Elder's Investigation

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3rd POV

"Now, let's try to do this all at once..." Wizard says as the magic circle underneath the Elders glowed s bright white. "Green means truth, Red means lie..." He explained as he nodded towards GingerChoco, as he is the one doing the interview, Wizard needed to focus the magic circle to hold and constantly talking might miss the mark. Plus the spell was supposed to tell the number of cookies that have lied, so it would be easier to narrow it down. GingerChoco cleared his throat. "Let's start with a simple question, have any of you associated with any of the Cookie's in Masks?" He asks, the Elders then begun to say a series and different iterations of 'no' causing the circle to glow red, the Elders gasped at that. "Hmm...two of the Elders have lied in this table." He says. "Two?! Two of us have been conspiring against us?!" Elder Custard accused. "Ugh! To believe it is one of us Elders of the Convocation! How dare this treachery be upon us!" Elder Vanilla Sugar said shocked, she was almost about to faint. "But who? Who are the accused?" Elder Bamukuchen asked, eyeing towards Wizard Cookie. "I only know the number of cookies, we must interview them one by one." he said as GingerChoco nodded. "Let's start with Elder Oyster."

"Where were you during the incident when the Soul Jam was allegedly stolen?" GingerChoco asked as Elder Oyster was the only one in her seat. "This is going to take forever! Consul, is there no way we can investigate further?" Elder Mulled-Juice asked looking towards Clotted Cream. "Ideally this is the best solution I have, according to the Ancients, the Time Kingdom was well-renowned for their expertise in magic, unlike us who solely rely on technology." Clotted Cream spoke. "If this is how crime is lowly populated in the kingdom, then this is the best solution we have..." he spoke.

"No, I was unaware of the incident ever happening in our Great Republic, frankly I only heard once the Consul spoke of it to me." Elder Oyster spoke, smiling as she did so, the light turned green as Wizard nodded. "Has any member of your house thought to have planned this event from happening or have you once met with these assailants once?" GingerChoco spoke, being thorough with the questions, even if the Elder herself wasn't responsible and honestly wasn't aware of the incident happening, then that would've meant the possibility of her House having staged the whole incident could be possible. "No...if there was someone in my House who orchestrated the events, then I was unaware of it, nor have I seen or met any of these Cookies, as much as I and everyone here have motive for doing so..." the light flashed green at her words as Wizard tapped his staff instructing GingerChoco to finish as he nodded, "Next Elder Custard." He spoke as Elder Oyster left her seat, newly innocent. Elder Custard took his seat. "Although frankly...I hope this speeds up...I wouldn't want anyone to hold their tongue...how's your suspicions Espresso Cookie?" He asked towards the professor as he started taking notes. Espresso looked at the papers. "I need to go to the filing room to investigate further...be right back." Espresso spoke, leaving his papers in a secure area, Clotted Cream wasted no time to investigate it as Espresso left the room.

"Let me ask again, were you aware that the incident had taken place before Clotted Cream spoke to you about it?" GingerChoco pressed as Elder Custard's eyes widened, the last time he asked the question, the light went red. "This is an outrage! You are clearly manipulating the circle!" Elder Custard accused. "Calm down I haven't manipulated anything..." Wizard reassured talking less, due to his complete focus on the situation, but the seriousness in his eyes, showed the fury that showcased themselves during Gingerbrave's trial, and Elder Custard knew better than to outsmart this child... "Fine! Yes, I was aware of the incident! But not for the reasons you think! I merely had my sources, House Custard is the most influential House in the Republic! It's dabble into politics brought me multiple sources that could have given me a report of the incident and thus I knew before the Consul spoke of it." Elder Custard proclaimed as he sat down, arms crossed, the light glowed a bright green as Wizard nodded. "And you never informed us of this incident?! Elder Custard, shame on you! Our Republic was in great danger and you didn't think to inform us!" Elder Vanilla Sugar spouted, being the oldest in the Republic, it was understandable. "I-I was handling it! I instructed Consul Clotted Cream to handle such a task, so there wouldn't be any panic!" The light turned green as Wizard nodded. "Continue, GingerChoco." GingerChoco nodded at the instructions. "Has any member of your house thought to have planned this event from happening or have you once met with these assailants once?" He asks. "No...no one in my House has ever seen or associated with these assailants..." he confirmed as the light glowed green, Wizard tapped his staff once more and GingerChoco continued. "Elder Vanilla Sugar." Elder Custard then begrudgingly left his seat, as Elder Vanilla Sugar took hers.

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