What 'Vigilante Ending' had

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"Do not fear the man who has everything

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"Do not fear the man who has everything...fear the man who has lost everything..."

Context: Madeleine slays Elder Mille-Fuielle earlier on (there was no Wizard Fight scene with Gingerbrave) however, the Order shows up at the right time (The whole fight scene with Wizard scared them off) and captures Wizard. Due to the sudden disappearance and stress, the Order has the war post poned, having Wizard as some sort of like hostage. So they have to find a way to save them, unfortunately without Wizard's presence everyday working alongside the Elders became stressful for Gingerbrave as almost no one was able to hear him out unless Wildberry and Crunchy Chip stepped in. Then one day, after DE attacked the republic and they are still trying to get Wizard back, GingerChoco confesses the plan out of guilt. This was enough to make Gingerbrave snap and raise his voice against everything that's been happening.

I want a scene like this in the future, for now it's just here. Gingerbrave's mentality is actually what I imagine him thinking.
From the moment he was born he had to fight to survive, running away and watching as his family was eaten before him, relieved that Wizard and Strawberry was safe and they could build a home away from the Witches, Gingerbrave went on this journey helping cookies and sweets to fight for the safe and happy world him and his brother dreamed of...of course that escalated to heroism...but deep inside, he was just fighting for a world where everyone is safe...where his friends were safe, he will use himself as a shield if he needs to...but the moment he loses one of them ONE of them, he'll fall apart so fast, because no no no no, he can't do this again...not again...

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