, mind if we join you?" Gingerbrave asked. "You don't need to ask to tag along...but sure, you can come, all of you." Wizard informed eating a cupcake afterwards.

"AMAZING! To have succeeded in transferring the energy of Soul Jam in just a single day...! This is remarkable progress!"
"All that's left is harnessing that energy for use! If you think about it, we're almost halfway done with our goal!"

"Did something good happen? Everyone seems excited!" Gingerbrave asked as Wizard walked over to Espresso. "How's the research progressing?" Wizard asked, not even questioning the bags under his eyes. "It has should be stabilized...but we've attempted to use it without the whole 'ingredient process' turns out that it doesn't work without it." Espresso said fixing his glasses. "We're going to need volunteers...then after that we can find out certain ingredients belonging to a specific cookie." Espresso expressed, sighing. "And these very researchers are more than prepared...the tricky part is getting their ingredients." He informed crossing his arms. "So what now? Is there anything we can do to help?" Gingerbrave asked. "Hmm...well, since you Gingerbrave, are one of the plainest cookie to exist, perhaps your ingredients will be the easiest to test." Espresso deducted, but then Gingerbrave's posture changed to shock and nervousness. "A-Ah! When I meant help-well I would love to- but-" "You're not testing on my friend Espresso." Wizard warned. "It's too dangerous...besides, you've see how...slightly reckless Gingerbrave is." Wizard warned. "Hey!" Gingerbrave said insulted. "I'm just saying, if you had that much power, you would have a hard time restraining it..." Wizard went close to his ears. "And besides, you did a massively good job in hiding your Soul Jam the first time." He whispered as Gingerbrave groaned. "I know, but you didn't have to word it like that!" Gingerbrave whispered as no one heard what he said, for all they knew, Wizard was telling Gingerbrave to go against this despite his immediate hesitation. "I see..." Espresso said, but he understood Wizard's concern, he and Gingerbrave have been together since birth, bonds like that don't just, go away easily. "May I test it then, my lords?" GingerChoco asked, as both of them looked at him. "Are you sure, GingerChoco? You do know what that would imply right?" Wizard asked, clarifying that this is what the bodyguard wanted. "As a Ginger Fighter, I'm well aware of the consequences and the risks, I simply wish to see this project proceed quicker now that Dark Enchantress Cookie is on the, how hard is it to find Cocoa powder?" GingerChoco spoke, confirming his main ingredient. "You know you're main ingredient?!" Gingerbrave asked, shocked. "It was a requirement really...we still do it as tradition..." GingerChoco said rubbing the back of his neck. "Then it's settled, let us find some Cocoa Powder and try to complete this project at once! GingerChoco follow me." Espresso guided as GingerChoco nodded. Wizard walked over to the other delegates. "While he is doing that, mind watching over Gingerbrave? I might sound overprotective, but guy just had a trial against him, and it's obvious the Elders see him more of a threat due to how discriminative they are." Wizard informed. "Do not worry, Lord Wizard Cookie, we shall protect Gingerbrave and ease your concerns." Wildberry informed. "Though I don't get seems like the Cookie can handle himself...sure you and your friends helped him, but defeating Dark Enchantress and saving a lost civilization takes guts!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "I am merely worried for him...that cookie...he tends to put himself in the line of danger more than anything..." He said, tightening his grip on his wand...

"What's your relationship with him anyway?" Crunchy Chip asked. "You brothers? Close friends?"

"It's complicated...I'll...I'll tell you later..." Wizard informed going back to the others, a little disappointed after Gingerbrave handed Espresso a latte, Gingerbrave went back to the other delegates. "Come on! Let's go!" Gingerbrave said, as if this guy hadn't just gotten a trial and a meeting with the Elders the day before...

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