Tick Tock

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3rd POV
"Republic announcement, please allow the forces of House Oyster to guide you to the Safe Zone, This is not a drill."

The sound of the Mic sounded throughout the Republic, repeating the words in an orderly manner as cookies from the Crème Republic followed the Pearl Legion off to the Safe Zone, where a multitude of Paladins guarded it with a barrier Zone, the Safe Zone consisted of the floating Convocation and the grounds below, knowing it was big enough for cookies to be safe within.

"Here you go, help yourself" Gingerbrave spoke, giving food out to the cookies. "Thank you, kind sir!"
"Hmm...that's odd." Wildberry remarked. "There's not a single cookie from the Lower City here." He said. "Eh, cut 'em some slack, the cookies down there will be lead shortly by our crew, don't ya worry!" Captain Caviar worded. "Didn't take you for someone who does charity work...thought you'd prefer adventures." Crunchy Chip says, giving out blankets to the rest of the cookies, while his CreamWolf help calm people down. "A Captain is a captain only by his work! I wouldn't be here today if I was starvin' my crew now would I?" He said chuckling, Gingerbrave chuckled back. "How about you guys? Feelin' alright? Sorry we got ya dragged into this." He said sincerely. "The Soul Jam needs to be protected, whatever cult Madeleine Cookie provoked will have wanted them still." Wildberry replied, prepared as ever. "Yeah! And if the Soul Jam is in danger, then it becomes our problem!" Crunchy Chip says alongside Wildberry. "What about you kid? You Feelin alright?" Captain Caviar asks, he was actually a bit concerned for the young lord...especially for how his friend acts in regards to him.

How he froze in the council when they even mentioned his backstory...and how that Wizard Cookie didn't hesitate to cuss him out...

And that devastating backstory...that's...well reminds him of a cookie he knew...

Well still knows...

"I'm fine! Helping cookies is what we do! No matter what!" Gingerbrave said enthusiastically. "Yes...I do remember, Pure Vanilla personally congratulated you and your friends for saving the Vanilla Kingdom." Wildberry remarked on the memory. "Well albeit! That was you? And I thought that Candy Diver was messin' with me!" Captain Caviar said grabbing his head and chuckling. They all looked in confusion. "You're one brave bunch, you and your friends, defeatin' Dark Enchantress face-to-face, now that's some skill you got there!" He said with an impressed look, Gingerbrave chuckled and rubbed his neck. "It was nothing! I couldn't have done it without my friends really!" He said, before hearing someone clear their throat. "Gingerbrave..." Wizard called to which the latter looked at him enthusiastically. "Welp! Gotta go, keep up the work!" Gingerbrave said walking away with Wizard.

 "Welp! Gotta go, keep up the work!" Gingerbrave said walking away with Wizard

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"Woooaaaahh" Gingerbrave looked in awe at the Phoenix at the table. It chirped at him with delight. "It's so cuuuutttteee!" Gingerbrave said. "And with this we'll be able to make more of that Artificial Soul Jam." Wizard says looking at a couple of Phoenix feathers already shed. "Really? That's awesome! We should tell Clotted Cream!" Gingerbrave declares, as Wizard looks at him worriedly. "That's what I wanted to tell you Gingerbrave..." Wizard says, nervously leaning against the table. "I don't think we should give them the advantage of mass-producing these things." He says, much to Gingerbrave's confusion. "What do you mean?"

"That Clotted Cream...he cannot be trusted..." Wizard says crossing his arms. "He has told Espresso to mass-produce it and give it to the Pearl Legion, however I told him we needed more time and well, he decided to uses Pearls to hold the power." He explains. "I don't see why...Wizard aren't you a little too distrusting?" Gingerbrave asks, a little bit worried. "That's the thing Gingerbrave, he wants the Pearl Legion, an army of the Creme Republic to go first, what's next? The Paladins and the Navy? This is power play at its finest! He didn't even suggest the idea to the Ancients!" Wizard says looking over to the table, hands down on it. "Wizard I know you don't trust him-" "I don't!...I never have...as much as the Ginger Cookies can be biased their words are right!" Wizard yells. "The Vanillians have pushed Pure Vanilla around to the point they can't even hide their ego! You saw how they acted against you and GingerChoco, you saw the Lower City, you SAW the way even the oldest Vanillians treated us at the tavern!" He pointed out. "They've been power hungry from the start! Barely any one of them is trustworthy...maybe Elder Bamkuchen or Captain Caviar but the rest give me a nerve!" He says, grasping his arms as he crossed them. He stopped his rage-filled explanations as Gingerbrave placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know you're the smartest cookie in our group, but If we continuously push cookies away, we might never reach our goal!" Gingerbrave said to which Wizard looked at him concerned. "I know...but look at the facts, our kingdom has the right to even stop the project at once, they have no authority because the Ginger Cookies found the secret first..." Wizard explained then sat down on the floor. "And besides...not every cookie will live up to your ideals Gingerbrave...I know you want to create a world where everyone is as safe as possible...away from the Witches that tried to eat us alive! But...I don't see how that's possible with cookies like them." Wizard explained bluntly to his friend in the green cloak. Who only looked away from that  explanation. "It's the truth Gingerbrave...honestly...you have a good heart with good intentions, but you have to face the facts sometimes...reality isn't at all as you think..." Wizard says bluntly. "I know...but I refuse to live with cruelty...I know Clotted Cream hasn't been the best...but he has good intentions, I know it!" He explains. "But...if you really believe their not ready to hold this power...then I understand..." Gingerbrave says Wizard looked at the other not with relief, but with worry. Standing up straight. "Then we must recruit Espresso...unfortunately he was pulled out of research and lost his job..." Wizard says to which Gingerbrave exclaimed. "That's terrible! Oh! Maybe he can work alongside you?" Gingerbrave asked. "Perhaps...he has helped a lot in the Magic Candy research..."

Gingerbrave looked at him, smiling in melancholy and nodding as he was about to leave the room. "Ahem...I need not remind you Gingerbrave...there's another reason I don't trust Clotted Cream with this secret..."

"He and Financier Cookie are beginning to suspect you...and it's not about the cult." Gingerbrave paused knowing what he meant. "I know...I'll be careful..."

Wizard looked back in worry...Espresso emerged from the closet he was hiding. "Now that I have a somewhat basic explanation as to your behavior to your sudden outrage against the Consul, and hiding these...mind explaining me what you meant to Gingerbrave?" He said, looking the young lord with dissatisfaction. "If I tell you...you have to promise not to tell anyone...under oath of your own life..."

"If you do tell, then you know what I am capable of doing if you end up endangering a friend." Wizard spoke stern as ever. He looked at him, almost worriedly but nodded...


"There's a sixth Soul Jam..."

"And it's one considerably artificial one...but it's real..."

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