Need a little help with something...

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Since Gingerbrave's Kingdom now has a joint leadership with him and his friends plus GingerPeach, I thought that each cookie should handle one side of the politics and stuff of the government in the kingdom.

Except there's one problem-

I'm not sure which one's which.

I realized that the kingdom was somewhat similar to what the Creme Republic's government emphasis on the 'somewhat'

And each Elder has a different role they play.

Elder Canele- Elder of Finance
Elder Sable- Elder of Arts
Elder Caviar- Elder of War (maybe, or maybe he governs the Sea soldiers)
Elder Oyster- Elder of Trade
Elder Mulled Juice- Elder of Engineering
Elder Mille-Fuille- Elder of Kindness and Compassion (As well as religion)
Elder Baumkuchen- Elder of Medicine and Health
Elder Vanilla Suagr- Elder seemingly for Paladin Education (Not sure about normal education)
Elder Custard- Elder of Politics

So I decided to place this kind of thing unto Gingerbrave's kingdom but on a smaller scale.

But the problem is...There are some cookies I am not sure about.

Both Gingerbrave and GingerPeach seem to do politics in this AU only GingerPeach is more kingdom-oriented and focused and Gingerbrave is more of a delegate and representative for the kingdom.

So I'm unsure about those two.

I also want to give GingerCandy the responsibility of Financial income and trade in the kingdom. (Cause god forbid Chili Pepper do that) because Gingerbrave probably knows nothing about Financial problems. Not sure about that...

Custard III is more of an apprentice right now and is probably in training, won't take on heavy duty work as of now as he is not ready yet as seen in the small story he has. Right now he just does little paperwork and some help when needed.

Wizard Cookie I have this down absolutely 100% Wizard Cookie would be in charge of the education, research and I think thaumaturgy, in some way. He seems like the type to do so, and with this, he could discover and learn more things than what he could imagine doing alone, and sharing such research for the benefit of cookies.

Strawberry and Chili Pepper however...have no idea.

I can't find a good job for any of them- especially Chili Pepper.

She was appointed leader on a technicality, because she was one of the founders and part of the group longer than anyone else, despite her irresponsibility, I do kinda see her as some kind of guardian.

Strawberry...I do not know absolutely...she's shy, she likes being alone...what does she do in a leadership position?

So uuhh...

Any suggestions to someone who doesn't know shit in the realm of politics?

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