The Trauma within

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Wizard Cookie ending unlocked

3rd POV
Elder Mille-Fueille's face turned from cocky smile to absolute horror, knowing for a fact that the name of her gods is not known to public...yet...somehow...

This singular cookie knows the name...

"H-How would...someone like you...?" She stammered, Wizard's expression only darkened, causing him to grip his staff tightly. "So you're with them." He spoke, anger coming out of his voice, "Sir Wizard Cookie?" GingerChoco asked, concerned, approaching him with his hand out...was he being cautious? Or comforting? Clotted Cream couldn't tell...but the next thing he knew...

Wizard was summoning chains all over the Convocation, restraining everyone and the Elders

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Wizard was summoning chains all over the Convocation, restraining everyone and the Elders. "W-What is this madness?!" Elder Custard spoke, being restrained by the chains. "Sir Wizard Cookie! Unchain us this instant!" Clotted Cream yelled, Wizard did not comply. "Argh! What's wrong with him?" Espresso yelled towards GingerChoco, who equally was restrained under the chains. "I am not sure...the lord has not acted like this ever!" He replied, visibly confused as to what's going on, Wizard approached Elder Mille-Fuelle, who was chained in such a position that it look like she was being crucified. Wizard stared at her, with the darkend expression, eyes filled with hatred and anger...The Elder in front of him, only looked in horror...

"If I can't save them...then I can at least avenge them..."

Wizard spoke, pointing his staff towards Mille-Fueille, "He's going to kill her!" Elder Vanilla Sugar yelled. "Ngh! Kid! Stop! You kill a cookie here, you'll be imprisoned for sure!" Captain Caviar yelled, but Wizard ignored their pleas.

"Sir Wizard Cookie!"

Wizard turned back, looking at the masked vigilante himself. "Stay back! This is personal!" He yelled, pointing the staff at him. "Put the staff shouldn't be the one that places judgement upon him." He spoke, Wizard only tsked, his eyes widened in annoyance. "Why shouldn't I? You don't even know what she did!" He yelled at the vigilante, who only was only taken a back...

GingerChoco, saw the premonition of the future yes, he saw this as a possibility, yes...but...

He never said anything about the young magician having a personal problem with the St. Pastry Order...

"Listen...whatever she did...I'm sure she deserves your anger, but if you kill her, you'll only endanger every other cookie you care about..." He warned. Wizard only directed the lightning bolt at him almost hitting him. "Shut up!" He yelled, shooting lightning bolt after lightning bolt as the vigilante dodged. Using his sword to deflect the bolt, Wizard was hit and knocked against the wall. He went over to finish off Elder Mille-Feuille herself, before Wizard summoned another chain and knocked him against a wall, pinning him down with the chains he summoned. He turned back to her, holding his arm, and lifting the staff once more. "Wizard...don't do this!" Espresso warned, Wizard only activated the spell, and shot a firebolt towards Elder Mille-Fueille...

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