The Ginger Vleolqj

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Honestly I'm not in the mood for art rn
This sets place before Dark Cacao so buckle up.
(The title name is a code)

3rd POV
Gingerbrave ran back towards the clearing, no one had returned...he sighed and began to sit on the grass...humming a little tune to himself...then, his fight or flight reflexes kicked him causing him to dodge a sleep dart.

"You missed!" He heard a voice said, "I didn't 'miss' he dodged it!" Another voice chimed leaving Gingerbrave confused. "How could he dodge it, he's a kid!" The previous voice spoke. "Stop arguing you two! He's gonna leave!" A third voice chimed. "Uhm...hello? You know I can hear you?" Gingerbrave remarked looking in the direction of the voices.

Only to see three unhidden assassins in the trees. "Uhm...hi?" He said waving nervously. "Screw this, just take him..." The third Cookie said, the other two jumped out of the trees and grabbed Gingerbrave "Huh?! Hey, what's going on?!" He yelled as he was being carried like a corpse. "Princess GingerPeach has commanded your presence, Outlander...she is waiting." The third Cookie spoke, waving her hand in a salute, the cookies scattered through the trees with Gingerbrave.

(Ok...since I'm not in the mood the draw, I'm gonna need you to imagine that Attack on Titan Scene where they move through some trees, except without those machinery contraption things)

Gingerbrave's mind went everywhere, being frightened cause he might be dropped or even thrown to the ground. "Wh-who are you, cookies?!" He yelled, holding on to the 2nd cookie's back as if for dear life...  "We are the Ginger  Fighters." The third Cookie spoke in front of them. "Protectors of the Ginger Kingdom." They explained continuing to travers through the forest. "Where are you taking me and why so fast?!" Gungerbrave screamed in terror afterwards. "Don't drop him!" The first cookie spoke. "I haven't held a cookie doing this before, have some decency!" The second one spoke, Gingerbrave heard the third one sigh in disappointment. "We are taking you to Princess GingerPeach, as per order, now no time to lose!" The third Cookie said, taking the lead.

GingerPeach stood in front of a tree...that was...tall and big as hell...she sighed as she looked up, memories of her parents and her just talking or playing around this those days are gone...and somehow this one cookie found her father's cloak? How? Father never took it off for any was his prized possession...he would never leave it in the hands of a mere commoner...especially a stranger...she heard the footsteps of the Ginger Fighters behind her, one of them dropping Gingerbrave. "Not so violent!" The first cookie spoke, gaining a groan from the second cookie. Gingerbrave sighed in slight pain, placing his hand on his head. He looked before him and there was GingerPeach.

He was slightly nervous...since well...they didn't have such good impression... "Leave us" GingerPeach commanded and with a swift pace the Ginger Fighters left. Gingerbrave could barely process. "You." GingerPeach spoke catching Gingerbrave's attention, he stood up and sort of brushed himself off. GingerPeach looked a bit closer. "How in what world can a common cookie like you earn the trust of my father?" She asked slightly glaring. Gingerbrave gulped nervously. "Uhm...well...I don't really know...he just teleported me away one day and asked me to find the lost Ginger Cookies..." Gingerbrave explained, honestly, he kinda believes it's because Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla trusted him and GingerCandy was friends with the Ancients, but uhh...could he tell her that? "You? Out of all Cookies, tasked to find the place where my father hid our subjects?" GingerPeach asked skeptical. Only to receive a nod from Gingerbrave. "Why?" She asked confused. "To return you to your kingdom! The Ginger's and my friends kingdom now...but that's because the sugar gnomes wanted to give us a home and-" That was it, the mere mention of 'sugar gnomes' broke the bell. "The sugar gnomes?! Then, that kingdom...that was our kingdom?!" GingerPeach asked. "Uhm...yes? Hang on were you following us?!" Gingerbrave asked surprised, but GingerPeach wasn't focused on that. "If you are from my kingdom...that still lives?" GingerPeach asked in shock. Gingerbrave's eyes only gleamed. "Yes! And your father wanted me to bring you back! Back to your kingdom again, he told me that the cloak would tell you that he sent me!" He spoke a little excited, she was even skeptical but somewhat believed...
"Even though father never entrusted his cloak to anyone...only to me and mother...the fact that you had mentioned the sugar gnomes..." she spoke...

"And father was a tough cookie to even be killed...especially by the likes of you..." GingerPeach spoke kinda stinging Gingerbrave emotionally... "Yet, I'm still not convinced...even though mother spoke about giving you safe am I to trust a Cookie like you? Are you even a Ginger Cookie? You wouldn't even survive a day in the wilderness!" She asked overwhelming Gingerbrave a bit. "I'm no ordinary cookie!" Gingerbrave declared. "Me and my friends have done loads of things on our own! That's how cookies from afar know us!" Gingerbrave explained, trying hard for it not to seem like bragging. "You don't have to believe me, if you don't want to...but...I want you to know that I'm doing everything I can to fulfill GingerCandy's request! Even if I crumble!" Gingerbrave declared bravely. GingerPeach could see it in the cookie's bright blue eyes...truth...determination...even bravery...

She sighed...

"I'll humor you...but one wrong move and you answer to me..." GingerPeach threatened, Gingerbrave nodded in affirmation. GingerPeach backed off. "Take him back" she ordered, Gingerbrave was grabbed off the ground again and swiftly taken to the forest. GingerPeach sighed...she had never done that to a cookie before...never believed their word immediately...she doubted them...before you can trust you need to she did...what prompted her to believe this little cookie? Could she see it in his eyes?


Because she could see her father's eyes?

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