Mansion Madeline

536 23 13

3rd PoV
"Is that? It is? IT IS! NEPHEEEW! Get over here and give your auntie a great big hug, Madeleine Cookie!" One of his Aunts greeted giving him said big hug.

(Ok pause...I'll be deciding the Kingdom name to represent all yall later, for now you can name the Aunties...)

"Madeleine Cookie!! Have you lost weight?! Oh, my poor deary, has that heavy armor flattened your dough?!" The second aunt worried looking at him concerned. "You could've at least written us of your arrival..." His third aunt scolded playfully. "HA HA HA! AUNTIES! I have returned home from yet another triumphant quest!" Madeleine remarked after not seeing them in so long. "My son...! The birds were chirping such wonderful songs by my window this morning! I knew it was a sign of your safe return." Grand Madeleine Cookie spoke (so you can name cookies for the same kind just place something in the front or middle like 'Chocolate Eclair Cookie' that or Mansion Madeleine is bad at naming) "MOTHER! I am glad to see you well!" Madeleine said hugging her and whispered something that almost none could hear. "News of your travel has been shared with us on many occasions. Traveling from kingdom, all across the continent. I am proud of you, my son." Grand Madeleine praised cupping her son's cheeks. "I said it once, and I'll say it again! How could the knights just send off a young and delicate Cookie like our Madeleine Cookie to travel across the world like that?!" The first aunt complained, obviously being...too loving. "You complain about everything! But YES, you're right! How could they send our Madeleine Cookie off right after his promotion?! How could they?!" The second Aunt remarked, obviously wanting to spend more time with him. " Cookie, you must be so tired and hungry! Come, come! We just brewed a pot of tea and some Jellies." The third aunt spoke coming with a plate. "Say AAAH! Don't hesitate, eat eat eat! They're super sweet, just like you like them! Oh yes, I remember! You won't eat anything if it's not sugary, HO HO!" The first aunt spoiled, as Grand Madeleine slightly rolled her eyes. "Madeleine Cookie, let aunty make you a full meal! Have you grown shorter too?! That armor looks much too heavy! Why aren't you getting comfortable? Were you keeping safe during your travels?" The second aunt asked troubled, has her baby not been taking care of himself while he was away?! "HA HA HA! Ah, it feels so good to be home! Yes, aunties, I, Madeleine Cookie, am perfectly fine!" He spoke slightly embarrassed. "But let me introduce to you... my friends from the Cookie kingdoms! I offered to house them during their visit to our great city!" Madeleine remarked. "All friends of Madeleine Cookie are welcome. Make yourselves at home." Grand Madeleine spoke as she took notice of Gingerbrave. "MADELEINE COOKIE! You brought friends! You made friends!" The First Aunt wasn't a friend? "He he! Hello!" Gingerbrave said awkwardly. "Deary, dear! You travel too light! OHHH but look at you! You're so cute!" The first aunt remarked as she squished Gingerbrave's cheeks "Madeleine Cookie, who is this friend of yours? He's sooo tall and handsome! And so majestic!" The second one spoke eyeing Wildberry. "And this friend of yours brought a puppy! Oh, who's a good doggo! You are! Yes, you are!" The third aunt said rubbing the Creamwolf's belly. "PUPPY?! This majestic beast is a CREAM WOLF! A WOLF!" Crunchy Chip corrected embarrassed by the puppy thing once more. "You should know that Madeleine Cookie is so soft and gentle. And you have to keep an eye on him! He has a sweet tooth and just can't control himself when there are sweets!" The First Aunt told. "And ever since he was a baby, he always kicks away the blanket when napping! You make sure he doesn't catch a cold!" The second aunt remarked as Madeleine slightly blushed. "Oh, Madeleine Cookie bringing friends home... *Sniffle* I'm so happy! I hope you stay friends for a very long time!" The third one asked of them. "Of course we will!" Gingerbrave declared. "Have you ever seen such a lively and loving family? Ah, my family is the absolute best!" Madeleine spoke, knowing despite the over-loving affection that they all love him...they're his family after all. "Follow me, friends! Let me show you to your rooms. You are sure to be impressed by how comfortable they are!" He remarked leading them to the rooms...

"What a looong day it's been!" Gingerbrave remarked talking to himself. " I never knew there was such a huge city across the ocean! And so many Cookies are living here! This adventure is so exciting! I wonder what's going to happen next?" He wonders, looking out the window.

"Having fun Gingerbrave?" Gingerbrave smiled as he recognized the voice. "Yep! I'm glad I got to visit! I just wish it was better circumstances." He said sighing. "I know...this place looks so beautiful...I wish I could experience it for myself..." GingerCandy explained looking outside the window. "How was your day then?" They asked, Gingerbrave eagerly sat on the bed and begun retelling the story...

"As expected...thank you for your part Gingerbrave...I'm sorry to involve you in such a dispute, but there was really not much of a choice." GingerCandy explained as Gingerbrave frowned. "I know...but hey, everyone got together in the end right?" Gingerbrave remarked smiling as GingerCandy laughed. "Well we are old friends after all..." GingerCandy said...

Gingerbrave begun to yawn as his tired eyes blinked. "Tired now?" He asked as Gingerbrave nodded. "Alright...time for'll continue your little adventures tomorrow..." GingerCandy said as they tucked Gingerbrave into the blankets. "Goodnight GingerCandy" Gingerbrave said tiredly. "Goodnight my dear..." GingerCandy replied as Gingerbrave let sleep consume him...he's had quite the busy day after all...





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