The truth?

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3rd POV

"Grief strikes the soul"
"Regret Strikes the heart"
"Closest friend turned enemy"
"First friend torn apart..."

Dark Cacao was out of control, all who attended and were present during the council either fled or protected their respective representative. "Your Majesty! Calm yourself, you're going to harm others at the Council!" Crunchy Chip yelled but also stayed back. "What's happening to him?!" Wildberry yelled. "I don't know! He did this last time when Pomegranate and her friends tried to take the Soul Jam!" Gingerbrave explained holding his cane up. "Dark Cacao Cookie come to your senses!" Hollyberry shouted, Dark Cacao only responded with a roar and nearly pierced through Hollyberry with his ghost-like claws, glad thing she had her shield. "Dark Cacao Cookie, please old friend! I did not mean to hurt you this way! It was...I couldn't tell you! I knew it would only confuse and cause conflict upon us! Please let's calm down and talk." Pure Vanilla begged, again Dark Cacao only roared, as if he was screaming at his face. He was angry, he was sad, he was...confused? He could not handle the information he took in...

Two of them...
They lost two friends in their group?

He remained attacking while the rest tried to keep him in place, so he wouldn't attack the rest of the place, only problem was the place was slightly crumbling by the minute. "It's no use, Gingerbrave! How did you resolve the situation last time?" GingerPeach asked, almost out of fear of what might happen. "Uhh, you really want to go with the option of beating the sense out of him?" Gingerbrave asked slightly concerned, the others just stared at him dumbfoundedly. "That's what happened last time! We couldn't find a way to properly calm him, so we had to tire him or weaken him a bit!" Gingerbrave explained meanwhile dodging the erratic and unpredictable attacks of Dark Cacao's wrath. "If the best chance we have is to exhaust him, then it's the best option we shall choose it." Clotted Cream spoke, taken aback and again intimidated by the power the Ancients hold. "Forgive us, dear friend..." Pure Vanilla muttered as they proceeded with plan.

Both Financier and Hollyberry were playing defense as Gingerbrave and the others fought against them, Pure Vanilla providing as support along with Clotted Cream. Crunchy Chip made the first blow. "Sorry your Majesty!" Crunchy Chip spoke out of guilt, and honestly it's understandable, considering his loyalty who the heck would hurt their king like that. Wildberry made the second move while GingerPeach ambushed from the top, confusing where Dark Cacao was supposed to focus on, they were glad that Dark Cacao wouldn't be greatly injured or harmed during this state considering his clawed like hands mimicked hard dragon armor, but still doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell considering his age and the gaping scar that still remains in his chest from Dark Choco a few years before this. Especially if just a little from a few days maybe months earlier he dropped from a 50ft wall and....

Well. Let's just say those injuries still hurt like hell...

Dark Cacao screeched and attacked in multiple directions, usually he'd be very good in a battle between 3v1 but his angered state made it difficult for him to even think strategically at the moment. He was attacking in multiple directions almost hitting the three. "GINGERBRAVE!" GingerPeach signaled as Gingerbrave yelled from the air and aimed his cane as Dark Cacao tried to block him with his the cane and the sword made contact a huge blast of light was made, blinding everyone.

"Hey...why don't you talk to them more? You say you're friends but you seem to isolate yourself from them."

" not understand them...and they do not understand me...
"We are too different..."

"So? I'm different from every other cookie in my village."

"Do you have friends?"

"Course I do! Being friends don't mean you have to be the same all the time!"
"It just means you're making connections with cookies, bonds that may last lifetimes!..."

"I've...never had a friend...or a connection...or a bond..."

"Really? let me help you out! Come on, a cookie can't last their whole entire life alone!"

"'d do that for me...?"


"Cause you're my friend!"

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"Cause you're my friend!"

The ringing came to a close and everyone opened their eyes, Dark Cacao was calmed...the castle crumbled even lesser now...there was a mixed feeling of fear...and tension...

"Dark Cacao Cookie?" Pure Vanilla asked nervously, slowly trying to approach him while Hollyberry held her shield up readily...

Pure Vanilla raised a hand, somewhat reaching for his shoulder...

He slapped it...


"I'm leaving..." Dark Cacao says standing up and emptily walking out the door... "Dark Cacao I-"
"Spare me your apologies Pure Vanilla..." Dark Cacao says bluntly, anger and rage still seeping in... "This isn't the first time you kept a secret...heck we both know Lily wasn't entirely an angel..." he worded...this is the most hopeless The Heroes has both heard of him...

"But this...this is the first time I've seen you hide the fact that SOMETHING like this happen..." Dark Cacao explains looking towards him emptily. "ACTUALLY, no- this is not the first time you wanted to HIDE something just to make us look good." He says pissed off...


"Did you really think I would just up and agree they never had ANYTHING TO DO WITH US?!" Dark Cacao yelled, tears falling from his widened eyes. "What could this...REPUBLICAN, do that they couldn't, WHAT COULD HE ACHIEVE THAT HE COULDNT?! WHY DO YOU TRUST HIS WOULD WORK AND NOT THEM?!" He yelled, speaking through his tears and breaking character. " just don't care...perhaps we were just dolls made to make you look good...GingerCandy was the first FUCKING friend I had before any of you! And you, both of you are willing to bury that along with that memory...I expected better than me..." Dark Cacao explains then turns to the door, rushing out of it to wipe his tears and mourn somewhere else. "Dark Cacao wait! Let's talk about this!" Hollyberry shouted, following him in a rush as well, slamming the door behind her...ending the Council in a very negative note. "I... I never meant to sow discord between old friends. I am... Sorry." Clotted Cream spoke, his heart heavy with guilt. "No, at some point, we would have had this discussion anyway. I will go talk to each of them. As you said, we ARE old friends after all..." Pure Vanilla said emphasizing the are as if he himself wasn't sure if they still were... "I wish you success." Clotted Cream ended...he wanted to say more but...

Honestly how can he say more?

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