Investigation: Delegates POV p2

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3rd POV

"Heya, whoa there! Halt!" A Sailor spoke. "What brings you to the Naval Shipyard? These facilities are off-limits to unauthorized Cookies!" Another Sailor at the right spoke. "Huh... Aren't you kinda short for a guard?" Said the Captain of the CreamWolves, despite being just a few feet taller than the poor cookie. "Hey, Wildberry Cookie. Wanna bet who can get through these two first? That punch of yours can pack a wallop, can't it?" He whispers as Wildberry sighs. "...Diplomacy is not your strong suit, is it?" He asks. "Hi there! We were wondering if we could meet Captain Caviar Cookie! It's our first time in the Crème Republic, and we have some questions for him!" Gingerbrave asked innocently. "Ya got kelp for brains?! The captain isn't someone you can just ask for willy-nilly!" The Sailor spoke looking down on Gingerbrave. "Yeah! And he's- OH! Captain, sir!" Another one says before Captain Caviar Cookie came into view. "Ease up there, mates! These are visitors from abroad! And they got the air of wanting to learn the ropes!" Captain Caviar spoke putting a hand of reassurance on the sailor's shoulder. (Gah, I love him so much!) "Well, here I am! Wuddya want from this ole' sea dog? In fact, why don't ya hop on deck!" He spoke motioning them to come over to the ship. Gingerbrave giggled excitedly, "Be Careful, My lord." GingerChoco spoke before coming up with him as the other delegates followed suit.

"My lord?" One of the Sailors asked the other. "Ain't he looking a bit too fresh to be a lord?" He asked the other. "Probably cultural differences, y'know how those cookies are in the west, I heard the Hollyberry Kingdom's Princess went on her first adventure at 16!" The other spoke as the sailor just nodded.

"The ship is adorned with various trophies and medals. Exactly what sort of Cookie are we dealing with?" Wildberry remarked looking at the trophies and medals adorned on the wall. "Have a seat, have a seat! How d'ya like my ship? Ain't she a beaut?!" Captain Caviar asked, saving them a seat. "I think there's something wrong with the floor! It's like... shaking back and forth like an earthquake!" Crunchy Chip remarked as both Gingerbrave and Wildberry looked confused. "Ya don't have any sea legs at all, do ya, outsider! What sort of warrior be afraid of some wee lil waves?" The Captain asked. "If ya feel like your insides are churning and spinning like a maelstrom, take a sip of this, eh?" He said offering a drink to Gingerbrave, as GingerChoco looked cautiously. "EUGH! ACK! *Ptoo ptooey* It's so SALTY!" Gingerbrave remarked, not used to the saltiness. "Of course it is! It's juice made from the freshest seawater! It feels good to have salt flow through your dough, eh!" Captain Caviar spoke chuckling loudly. "So tell me. You lot are from the continent across the sea? Then ya be aware of Dark Enchantress Cookie and the oncoming war then?" Captain Caviar asked. "Yeah, Dark Enchantress Cookie is waiting for a chance to attack. She's already tried to spark war several times. But the next attack may be the big one...!" Gingerbrave informed as he has experience. "Is that why the Soul Jam is needed? To defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie?" Captain Caviar asked as Gingerbrave nodded. "Exactly! Sharing the power of Soul Jam might give Cookies the chance to stand up against Dark Enchantress Cookie!" Gingerbrave replied, as Wildberry and Crunchy Chip stood their awkwardly. "Aye, aye... But explain to me this... Do we really NEED the Soul Jam? Ain't it quicker to call up the fleet and go in with cannons blazin'? I can't wrap my head around it... bringing some foreign artifacts for... research? BAH! Too slow of a plan for me!" He spoke confidently. "You genuinely seem to believe you can hold your own." Wildberry remarked. "But of course, lad! You think these trophies and medals be nothin' but paperweights?!" He says slamming his hand on the table. "The blue seas surroundin' our Republic are peaceful thanks to me and my fleet's campaigns against the pirates! If it weren't for the fleet, why, the city might end up as a lawless cove for a PARTICULARLY smelly turtle of a pirate and his lot!" He remarked. "Wow! You fought pirates? That's so cool, Captain Caviar Cookie!" Gingerbrave complimented. "HA HA! You lot are as brave as I am, no doubt in my mind! We're all after the same thing, ain't we? And it doesn't matter whose dough is salty or sweet!" He says laughing. " A warrior can recognize a fellow warrior! Believe me, the captain doesn't seem like a bad sort." Crunchy Chip remarked.

After that they entered the outskirts of the Lower City, able to see the difference from the world above. "That must be Elder Baumkuchen Cookie." Wildberry spoke seeing the elder in full view. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go!" Crunchy Chip motioned as they walked towards him seeing him tend to an injured cookie. "Salutations. Are you perhaps Elder Baumkuchen Cookie?" Wildberry asked as Elder Baumkuchen turned towards them. " Ah... The Cookies from the Lyceum...How may I help you? Are you injured? I can treat your wounds if you wish." He asks compassion filling his voice. "We're OK! We just wanted to ask a question about Cookies in white masks!" Gingerbrave informed. "And who might they be?" Elder Baumkuchen asked curiously. "Some Cookies in white masks attacked us. They almost stole the Soul Jam too! And we were wonderin' if you knew anything about them?" Crunchy Chip questioned bluntly. "Apologies, but I am afraid I cannot aid you. There are many more patients that need tending than usual..." he says trying to excuse himself. "Erm... Elder Baumkuchen Cookie, you're wearing a mask?" Gingerbrave pointed out, as GingerChoco begun to step in cautiously. "Ah, this..." he remarked touching the mask. "It was some time ago... A Light Fragment had caused some stir in our peaceful city. In retrospect, it was most likely a portion of Soul Jam... Capable of destroying the entire city. I was... injured during the chaos. As much as I tried to treat myself, the scars and long-term effects of that fateful day remain." He explained saddened. "Oh no! That's horrible!" Gingerbrave said concerned feeling a little ashamed he brought it up. "One side of me firmly believes that Soul Jam is dangerous. The other is somewhat jealous of the Ancient Heroes and their ability to wield such power." The Elder begun to explain, "Legends say their dough remains fresh and crispy to this day! That they do not age or ever get soggy! And on the other hand, there's me... frail since a child, too soft for my own good. I've always coveted those with healthy and firm dough." He says saddened once more. "This is why I vowed to become the greatest healer in history. I've invested much into treating all varieties of injuries. My theories and experiments have yielded great strides in medicinal techniques. But alas we, as Cookies, are inherently soft and frail beings... My treatments can only go so far..." He says. "As for the Soul Jam? I am quite fascinated that it provides health and preserves youth... I will admit that it is quite remarkable.  I wish for an opportunity to examine it myself... Though I doubt that opportunity will ever come." He says sighing disappointedly as he rolled away. "That one is suspicious." Wildberry remarked. "I think so too! And he was hiding behind a mask... I couldn't tell what he was thinking!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed "And you know who else wore a mask? Those treacherous Cookies in white masks! Coincidence?! I DON'T THINK SO!" He says, the suspicion only growing. "We can't jump to conclusions just yet! But we definitely shouldn't let our guard down." Gingerbrave advised, they all agreed and left the Lower City.

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