Divded we fall, United we Rise.

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3rd POV


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"Ngh...! Gah!" Gingerbrave stumbles at the force of magic being used to force open the barrier. Using his own body to stop it in it's tracks. "What is this?! That cookie won't budge!" One of the sisters spoke. "Impossible! That magic spell is supposed to eradicate those who hit it! It should work on him!"

The array of confusion reminded Gingerbrave. He has a Soul Jam embedded on his chest...is this what they meant when the Ancients were more durable than they seemed? No...he shouldn't focus on that now. "Gingerbrave?! What the hell are you doin'-?!" "They breached the barrier! I need to...hold them back!" Gingerbrave said yelling afterwards using all his strength to force the spell back. Perhaps even by enough time for Wizard to fix the patch. "Hold on!" Wizard said going to the front lines and fixing the hole that was torn upon the barrier. "No! We must get into the barrier!"

"Wildberry...Crunchy Chip...Black Raisin..." Gingerbrave struggled against the force. "The residents of the Lower City...none of them are inside the Safe Zone...they're still out there! Captain Caviar's crew hasn't been back yet!" Gingerbrave huffed out. "Classists, they're willing to snuff out those who are considered Lower class?! They're nothing like their king!" Black Raisin yelled. "What about you?" Wildberry. "We'll stay here and 'protect' the Soul Jam...I'll catch up to you later..." Gingerbrave responded. Pushing the force more further back.


Wildberry, Crunchy Chip and Black Raisin all went in the direction of the Lower City. "Strange...that force should've killed him." Wildberry remarked. "Well, GingerPeach did once mention that out of most Ginger Cookies, She and Gingerbrave were the ones with more durability." Crunchy Chip said while running. "But, did you notice that glowing orb on his cape?" Black Raisin asked. "Yeah, best not to mention it, I've seen that thing glow multiple times already. Probably using magic." Crunchy Chip said, though he hates to disregard it, it's probably something personal...after Wizard's outbursts on asking something too personal, he's not asking too many questions to him unless Gingerbrave and them are alone.

Wizard successfully patched the problem with the hole and looked to Gingerbrave, due to the cape's magical durability for some reason Gingerbrave only got a burn somewhere on his shoulders. He sighed as he grabbed his shoulder in pain. "Gingerbrave!" Wizard yelped as he went over to help with the pain, unfortunately he wasn't a healer.

"What were you THINKING?! That could've killed you!" Wizard scolded, holding up Gingerbrave as he struggled to stand. "You...you as well...I'm the one with...this..." Gingerbrave placed a hand on his chest, subtly pointing to the Soul Jam. "I have more durability than any cookie at the moment..."

"So what, you gain a nice trinket and then suddenly you have an excuse to be reckless?!" Wizard scolded him. "Why are you like this Gingerbrave, you couldn't used your magic or your cane but instead you always ALWAYS have to use your own body as a shield! Don't think I didn't notice that!" Wizard yelled tears already forming as he wiped them away. "We need you, we all do, me and Strawberry, we don't know what to do without you! Not since Dozer died!"

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