The Phoenix

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3rd POV
The skies remained crimson red as storms flew overhead, thunder burst through the grounds creating small craters and attacking the Cookies of Darkness.

They followed the simple command of the Ginger Cookie up in the air, who's eyes were as red as strawberry jam and who's aura resembled the flames of the seizing oven.

"He's lost his mind! Lost control!" Licorice screamed in fear as he tried to counteract the lightning strikes. "It's almost like...when Dark Cacao Cookie himself lost control"

She yelped when more lightning struck next to her, Licorice instinctively grabbed Poison Mushroom as Gingerbrave continued raining down attacks at them.

Till he was suddenly hit by Dark Enchantress' beam.

"I don't know what's happening to you..." She spoke. "But just because you're his successor...doesn't mean you're just-"

Dark Enchantress gasped as she felt his presence behind her, quickly turning only to get smacked by his cane, she felt the strength of Hollyberry's shield throw her off the Cake Witch and land her on the ground.

'He was able to hit me? How?' She said to herself, remembering that her spell would only be counteracted by another Ancient...which would mean...

She stared at Gingerbrave who's eyes bore emptily at her soul, glowing red and staring darkly at her.

Dark Enchantress looked up in fear and shock, who was this cookie? How in the world is this cookie able to inherit such powerful magic? It's impossible! Especially with that Soul Jam!

The Ginger Cookie did not speak and started aiming at her, she clenched her teeth and dodged the mayhem ordering the dragon and the Licorice sea to flee.

"Retreat! All of you!" Dark Enchantress ordered, her holographic form withering away. Gingerbrave continued to stare at her as she raised her staff. "My subordinates might not best you, but I won't be humiliated by an insignificant spawn like you!" Dark Enchantress roared sending down her own magical attacks on him, Gingerbrave dodged, it looked almost as if he was teleporting on air and with a twirl he caught Dark Enchantress' beam, redirecting it right back at her, suddenly the two were battling in the sky, magic clashing with one another, almost as if they were equal in power.

"Wizard Cookie, what is this?! When did Gingerbrave get a Soul Jam?!" Hollyberry yelled towards Wizard who only looked up in shock and fear, yet somehow the child was able to keep up with the movements of the two cookies fighting in the air, despite their incredible speed, only showing within a glimmer of light.

"That was none other than GingerCandy..." Pure Vanilla remarked. "GingerCandy?! But, that's impossible! A Soul Jam connects only to the cookie alone! How could Gingerbrave obtain GingerCandy's Soul Jam?!"

"So that thing about a Sixth Soul Jam being non-existent was a lie?!" Clottef Cream screamed.

"We were protecting the knowledge of the Ginger Cookies, we made an oath long ago to keep these secrets away from anyone...and was never perfect..." Hollyberry explained. "The Sixth Soul Jam or what we call it wasn't like our Soul Jams, it was built, created like an artificial one...and only the Ginger Cookies could obtain that secret."

"That's why you were hesitant in creating a new Soul Jam and mass producing it..." Wildberry remarked. "You already did, but it did not work..."

"The one who held the Sixth Soul Jam and the one who created it, perished in the Dark Flour War...the Soul Jam was supposed to give us enough strength to keep us away from Death itself..." Dark Cacao informed. "But...when replicating it...our friend drove themselves into the shackles of death..."

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