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??? POV

Poor child

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Poor you've suffered poorly...

In the hands of the broken gods we call our creators...
Cruel gods...
If you were created by the Wizards...perhaps your fate would have been different...


Wizards don't make cookies like Witches play with life like it was wasteful...

So cruel...

A responsibility is now in your hands...

The same way, this world is in mine...

3rd POV

"Gingerbrave!" Strawberry yelled as winds pulled both her and Wizard back.

"Oi! What's...happening here...?!" Chili Pepper screamed, with Custard III behind her as they struggled against the winds. "It's Gingerbrave! I don't know what's wrong..."

"This aura, it's exactly when Dark Cacao lost control of himself!" Wizard remarked. "We have to get him to snap out of-"

Wizard yelled as he was pulled back, his body landing on the ground from the pressure, but he was caught by Dark Cacao Cookie, who barely moved an inch.

"Worry not, if this is our friend's Soul Jam we're dealing with then we can handle it." Hollyberry spoke, using a shield to counteract the winds. She too barely moved an inch. "We must find a way to return Gingerbrave to his original state, lest he destroy the whole republic!" Pure Vanilla warned, immediately using his magic to seal the power inside a bubble.

They waited for a bit then suddenly the bubble popped and Gingerbrave's cape was shaped like wings.

His eyes glowed bright white, cracks seemed fill his face as he floated on the air. Gingerbrave stared at the group and fire rained from the sky, destroying the very ground around him.

"Unworthy champions...failures of this world..."

Gingerbrave uttered, sending balls of flames aiming at them, causing Hollyberry to block his attacks. "What is that...that's..."

"Not Gingerbrave..."

"You dare call yourselves the heroes of this realm...prove it to me that you are strong enough to wield your power."

He uttered, summoning another range of attacks against them, Pure Vanilla, Custard Cookie III and Hollyberry using their shields.

"Is that...the Light of Determination?" Hollyberry asked.

"Perhaps so...we cannot hear each other's Light so there's no telling-" Pure Vanilla was caught of guard by the sudden gust of wind and a heavy aura pushing them down.

"I am your past, the everlasting law, the guardian of this world, I am the First of many...the Symbol of this World's Hero..."

"And I have made a pledge to protect this world for the rest of time...and in my eyes, this generation of heroes has proven long gone from the path they chose."

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