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3rd POV
Tw: Talks about Religious beliefs

"Log Date 3: The Sixth One has been missing

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"Log Date 3: The Sixth One has been missing...I have been tasked to find him in the meantime...that cookie is far too curious for his own good...he might end up straying too far to the darkside like his predecessor..."
The Pheonix Glider spoke...

He is a member of the Pheonix Order...his ancestors? Former members of the Biscuit Guard...

He is tasked with keeping the last of their king safe...

That is all his purpose at the moment. "On the other note: The Cult doesn't seem to suspect him as prey, but, despite his strength and with a Soul Jam to boot, The Sixth must be protected, as he has not yet learned the full extent of his capabilities..." He continues, writing it all down on a book. "I have decided to search in the Lyceum for clues...after that I will search the docks, he seems to be on good terms with the Elder of the Seas" he says, closing his book and heading straight for the Lyceum in a heartbeat...

No one was around thankfully, and sneaking in was as easy feat. Honestly, why would anyone steal in the Lyceum of all places? It was basically like a city council meeting room! What useful thing would be in there? No wonder it hasn't had high quality security like the ones in House Custard. He searched the floor for clues any traces for crumbs, the scent in the air and even magical essences, but no. "Report: He is not at the Lyceum...time to make a detour to the dock-"

Swiftly he reacted to a knife being thrown at him and dodging it with haste, putting the book away and gaining defensive position. "There you are heretic!" The Cookie in the Black Mask appeared once more to the Phoenix Glider. He took out his sword after seeing the cookie. "I did not expect one of you cultists to have been here, what business do you seek in the presence of the Elders?" He questioned, knowing full-well that one of the Elders might be leading such a Elder would be one of the leaders...thinking otherwise is a miracle at best. "Nothing a opposing, derailing, vigilante like you can comprehend! You and your false teachings about your gods!" They spoke holding another dagger "The only one telling false teachings is you cultist!" He yelled. "Wizard of Dawnlight! Hear me!" He spoke, activating the black start to ignite into flames, "Stay back! This blade is as hot as the sun!" He warned. "As such of the Pheonix Glider, your crumbs will be the last thing your gods will see!" They yelled before engaging into combat towards the cookie, moving their dagger with haste, but precise and calculating movements, to the point that the Phoenix Glider was forced unto the defensive, unlike his usual choice of offensive. "You're pretty good at defense, heretic! Your skills remind me of that of a Paladin!" They remarked, as the vigilante dodged their attacks and counter attacking their dagger, knowing that it might have the same power as those who wield the 'Holy Fork of Judgement' "But too bad, this is your end, fallen unbeliever!" She said, using a smoke bomb and blinding the Glider, knowing well he could not see within darkness wen he is wearing the mask, the assailant chuckled.

"This is the will of the godly!" They declared attacking from above with an undeniable yell, this was it, they would end the vigilante once and for all!

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