Kingdom Tour p3

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3rd POV
Clotted Cream didn't know where Gingerbrave was leading him until he saw a small village in the part of the kingdom, a plain and simple village.

Wildberry and Crunchy Chip Cookie were here as well. "Is that the last of them?" Crunchy Chip asked, to which Wildberry replied with a nod. "Hm...wonder why Gingerbrave decided that we should help him out, wouldn't these cookies be safer with his own guards?" Crunchy Chip asked, looking at the houses.

"I believe he explained that the Ginger Fighters look too much like the cookies in white masks that he was concerned about reawakening certain traumas." Wildberry explained to which Crunchy Chip looked at him. "Why us though? They trust Gingerbrave more."

"Probably because he was busy..." Wildberry replied, and on cur Gingerbrave arrived in front of them. "Hi Wildberry Cookie! Crunchy Chip Cookie!"

"Well if it isn't the man himself, how ya doin buddy?" Crunchy Chip asked, since the Republic, the guy's been opening up to Gingerbrave more, him, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip have become pen pals. "I'm fine, how are they?" Gingerbrave asked looking at the houses. "All secure as you requested, they were led safely to the kingdom."

"Pardon me, Gingerbrave, whatever are they talking about?" Clotted Cream chimed in, somewhat startling Crunchy Chip. Gingerbrave chuckled. "Did you get in trouble with the Republic for this?" Crunchy Chip asked to which caused Gingerbrave to giggle. "No, Clotted Cream was just here by chance, I'm just showing him around."

"Speaking of showing people around, how'd you like it here Wildberry, Crunchy Chip?" Gingerbrave asked.

Both Cookies sort of lowered their guard. "I must say...I wasn't expecting the additions of every single cookie kingdom on Earthbread to be added here, but, this kingdom still keeps itself calm in a sense." Wildberry remarked. "Yeah! How'd you get the snow here?"

"I...have a few ways..." Gingerbrave spoke, not wanting to say that they somehow got Frost Queen involved...that was a story for another day...

Suddenly, out emerged from the houses a few cookies Clotted Cream familiarized as being part of the Lower City of the Republic. "Are those...?" Clotted Cream spoke, and one of the cookies approached them.

"Sir Gingerbrave, you're here, I've been meaning to ask, is it true we can customize our own homes?" One of them spoke. "Sir Gingerbrave! You're telling me I can get a job here? No 'conditional looks' or anything?"
Another one asked. "Sir Gingerbrave! I must inquire, is it true that even we, people who barely have an accountant can keep an income?"

"Slow down everyone." Gingerbrave spoke, trying to calm the citizens. "Yes to all that...I brought you here so you could have new please, help yourselves." Gingerbrave explained. The crowd started to murmur. "What about jobs? Most of us don't know how to read...or write..." one of the cookies spoke. "That's perfectly fine, you can learn at the new school we've built, the funds are managed by Wizard Cookie, not sure how he keeps the funding for the school, but as far as I know it's free." Gingerbrave spoke, entirely sure of this fact.

"But we're adults...wouldn't it be awkward?" One of them asked, to which Gingerbrave shook his head. "No one will judge you for missing out on life...and no one will judge you for your hardships being the reason..." Gingerbrave smiled. "Not every cookie gets lucky enough to have the life they need."

"How about the jobs? What are those available?" Gingerbrave then pondered. "Well, we have the woodcutters and the miners, the blacksmiths, construction workers....well all those are the best I have that can be done without learning first." Gingerbrave explained. "Our head blacksmith, Avocado Cookie can teach you how to make weapons, the rest you can learn at the school."

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