Kingdom Tour p4

495 16 15

3rd POV

"And this is the hospital area..." Gingerbrave spoke, guiding Clotted Cream to the building.

"Ah I assume Custard Cookie III helps out here?" Clotted Cream asks, looking at the talk building. "Oh, Custard Cookie III mainly does minor jobs. Like handling the mail." Gingerbrave assured. "We didn't want him to handle the big jobs yet since he said he wasn't ready."

Clotted Cream understood, after all Custard Cookie III far as he knew...the youngest of the Council. They entered the hospital. Inside was many cookies coming in for either a daily check up or some sort of cold.

"Hi Strawberry Cookie!" Gingerbrave slightly waved, catching the shy cookie's attention. "Oh hello Gingerbrave...what brings you here?" Strawberry Cookie asks, and looks up at Clotted Cream.

"I'm showing Clotted Cream around." Gingerbrave spoke, to which Strawberry Cookie nodded. "I see...well, today is a busy week...ever since the Expeditions and the Guilds that are citizens are joining...there's been a lot of injuries recently." She spoke, slightly shaking. "It's so nerve wracking...!"

"Hey! You can do this! I believe in you Strawberry Cookie!" Gingerbrave spoke, hand on hand with her to support her. "You're right! I can do this!" She spoke, with a determined look on her face. "Thanks for coming Gingerbrave...I needed that..."

Gingerbrave smiled, and lured Clotted Cream away. "Let's go to the training grounds next!"

A whistle blows in the tracks and multiple newly joined Ginger Fighters run against the track. "Run around for 30 minutes! I don't wanna see you cadets slacking off!" She spoke, even though they weren't, yelling through the track like a military commander. "Oh, hey! Didn't hear you comin' in, you improving?" She said, noticing Gingerbrave and Clotted Cream, she noogies Gingerbrave's head, causing him to giggle. "What's this guy doing here?"

"I'm showing him around!" Gingerbrave spoke, causing Chili Pepper to smirk with mischief. "Really now?"

"Yes, it is an honor to see you in action Chili Pepper Cookie." Clotted Cream spoke, bowing in respect. "I do you do it? These Cookies are skilled in stealth attacks than any other Paladin I've ever seen."

"That's because all your Paladins wear bright clothes, it gives them away! Even in the night!" Chili Pepper spoke, hands on her hips. "You gotta be more subtle, like black, brown or darker versions, like green." She looked to the cadets. "The new recruits wear black you see? It's much easier to do stealth in the night if you're new." She explained. "Which is why I usually wear black! Good for stealing some loot!"

"Uhm...that's not-" Gingerbrave cleared his throat, interrupting Clotted Cream, now he was concerned, should Chili Pepper really be handling the law enforcement? "Then there's like the older ones or the ones with more experience, they wear green or camouflage colors." She spoke, pointing to a random tree, suddenly said tree was revealed to be a senior, training in broad daylight, barely seen because of his green cloak.

"Huh" Clotted Cream said impressed. "I'm also asking GingerPeach to implement more colors, considering we're gonna go to Beast Yeast..." She spoke, she looked very determined to help out despite her...criminal nature...

"Chili Pepper has been helping with defenses...since she's the best at getting past them." Gingerbrave chuckled, making Clotted Cream slightly nervous...

Soon they left the Training Grounds, Clotted Cream was left contemplating as their Tour was pretty much over. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Gingerbrave..."


"I...thank you..." Clotted Cream spoke, somewhat hesitant. "I don't say that enough're...a lot stronger than you look."

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