The Council's has decided

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Yes...I know the title is a meme
3rd POV
"Let us begin the fourth Council meeting!" Pure Vanilla declared as everyone gathered, including that news crew no one has...ever seen...many thoughts are present during this Council...and as such tensions arise again as the sound of the mantle grew heavy...
"Truly, over the past few days, these walls have witnessed a series of difficult, heated discussions. I believe, it was a great opportunity to hear each other's opinions. But as we all know, the pursuit of truth is never an easy path." Pure Vanilla began thoroughly beginning the Council. "I must be frank with you. Last night, I had a serious conversation with Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie." He confessed, as he now knows that sometimes hiding the truth can cause problems. "We shared our thoughts and concerns regarding the proposition to analyze our Soul Jam in order to find a way to share its potential with everyone. We also let each other know what we considered the most important in this endeavor. Lastly, we agreed to respect each other's final decision." He explained as everyone in the Solarium nodded agreeing to the customs. "If you allow me, I will voice mine..."

"First of all, I hereby agree to share my Soul Jam with all of Cookiekind. I am doing this to ensure the prosperity of the future generations who will inherit this kingdom, this continent, and this world. So let my strength become the energy for GingerBrave and all those to come after him." Pure Vanilla declared, finalizing his decision "Huh? For real? Is he for real?!" Crunchy Chip reacted slightly surprised. As Gingerbrave chuckled...not like he was carrying a Soul Jam on his cape this whole time... "I, too, thought a lot about it. And now I'm ready to tell you my decision!" Hollyberry spoke standing up from her seat as a moment of declaration.

"I used to think it'd be hard to find a Cookie who'd love the Hollyberry Kingdom more than me. After all, I found it, my dear family and friends live there. It's my home that I will protect with my life. But! Isn't it arrogant to think I'm the only one who feels this way? I'm sure many a Hollyberrian will share my feelings! It might be the kingdom at large, but doesn't everyone have something dear to them? Something they want to protect?" Hollyberry explained the cards falling into place. "I want them to have the strength to do that. And if my Soul Jam is needed for that, let it be! I'm sure the Soul Jam itself would approve! I've always felt like there was a reflection of me in it." Hollyberry spoke smiling as she did finalizing her decision. "You too, Lady Hollyberry Cookie?! And you're OK with that, Wildberry Cookie?!" Crunchy Chip asks as Wildberry smiles. "I trust in my Lady's judgment. She has made the right choice." Wildberry spoke.

"And our Dark Cacao Kingdom..." Dark Cacao voiced, beginning his argument. "Our strength is in perseverance. We have always lived in a land so hostile. We are a kingdom between the vision blizzards coming from the mountains and the sinister shadows of the Licorice Sea. And the strength granted by my Soul Jam...? Without this strength, there would be no Dark Cacao Kingdom, none of its noble warriors." Dark Cacao explained his face blank. "To use this strength to ensure my land's survival is my responsibility."

" I would never let go of my sword."

"Ah..." Hollyberry worded, rubbing her neck. "If it is your choice..." Pure Vanilla spoke understanding his decision. "...But recent events demonstrated that my warriors' will and spirits burn brighter than ever! Their overwhelming trust in me is... humbling! I realized that the Dark Cacao Kingdom would never surrender without a fight, be it with or without my sword." Dark Cacao continued. "However, I cannot allow my sword to end up in the hands of the unjust. The repercussions of it could be most devastating. I have endured many attempts from those who tried to wrestle the sword from my grasp. Their absence is evidence of my resolve." He says looking towards Clotted Cream. "But Clotted Cream Cookie and his Republic? Can they be trusted? In that, I am unsure..."

"Dark Cacao Cookie..." Pure Vanilla softened at his words...the words that spoke concern for all cookiekind made for this was easy to just give away their Soul Jam the First Time cause they knew GingerCandy was a bright soul that longed for equality...but this time...concerns like this need to be addressed. "As such...The mighty King Dark Cacao Cookie's resolve still shines as bright as his Soul Jam." GingerPeach remarked smiling proudly. "But I have also realized that my strength can do so much more than simply guard the Great Wall against the Licorice Sea. Across the sea, lies Dark Enchantress Cookie's domain. What if the rot of the Darkness has already spread further than we ever thought? No wall can protect the entire world. We must prepare for a battle of much greater scale." Dark Cacao spoke putting his sword down. "If I must share the power of my Soul Jam in order to win this battle, my choice will decide the fate of us all. And as the shadow of war is looming over us, I choose to share the burden of responsibility in changing the world. With a heavy heart... I agree to share my strength!" Dark Cacao declared. "That's our great king! His noble soul puts everyone to shame! Ha ha!" Crunchy Chip spoke, Gingerbrave chuckling at that. "On one condition!" Dark Cacao spoke looking at Clotted Cream again to directly inform him. "The power contained in my Soul Jam must be used for the good of all Cookies! Even a single Cookie's evil intention will be enough to taint its purity. Know that I make this impossible decision being aware of such risk." Dark Cacao spoke as Clotted Cream nodded.

"Your reputation of unparalleled wisdom is true, I am humbled and grateful for your agreement to my proposition." Clotted Cream said as if the events from yesterday did not happen. "Rest assured, the Soul Jam will be handled with utmost care and analyzed with state-of-the-art equipment for the betterment of all." Espresso said faltering a bit. "Worry not, the Paladins and House Madeleine will that your Soul Jam will remain safe from any harm!" Madeleine declared both Financier and Espresso looking confused on why he added 'House Madeleine' seemingly piqued the interest of all of them mostly GingerPeach. "Glad to hear it!" Hollyberry spoke. "But our Soul Jam is called that for a reason. I must do all in my power to ensure the objects of such great importance are safe and sound. Which is why I'm making a counter-proposal. My most trusted Cookies will go too!" She spoke looking to Wildberry. "Wildberry Cookie, will you journey to the Republic and protect our Soul Jam?" She asked as if promoting him. "Your wish is my command." Wildberry responded, bowing afterwards. "Hm... Captain Crunchy Chip Cookie, I will ask you the same." Dark Cacao said. "Will you swear to protect my Soul Jam until your last crumb, just like you protected our kingdom?" He asked Crunchy Chip's eyes sparkled. "You can trust me, Your Majesty! I swear by my warrior's honor to keep it safe no matter what!" Crunchy Chip Cookie declared Dark Cacao slightly smiling at that. "Then I choose you, GingerBrave, as my envoy!" Pure Vanilla spoke as Gingerbrave looked around in surprise "He has done much to help make this Council happen! On his path, he met a lot of Cookies, talked to them, and, most importantly, listened to what they had to say. GingerBrave may be young, but I believe he is more than capable of representing us in the Republic. GingerBrave, will you assist us once more?" Pure Vanilla asked as Gingerbrave still looked flabbergasted but still. "Sure thing! I'll be honored!" Gingerbrave agreed. "Since it is agreed upon them, I will say this firmly, since we are the original holders of the Artificial Soul Jam Recipe, we'd like to ask Clotted Cream Cookie for permission on letting us collaborate in dividing and sharing the power of the Soul Jam to others in need." GingerPeach asked as Clotted Cream nodded. "We'd be most delighted in collaborating with the lost kingdom of the Ginger Cookies." He spoke as GingerPeach sighed. "I'll inform you in advance about the well I would like to personally request some of our Ginger Fighters oversee this mission." She explained leaving Clotted Cream confused. "The Soul Jam already has so much security already? How come the extra hand?" Clotted Cream asked.

"Gingerbrave..." GingerPeach spoke. "As you may know, our leader GingerCandy perished so long ago leaving our kingdom to be lost into time...however since we collaborated with Gingerbrave and established a joint leadership and alliance, Gingerbrave going into uncharted lands will raise concern for the people in our kingdom." She explained. "In order to prevent another tragic loss, I humbly request that some Ginger Fighters will be brought along with the collaboration." Clotted Cream understood well. "Very well, I'll accept your request." Clotted Cream spoke satisfied that this is all going into plan. "Once again, I welcome your wise decision, Great Heroes! Without a doubt, it will become the first step to saving the whole Cookie world!" Clotted Cream declared. "I am certain that all those present here comprehend the magnitude of this newfound purpose and responsibility, born right here at this Council. I shall do everything in my power to help you carry this great burden, both in our Republic and in whichever place fate brings us next." He spoke bowing. "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all Cookies who attended this historic Council."

And with that...the Council meeting has ended...

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