Kingdom Tour p2

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3rd POV

"And this is the Academy for Cookie Education." Gingerbrave spoke, giving the tour around the kingdom. "This is a new addition ever since I saw the Paladin Academy." Gingerbrave spoke.

"This school is suppose to teach younger cookies more than just magic, but skills in order to live around Earthbread." He explained, which befuddled Clotted Cream. "Gingerbrave, you do know education is...rather expensive? I'm sorry to say but the only education that does not matter in expense is probably Pure Vanilla Cookie's Academy."

"I know, that's why we don't require those things." Gingerbrave replied. "Why do you have to pay in order to learn? That's just limiting people, not helping them improve." He chuckled, opening the doors to the Academy which revealed a huge hall.

"Wizard Cookie is currently teaching in the Magic Class, but we have some skills mixed with the previous education system from the Ginger Kingdom's history." Gingerbrave explained and led Clotted Cream to the class schedule.

"These are all...interesting classes..." Clotted Cream said, kinda concerned since there were one too many to be taking at the same time. "You can choose which classes and skills you want to take." Gingerbrave spoke. "It all depends on what you want to learn."

Clotted Cream was fascinated, for him, only lucky cookies could even get an education, Gingerbrave's idea seems to be dead set on helping cookies then every cookie would be able to get an education...

"Here's the class Wizard Cookie teaches." Gingerbrave spoke, showing the inside as Wizard begins a transfiguration class.

"This spell is a little tricky to master, but if you concentrate hard enough, you can learn to master it." Wizard Cookie put a cup of water unto the table in front of him. "Let's start with something easy as turning Water into Juice." (Frick you JK Rowling, Why the hell would a CHILD want to turn water into RUM)

Wizard grabbed his staff, which was weird to use as a demonstration, but probably he didn't have any other choices. "All you need to choose a juice flavor of your choice...and work your magic around the glass." Wizard spoke, swirling his staff around the glass.

"Imagine the color changing, the flavors of the glass mixing with juice and..." As Wizard spoke, the water began to change, and suddenly it was dark blue. "Tada! Blueberry Juice!"

The students were stunned and shocked, amazed by such performance. "Now, you try...just remember, if you don't get it first try, then that's alright, magic takes practice, and only practice can achieve mastery!"

Clotted Cream was impressed, watching other cookies try and learn magic. "The Time Kingdom is pretty much a kingdom of acceptance...we take inspiration from other kingdoms." Gingerbrave spoke, guiding Clotted Cream along the school, which showed Carrot Cookie teaching them agriculture, Muscle Cookie teaching gym or...whatever the cookies running on the track were doing. Alchemist Cookie obviously taught Alchemy and many more, cookies who once were regular citizens of the kingdom came together to make this possible.

"Come along! Let me show you some of the Kingdom-inspired places!" Gingerbrave said excitedly, Clotted Cream nearly yelped as Gingerbrave pulled him along.
There was a path around the kingdom with huge chunks of everywhere being inspired by the other kingdoms. "Princess Cookie sometimes visits there." Ginegrbrave points to one spot, which has Clotted Cream baffled how ONE CHUNK of land turned into a mini plot just for the Hollyberry Kingdom alone. He looked around and was baffled at one spot that was currently getting construction.

"Is...that Republic inspired Architecture?" Clotted Cream asked, slightly concerned. Gingerbrave just nodded. "We tend to make a new plot for whenever we visit some where new." Gingerbrave spoke to which Clotted Cream asked. "How'd you...get all this?"

"Elder Oyster gave us some examples, I don't suppose you have any yellow as well? She only gave us the silver version." Gingerbrave spoke. "Oh! And Elder Caviar sent me some drawings of his adventures, we're building some of it as inspiration for a theme park somewhere around here!" Gingerbrave spoke, which meant that the Time Kingdom was going to be what extent? It seemed that they'll have a big kingdom for sure.... "Gingerbrave, how BIG do you want your kingdom to be exactly...?"

Gingerbrave looked at Clotted Cream with a curious expression. "You see...this kingdom is rather spacious."

"For sure! Everyone from across Earthbread will come and visit, that's why we make it big! One day, maybe we'll even have more newcomers here." Gingerbrave spoke, Clotted Cream was then reminded of his childish nature...he heard a funeral pyre was being held here a week ago...but...Gingerbrave looks fine?

"That's a nice dream Gingerbrave..." Clotted Cream spoke, then suddenly Gingerbrave's expression turned melancholy, Clotted Cream, then stood beside him, waiting for some heartfelt moment...he at least owes it to Gingerbrave, to earn his trust again after revealing that secret about White Lily Cookie...

Gingerbrave sat on the bench on one of the streets and offered Clotted Cream to sit down. He obliged.

"It's so peaceful today..." Gingerbrave remarks, looking to the crowd as if admiring his hard work. Clotted Cream stared at the crowd and saw the kingdom Gingerbrave and his friends had built. Cookies laughing and talking on the streets. Children running past. The sounds of busy cookies chopping wood, making tools and the sounds of the Sugar Gnomes. Clotted Cream could almost feel the sunlight shining against the warmth of the kingdom, showing the very life it brings.

For the first time, Clotted Cream actually took a step back...and relaxed.

"Clotted Cream Cookie." Gingerbrave began to speak, staring at the ground.

"Do you think...Dozer might be proud of me?"

Clotted Cream then looked towards him, what made Gingerbrave think he was qualified for such emotional support? "I uhm...well...What do you think?"

Gingerbrave thought for a moment and sighed. "I don't know...for me, once you die that's it..." Gingerbrave said coldly. "The dead don't speak, they don't have feelings...they're just...dead."

Clotted Cream paused, a little bit baffled at how direct Gingerbrave was being. "But...there's a part of me...a part of me that feels like...this would have been what he wanted." Gingerbrave then looked at the kingdom. "Freedom...busy streets, sunny skies...happy smiles..."

Gingerbrave wiped a tear away once more faking a smile.

"It's why I do all this...if he couldn't fulfill his dream that's wrong...if THEY couldn't fulfill their dreams...I'll fulfill them for them..." Gingerbrave looked to the sky. "And I'll make sure to protect that dream..."

Clotted Cream stared, somewhat in admiration, Gingerbrave who was barely even old enough to rule a kingdom, was more than willing to do whatever it took for his kingdom...his subjects...and not just that, he's willing to take that kindness across the land...without hesitation...

Gingerbrave then stood up. "Come on! I gotta show you something!" Gingerbrave said with a smile, Clotted Cream could barely tell if it was genuine. He nodded and trailed behind him.

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