The tour

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3rd POV
"What brings you here?" Wildberry asked as Gingerbrave walked over to Hollyberry's chambers. "I'm giving Clotted Cream Cookie a tour of the Vanilla Kingdom!" He informed "I believe I did not have a chance to introduce myself last night. I am Clotted Cream Cookie of the Creme Republic." Clotted Cream introduced with a bow. "Do I hear guests? Oh, it's Clotted Cream Cookie!" Hollyberry remarked. "So, you're a descendant of the Vanilla Kingdom, you say?" She asked. "That is right! Condensed cream and vanilla flavor flow through my dough!" He replied with confidence. "I heard the Hollyberry Kingdom is home to great writers and artists! I hope to visit the famous Capital of Passion and Romance someday." He complimented. "Our kingdom? Ha ha, yes, yes! It's always been full of fun and laughter, that's for sure!" Hollyberry remarked. "Each house has their very own special recipe for berry juice-a perfect beverage to share with stories and laughter! And on special occasions, we celebrate with dance, music and banquets." She continued. Gingerbrave could tell she was quite proud of her kingdom. "So, have you ever had berry juice?" Hollyberry asked the consul. "Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity...But I am sure I can... 'take down' a barrel or two, Especially in your company, Hollyberry Cookie." Clotted Cream dared to challenge. "Ohooo?"

"You see, I can be quite competitive." He informed her in a competitive manner. "Ha ha ha ha ha! Saw straight through me, didn't you?!" She spoke, impressed. With Wildberry, UN-impressed by the Queen Mother, holding back the urge to palm himself in the face. "Well, I'll be looking forward to that day! Sounds like you won't go down without a good fight, eh!" She remarked, again challengingly. "It would be an honor." Clotted Cream remarked. "This one has a way with words! I quite like him! Alright, a promise is a promise! No turning back later! Ha ha!."

"Hmm...Everyone is must be the school! Gingerbrave spoke as they passed by the school. "Yep, yep! Pure Vanilla Cookie built this Magic Academy for us." A Raisin villager popped seemingly out of nowhere. "Now we can conjure spells too! They're basic and simple, but still!" He remarked. "Here, let me show you! I've just learned the shield incantation!" Another villager popped out from the classroom. "Woah, shields are very useful in battle!" Gingerbrave remarked, reminiscing the day when they led the Ginger Cookies to safety. "Ta da!" The villager spoke, covering the surroundings of a raisin with a huge globe. "This raisin now protected by a shield!" He declared. "This way, the raisin will stay chewy and juicy much longer." Gingerbrave lightly chuckled at that, these villagers do love their raisins. Clotted Cream noticed a bright aura coming from him...he'll take note of that. "Indeed, in order to assess a nation's development, one should pay attention to school! I cannot overstate the importance of good education!" He spoke, subtly making it look like he didn't see anything. "Seeing how everyone is doing their best studying. I can tell that the Vanilla Kingdom is in very capable and promising hands."

"Yeah, I never realized how fun studying is! I'm gonna give it my best, he he!" The first villager spoke (I NEED FREAKING NAMES-) "Gingerbrave, why don't you join us?" The other villager asked. "I... um, sorry! I'm giving Clotted Cream Cookie a tour of the kingdom right now!" He briefly spoke, politely declining. "I'll stop by later, I promise! Clotted Cream Cookie, Financier Cookie! Ready to continue? Follow me!"

They arrived at the castle gardens, where various flowers of all shapes and colors grew and bloomed. "Pure Vanilla Cookie! There you are!" Gingerbrave yelled in joy. "Welcome! What can I do for you this fine afternoon?" Pure Vanilla greeted, smiling as bright as the sun. "I'm giving Clotted Cream Cookie a tour of the kingdom!" The Cookie informed, motioning to Clotted Cream. "Oh, please do make yourselves comfortable!" Pure Vanilla asked kindly. "Thank you for the warm welcome! This garden is...truly a work of art! It is serene and peaceful. Do you tend it yourself?" He asked, after all, this place that he is walking across is the very ground many of his ancestors before him had walked. It was basically history. "Yes. I take care of all the gardens in the castle." Pure Vanilla replied. "There is something...inherently calming about gardening. Looking at a well-manicured garden brings peace to my mind." "May I help? I have quite the green thumb. If I do say so myself." Clotted Cream spoke, he seemed to be quite happy. Gingerbrave stared at them, his soul was filled with overwhelming determination. And this time, Financier noticed the spark of light. "Of course! Help is always appreciated!" Pure Vanilla replied to Clotted Cream's earlier statement. "There is something...I have been hoping to discuss with you. You see, this is the first time I heard about the Vanillians' fate since the Dark Flour War. What is the Creme Republic like? How does everyone fare?" Pure Vanilla asked, like the concerned cookie he was. "It is a great place. We are surrounded by the generous sea, providing us with bountiful resources. Our citizens bask in abundance and happiness!" Clotted Cream replied. "The original inhabitants have welcomed the Vanilla Kingdom's refugees and their advanced culture and technology. We have been working together towards a collective future ever since!" He continued. "We also have the Paladins blessed by the Divine, who provide protection within beyond our borders."

"That is good to hear..." Pure Vanilla remarked in relief. "My heart has been heavy with guilt and grief, for I have failed in protecting the Cookies of the Vanilla Kingdom." He mentioned, his mood seemingly heavy with heart. "Your news brings such a relief! I'm glad to hear everyone lives happy lives!" He spoke with a soft smile. "Pure Vanilla Cookie, you should visit the Creme Republic someday. It is a land of splendor and beauty, just like the Vanilla Kingdom." Clotted Cream suggested. "Yes, I can't wait!" Pure Vanilla replied in joy as they tended to the gardens.

"Huh?! Who goes there?!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed hearing footsteps. "My, what marvelous wolves! All in great shape and trained very well!" Clotted Cream remarked looking around the camp. "These are our trusty brothers-in-arms, who help us defend the boarders of Dark Cacao!" Crunchy Chip informed, somewhat proud. "Deep within the snowy mountains, we stand watch and fight in the shivering cold in the midst of raging blizzards. Every. Single. Day!" He continued with pride. "The snowy mountains you say? What do you usually eat there?" Clotted Cream asked curiously. "Huh? Well we usually have cacao nibs porridge, dries licorice calamari and hard tack Jellies as provisions." Crunchy Chip informed, almost confused. "I mean no offense, but...that hardly sounds enough to sustain these brave warriors." Clotted Cream asked concerned. "Financier Cookie, I believe we have a package of scones stored in our airship's hold. I think it would be a great gift for these noble soldiers!" Clotted Cream ordered. "Of course, sir, I will bring some right away." Financier responded, leaving the area to get the package of scones that was requested.

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