Adventure awaits!

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3rd POV
Tis was early morning at...somewhat at the break of dawn, the sun was shining once more, Gingerbrave and the rest preparing for the adventure ahead. "Alright, Strawberry Cookie has enough food for us to eat, I have the materials needed to use a counteract spell, if it works- and Chili Pepper has the rest of the stuff." Wizard recounted, checking off everything. "Why are we giving the rest of the stuff to Chili Pepper?" Strawberry asked concerned. "Don't worry, there's nothing shiny in there..." Wizard Cookie said glaring at Chili. "Hey! I know when to control myself now! Thank you!" Chili Pepper said in annoyance. "Ok, are we ready?" Gingerbrave asked, bringing along Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry. "You're still wearing the cloak." Custard Cookie III says pointing upon GingerCandy's cloak. "Yeah, I want to give it back to GingerCandy when I see them again!" Gingerbrave said with excitement. "Alright, we're ready...let's say goodbye to everyone..." Wizard Cookie remarks, going into the kingdom's square. "Alright everyone! We'll be departing soon!" Wizard Cookie announced to the crowd. They all cheered, mixtures of 'byes,' 'be home soon,' and 'Stay safe' They went to the gate, and started their adventure...

 They all cheered, mixtures of 'byes,' 'be home soon,' and 'Stay safe' They went to the gate, and started their adventure

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"Hyah!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, smacking the cake hounds that blocked their path. Hollyberry was not too far behind, running like a Cake Boar and knocking back a group of cake hounds with her shield. Custard and Pure Vanilla healing the group with little effort. Wizard and Strawberry having each other's backs and Chili ambushing from the trees. The cakes were dealt with as they continued their adventure. "This should be the path where Paradise was." Pure Vanilla remarked, remembering the scenery. "Not much has changed..." he says. "I mean, that path has remained for a while...Though there used to be torches to light the way at night." Hollyberry remarks. "Torches?" Gingerbrave asked curiously. "When we would come here, it was usually late at night, so the Ginger Cookies would place torches and light them up so that we wouldn't get lost." Hollyberry explained. "Huh, that was nice of them!" Gingerbrave says as they walk along the path. He wondered what would happen if they arrived at the land of the Ginger Cookies. Would they attack us like Black Raisin Cookie? They haven't really seen other cookies in a long time...what would they even look like? Have they changed? Are they okay? What do they think happened to GingerCandy? Did they miss their home? So many questions with so little answers for a curious and adventurous little Cookie. "Turn right here." Pure Vanilla said as they walked across the path he spoke of...then...

"This should be where it last was..."

In front of them was a forest, a thick, thick forest. "You must be right about that spell...I don't think the forest has these types of trees indigenous to the place." Pure Vanilla remarked. "They usually matched the colors of the Tree of Wishes." He continues, comparing, the trees were more greener than that of the tree of wishes. "Let's try and search deep within the forest...we might have better luck there..." Wizard Cookie suggested, they all nodded, even though he could try to counteract the spell, he doubts that it would work the first try in some random forest. They went in deeper...the sun seemingly came out of view as darkness covered them...

"This is scary!" Strawberry Cookie remarked. "I know right...this place is giving me the heebie jeebies..." Chili Pepper remarked, holding Custard who seemed shaken a bit. "It's alright, it's just a dark forest, there's nothing to be scared of-" "AAAAH!" Strawberry Cookie screamed, a CreamWolf scaring her as she ran behind Hollyberry. "CreamWolves?! But this place barely has any snow! Shouldn't this be common in the Dark Cacao Kingdom?!"   Hollyberry shouted. "They only appear IN the Dark Cacao Kingdom!" Pure Vanilla said, being surrounded by a bunch of Creamwolves on his side. "Then how did they get here?!" Wizard said, readying a spell. "I do not know, but now's not the time to figure out..." Pure Vanilla said lifting his staff.

A few magical hits from the Creamwolves knocked them back within the forest...or at least it seemed like it... "They just keep comin!" Chili Pepper said getting tired. "If we keep this up we might fight till we collapse!" Hollyberry said. "We have to retreat!" She said. "No way! GingerCandy is counting on us! We can't give up now!" Gingerbrave said knocking back the Creamwolves. "Hollyberry is right Gingerbrave, we have to retreat now and come back later!" Wizard Cookie said trying to convince Gingerbrave. " it just me or are these Creamwolves just, disintegrating?" Strawberry Cookie said, they looked towards her...and see that the knocked out the Creamwolves are turning into pink dust. "It's an Illusion spell!" Pure Vanilla said, "The Creamwolves aren't real!"

A Creamwolf tried to attack them, and completely disintegrated into pink dust, "I see...this was meant to scare intruders..." Wizard Cookie said. "This GingerCandy is very cautious..." He said as they travers the path. Gingerbrave sighed in relief... "Heh" he spouted out. They walk across the path and meet a clearing. Only a singe tent and a campfire...

"Huh...this must be a different place then...he did say that Paradise could move." Gingerbrave said. "I guess..." Pure Vanilla said looking around. "Who was here though?" He asked..

"I am..." They hear through the shadows, the rustling through the trees and the sound of footsteps. The Cookie dropped down right in front of them as they all stared.

"Who are you?"

"I am GingerPeach Cookie

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"I am GingerPeach Cookie..."

"And you...Ginger Commoner are WEARING my father's cloak."

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