Investigation: Clotted Cream's POV

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3rd POV

Possibly a few hours earlier...

"Sire. A certain uninvited guest has arrived again." One of the butlers of House Custard informed, "Shall I give the usual response of sire's absence?" He asks. "No, not this time. I will deal with this matter personally." Elder Custard says slightly annoyed, the butler nodded and begun to open the door. "Welcome, madame. It has been a long time, has it not?" He welcomes Light Cream Cookie. "Oh! I am surprised I actually managed to come on a day you were present!" Light Cream remarked. "As per usual, I am heavily preoccupied with matters of state. It would be wise to, perhaps, send word of your visit in advance." Elder Custard implied strongly. "Cookie: I was just... strolling past your manor, by coincidence of course. And I thought to myself it may be an opportune moment to visit. My apologies if I am intruding at a delicate time." Light Cream explained somewhat nervously. "It is quite all right, madame. May I inquire as to the nature of your abrupt visit?" Elder Custard asks already knowing the answer. "I er... I... Well... How is he? I heard... I recently learned that he has returned from a faraway voyage..." Light Cream asked concerned, as Elder Custard sighed. "It was of extreme importance and resulted in great success. Only a sharp mind for politics and diplomacy could have brought such an outcome." He begun explaining. "The Coins invested in his education and training were not spent in vain. Were he to have remained in House Scone in its current state, his potential may have wasted away to crumbs. It is fortunate that House Custard was there for him." He said slightly sounding sympathetic. "I am pleased to hear so...! To hear of his feats throughout the Entire Republic warms my heart." She spoke delighted. "I... erm... There is something that I must ask of you... I would like to meet him, to see him after so long would-" "As I have stated, he is engaged in matters far too important at the moment. The very fate of the Crème Republic rests upon his shoulders and distractions may hinder his efforts." He interrupted, "He must focus on preparing for the imminent war with Dark Enchantress Cookie. It is time for rational logic, not wavering emotions." He said irritated by the question. "You are a mother of immense love and wisdom. Can you not see what is needed most in this moment?"

"Oh, um, but I... Yes. Yes, perhaps you are right." Light Cream says...after all...perhaps her son wouldn't want to see her again after all this time. "If you are truly concerned for his well-being and future, then pray for him with all of your heart. Such impromptu visits will only cloud his judgment. He is in good hands. As Patron of House Custard, I promise to stay by him at all times." He spoke, explaining the situation. "Well, I... Thank you, Elder Custard." Light Cream said disappointed. "Before I take my leave, may I advise you on this matter? You may visit on any occasion you wish......Though I recommend any future visits be regarding matters of greater import."

(You know what Elder Custard sounds like in my head? That one documentary narrator you see for Science videos)


"Father. I have returned." Clotted Cream spoke. "How have you fared in my absence? I trust that all is well?" He asks...already knowing what kind of argument he might have with him. "Welcome back." Elder Custard remarked holding papers in his hand. "I received word of the ambush. An attempt to steal the Soul Jam, was it?" He asks...Clotted Cream prepared himself for the discussion ahead with a hard sigh. "...Yes"

"Do not leave out a single detail." Elder Custard commanded basically... "Our party was ambushed by a group of unknown assailants in white masks while transporting the Soul Jam." He begun explaining. "We successfully retrieved the Soul Jam from said assailants, but we have yet to identify the culprits." He stopped. "Did you not consider the possibility such an attempt could be made? You should have planned for every outcome with the utmost caution!!" He 'scolded' him "Imagine the shame that would be elicited, had you failed to safeguard something so important! Do you know how much dishonor would be brought upon our House had you lost the Soul Jam?!" He spoke, obviously he only cared of every one of these Republicans... "All eyes of the city are on you! Many are already skeptical of your eligibility!! Are you deliberately trying to bring disgrace upon me and House Custard?!" He yelled, Clotted Cream barely even flinching. " It seems the summit with the Ancient Heroes has made you sloppy and negligent. Tell me... What is your next move?" He asks angrily. "...I was unaware of the existence of such a group within our Republic. To prevent such mishaps from occurring, I intend on taking extra precautions and fully investigating the matter, both internally and externally." Clotted Cream explained. "So your plan is a cover-up... born from words that sound plausible but carry no weight. Perhaps I was wrong. This negligence... this complacency is not from your travels. No, it is a flaw inherited from your parents." He mocked (See this is why I hate you...) "Your mother was always easily excited, even at the smallest of deeds." he says mocking his mother. "You fool! Think of what I've sacrificed to smother out such imperfections from your very dough! It seems your studies and training have grown lax of late! And the thieves? Have you found out where they came from yet?" He says, seems like Elder Custard thinks his son to be a freaking Fortune Teller. "No. The investigation is ongoing." He begun to explain again. "We are receiving eyewitness accounts from Cookies who were at the Sanctum and the piazza. Another effort is being made to identify Cookies capable of breaching the reliquary." He says...his suspicions growing towards the man he calls his father. "Obey my words, boy. Protect that Soul Jam. Do not take your eyes off it for even a single moment." He commanded. "Do. Not. Forget. The future of House Custard and the Crème Republic rests on your shoulders. Live up to the expectations. Whatever happens, do not bring disgrace to this family." Clotted Cream looked directly into his eyes, showing true manner of strength. "I saved you from ruination. I gave you power and strength. I've invested too much for you to tarnish the prominence of this family. This is all that's needed of you to repay your debt to House Custard. Understood?!" He says. "...Understood." Clotted Cream responded...

(I hate you Elder Custard I hope you die.)

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