The Glory of the Creme Republic.

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3rd POV
The bells rung as it marked their arrival...having found the sounds of seagulls and blue skies calming...
"WHOAH! I've never seen the sky so blue! And look at all those awesome buildings!" Gingerbrave said in awe looking through the windows. "I never imagined that the Crème Republic was gonna be THIS BIG!" He said taking note of the architecture, oh Avocado cookie would love this! (Avocado is Bismuth and you can't tell me otherwise) "My friends. Allow me the honor to be the first to welcome you to the Crème Republic: where culture and magichanical technology thrive!" Clotted Cream says looking with Gingerbrave. "Is this what oceans are supposed to look like? It's a lot cleaner than the Licorice Sea!" Crunchy Chip remarked. "The climate is cool and crisp too. Much more mild than the Hollyberry Kingdom's." Wildberry added also in awe. "HA HA! Hence the reason why the Crème Republic is the greatest land for all Cookies! Everywhere you look, at every turn and every corner, there is nothing but beauty and kindness!" Madeleine says reverting back to his phase once more. "Consul, sir. Shall I send word to the Elders that we have arrived?" Financier asked awaiting orders. "I beg to differ. Our first stop must be the laboratory. We must analyze the Soul Jam without delay." Espresso says ready to make haste. "Decisions, decisions... Right! My friends, your opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated." Clotted Cream spoke.

Now Imma just not put any choices here because none of that changes the story whatsoever.

"Shouldn't we meet the Elders first?" Gingerbrave asks knowing that was at least important. "I concur. Protocol stipulates that we report to the Convocation of Elders upon arrival." Financier added, as she is quite the stickler. "The quickest route to the Lyceum is through the piazza of Monument Spire." Madeleine informed. "I agree that delivering our report should be our very first move. Please lead the way...."

"Ah, salutations! I heard you'd arrived. I was just on my way to greet you." Archbishop Cream came from the nowhere basically. "Greetings, Archbishop. It has been a while. Esteemed delegates, allow me to introduce to you Archbishop Cream Cookie, the voice of the Republic's faith." Clotted Cream informed as they bowed in respect. "May I ask where you are heading?" The Archbishop spoke (I swear this guy is involved I don't care what the story says he's involved) "We are currently en route to the Lyceum for an audience with the Elders." Clotted Cream informed. "Ah, I see!" He spoke with a smile on his face. "Would it not be wise to grant a prayer of thanks to the Divines before delivering your report?" He says directing to the Divine Sanctum. "After all, your safe return home is proof that their Celestial Light has watched over you during your travels. Surely your time abroad hasn't made you forget the Republic's customs of thanking the Divines after fulfilling a great deed? Come, I shall walk with you to the Divine Sanctum." He insisted going suit to the Sanctum without word. (He is FREAKING involved I SWEAR-)

"WOW! This is the Divine Sanctum? It's like the most beautiful cake ever! Decorated with the fanciest cream and toppings!" Gingerbrave exclaimed looking in awe inside a church. "Welcome to the Divine Sanctum. This cathedral serves as one of the most historically and culturally significant locations in all of the Crème Republic." Archbishop Cream says then dawned upon a realization. "Ah, but where are my manners? Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Archbishop Cream Cookie, a faithful disciple to the Divines." He says with a smile. "Entertaining new guests are we, Archbishop? The Sanctum seems more lively than usual." A voice came from the side of the cathedral, Clotted Cream immediately recognized it. "Elder Mille-feuille Cookie. I did not see you there." Archbishop says. "I came to pray for those less fortunate; the Cookies who are suffering in pain and sadness." Mille-feuille spoke putting a hand on her chest for emphasis. "Your journey here must have been exhausting. I thank the Divines that you have made it safely." She says directing to Clotted Cream. "Just look at you! Crumbs on your face... *Tsk tsk*" As she says that she immediately cups the face of the Consul who gently pushed her away, she always had a motherly nature. "Thank you for your concern, Elder Mille-feuille Cookie." Clotted Cream says sighing. "Erm... Who's this?" Gingerbrave asks. "I present to you Elder Mille-feuille Cookie, one of the nine members of the Convocation of Elders." Clotted Cream explained as she smiled. "A pleasure to meet you. You have played a crucial role in these trying times, as our lands are on the brink of war." She says kindly then looking back to Clotted Cream. "I heard that you have achieved great success in the summit with the Ancient Heroes at the Vanilla Kingdom?" She asks. "Indeed. The Ancient Heroes have agreed to my terms. We have brought their Soul Jam, the legendary artifacts of mysterious power." Clotted Cream replied. "These Soul Jam seem to be receptacles for their noble souls. They are secured in an enchanted reliquary to ensure a safe and, may I add, discrete transit." He explained showing the safe. "How fares our beloved city? I hope all has been well during my absence?" He asks concerned. "The light of the Divines graces us with its presence. All Cookies under its warm sunlight remain healthy and crispy." Archbishop informed but his face quickly turns into worry. "However, there have been irregular rumors of heresy as of late. I am quite troubled by these acts of heresy. There are those who speak in a tongue unknown to the light... Some have even begun praying to the shadows-blighted areas untouched by the Divines." He says...but the worry quickly turns to fright and concern after they heard either a scream or loud bang from outside. "What was that?!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed...

To be continued...

Joke- I'm on a writing spree as if I'll leave it on a cliffhanger again...

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