The Day before the Council

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3rd POV
"Gingerbrave! Heard a lot about your adventures! Saving Cookies all over Earthbread! Especially the new ones." Black Raisin greeted from the Outdoor gardens. "You're quite the hero aren't you?" She remarked giving him a noogie. "Well...I had a lot of help from my friends!" He spoke, rubbing the back of his head. "What do you think about the new Vanilla Kingdom? It looks a lot different from before right." Black Raisin ask, a smile plastered unto her face. "Definitely! Everyone looks so happy...their icings are gleaming with joy!" Gingerbrave replied ecstatic. "Haha! With everyone working together the reconstruction goes easy!" Black Raisin said chuckling at Gingerbrave's joy. "That's great! I'll be rooting for you all!" Gingerbrave said.

"Oh right, do you know where I can find Pure Vanilla Cookie?" Gingerbrave asks, it was what he went here for. "He's probably somewhere in the castle!" She replied, pointing towards the castle, Gingerbrave was about to leave. "By the way! Once you're done talking to him. Why don't you stop by the Crow's Nest? It's our new hangout!" Black Raisin suggested as he momentarily begun to leave. "I'm sure everyone will be thrilled to see you again."

"That's so cool! I sure will! See you soon!" Gingerbrave replied with a wave. "Nice cape by the way!" Black Raisin remarked as she waved back. "Thanks!"

Gingerbrave entered into the walls of the Vanilla Castle, and just as it was peaceful outside, on the inside it held the same energy, like waking up in a nice quiet morning.
"Hey! It's the Solarium of Unity! This brings back memories!" Gingerbrave remarked as he walked past the hall which was surprisingly filled with food. "Woah! They did a great job with the sugar glass. It looks shiny and new!" He further remarked, staring upon the murals of The Five Ancients 'Wonder why GingerCandy wasn't in the original Solarium of Unity as well?' He asked internally, before noticing a group of busy cookies. "Huh? Those Cookies look busy...wonder what they're up to?" He asked himself, taking a peak.

"One by one! Tables over here, chairs should go over there!" One of the residents shouted, giving instructions while preparing what looks like to be a feast. "I brought more Raisin Jellies! Where should I put them?" One of them asked. "Give them to me! I'll take care of the food!" Another one yelled, the cookie simply gave the jellies to him. "Okay, so softer food should be served first..." he instructed. "Hi everybody! What's going on here?" Gingerbrave asked in curiosity. "Oh hey! We're expecting a lot of guests...which is why we're preparing a feast!" The cookie explained, putting the Raisin Jellies to their specific table. "Oh! But, I don't see Pure Vanilla Cookie around...huh, I guess he's not here?" Gingerbrave questioned looking around. "Oh, but he was here with us just now...maybe he's in the White Lily Greenhouse? You should check for him there." One of them suggested, pointing at the direction of the greenhouse. "And make sure you come to the feast! You're cape looks stunning for the occasion!" The Cookie spoke (guys I'm also struggling to give specifics here,) "I won't miss it! See you later! And thanks!" Gingerbrave spoke waving goodbye to them.

"I can hardly believe it! I will be reunited with my dearest friends any moment now!" Pure Vanilla spoke, excited. This was the day, a special day... "I hope the journey here wasn't too difficult...and we haven't seen each other for such a long time! How should I greet them? What should I say?" Pure Vanilla asked himself, his own body bouncing in excitement. "And...I must tell them who Dark Enchantress Cookie is...they're going to be there no way of telling the truth without hurting them?" Pure Vanilla asked himself...the joy quickly turning into dread...and he paused quite a bit...He sighs... "The lilies are more silent than usual today" he remarks... "Pure Vanilla Cookie! There you are!" A voice is heard from the doors of the greenhouse, Gingerbrave's. Pure Vanilla notices immediately and the tension and nervousness almost disappear. "Gingerbrave! Oh I'm so glad you came!-" Pure Vanilla pauses for a bit...taking note of Gingerbrave's new look. "Say...did you get a new cape?" Pure Vanilla points out. "Oh yeah...uhh...what about it?"

what about it?"

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"Ah! Nothing..." Pure Vanilla hissed in pain as he placed a hand on his forehead, pinching it. "U-Uhm Please, welcome! I have great news! My old friends are coming to the Vanilla Kingdom! I haven't felt this much joy and excitement in many many years!" He remarked in joy, the bouncing in excitement coming back again. Gingerbrave slightly cringed at that statement, knowing well, GingerCandy erased him ever meeting Hollyberry. "Woah! That's amazing! You must've missed them a lot! I'm so happy for you!"

*Gingerbrave now feels bad for lying...

"Why yes! But if only the purpose of this reunion were as happy...I requested their presence because there is a rather heavy topic to discuss." Pure Vanilla spoke gripping his staff tightly. "Dark Enchantress Cookie is preparing another war, troubling things are happening as we speak, magical rifts shattering the sky! And the followers of Dark Enchantress Cookie are rising all over Earthbread! We cannot stand by and witness our kingdoms crumble one by one. That is why I have summoned the other cookies! We must devise a plan to stop this once and for all!" Pure Vanilla declared, despite him looking like a pacifist, even acting like one, it was understandable how he became King in the first place. "Gingerbrave, you have done a lot to help those in need all across Earthbread! This very kingdom owes its very existence to none other but you! My friend, please share your selfless courage with us all in the upcoming Council." Pure Vanilla requested. "Of course, easy! You can always count on me!" Gingerbrave remarked, lifting his staff, giving Pure Vanilla another vibe...but...


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Again...that static...

"Are you okay?" Gingerbrave asked, concerned when Pure Vanilla grabbed his head again. "Ah, yes...I'm fine...say...Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie will be here any minute." Pure Vanilla spoke gripping his staff tighter from the recent static. "I will head over to the Solarium of Unity to help with the preparations...Meanwhile, may I ask you to give my friends a warm welcome?" Pure Vanilla requessted, a nervous smile plastered on his face. "Sure! You can count on me! And if you're not feeling well, maybe you should take it easy after helping out? See ya!" Gingerbrave suggested before running off to greet the guests...and his cape flowed one last time...Pure Vanilla noticed a familiar vibe to it...

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