The vow I sought to protect

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Madeleine's POV
Tw: Mentions of Religious Belief and Racism

"Hm? You're up early?" Espresso asked me, I put the mask back up an returned the greeting. "Why hello there Espresso! Ready to start the research?" I said, while practicing my stances for the day. "Er...yeah...what is are doing?" Espresso asked, "Oh it's a technique, Madeleine family approved!" I informed showing and demonstrating it and ending with the shield. "Defensive stances to trick the opponent, then offensive? I thought the Paladins were more of 'the Shield of the Republic?" He asked curiously. "But we are! How else are we to protect the Republic if the only move I ever do is lift my shield up? The Light does not protect only my shield, Espresso Cookie!" I informed, laughing off as I said so...

I'm getting sick of this mask...
I'm getting sick of lying...
But appearances come before desire...

"I see, well hurry up then, The Research of Soul Jam is not one we must waste...we have the whole entirety of Earthbread to investigate." He informed, getting into the small caravan we had and getting his cloak. "Very well then! Let me get my armor ready, the cookies must feast their eyes on the most shiniest armor in the land!" I spouted...

It was a dream...

I woke up inside that small Sanctum in the basement of my home...I fell asleep during prayer...

"Wizards forgive me..." I prayed, silently leaving the place and carefully closing the door...


After this...I would not need to lie to you any longer Espresso...I will tell you everything...

For now though...the mask must be put on once more...

Forgive me my friend...I must ruin your special day...

Espresso's POV

"Venerable Elders! I hereby present to you...The fruition of Espresso Cookie's research, a new revolutionary candy never seen before in the history of Earthbread! We call it... Magic Candy!" Clotted Cream introduced, as GingerChoco walked in front of them holding the small orb in his hand and looking at it cautiously. "Fascinating! The legendary power of the Ancient Heroes is contained within that small and common piece of candy?" Custard Cookie remarked, just as impressed and shocked. "How is this possible?!" Elder Vanilla Sugar asked. "Due to the collaboration with the Time Kingdom and their willingness to share their previous knowledge in replicating the Ancients power, we were able to find out the source on why our original calculations might not have made it as powerful as the previous version." I explained as Wizard Cookie stepped into view. "Wizard Cookie found a Phoenix feather sometime ago and it's magical dust was enough to hold and enhance the power inside the candy."

"I wish to witness this Magic Candy's power with my own eyes. Is it possible to see a demonstration?" Oyster asked intrigued by the discovery. "Espresso Cookie? A demonstration, if you please." Clotted Cream ordered I nodded as I gave the signal to GingerChoco, he lifted the Magic Candy and it glowed as bright as the Ancients. "Such power...! Marvelous! It's as if the entire Lyceum is emanating deep, rich chocolate from its very core!" Mulled Juice remarked. "The forty crema is dazzling, akin to a masterpiece of art!" Elder Sable spoke in awe. "The aroma of cocoa lingers in the air, still strong and pervasive... I never knew magic could be cast with such properties." Baumkuchen Cookie said. "Our primary goal was to share the power of Soul Jam with others in need. How fares your progress on that front?" Elder Vanilla Sugar asked, just as curious. "Now that Espresso Cookie has discovered the recipe for Magic Candy, it will not be long before we can replicate the process and create more." Clotted Cream informed. "Ha ha ha! These so-called Magic Candies will become the Crème Republic's greatest asset! Our city will soon become the force that will decide the fate of all Earthbread!" Elder Custard declared, amongst their applause I heard GingerChoco visibly scoff in anger...

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