Intermission and Analyzation

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How the frick do you spell analyzation?! Is that it?!

How do you spell??? How the frick can I spell Thaumaturgy and Vinshpinsilstien without autocorrect and can't spell this right???


I feel like I wanted to say this cause the analysis on this is kinda dope...

So everyone doesn't notice, but you see how easy it was for Wizard to turn the tables? Like, why didn't they believe Gingerbrave, but believed Wizard?


As confirmed by GingerChoco in the trial, the Vanillians are heavily discriminative, especially when it comes to class and wealth.

As well as, there's more Vanillians than Sea-Faring Cookies.

This was true even back then, GingerChoco is experienced because the Ginger Cookies always had beef with the Vanillians. The Vanillians once accused them of plagiarism as The Ginger Kingdom, researched magic. As such beef started and the Vanillians and Ginger Cookies have very stereotypical views on each other's race.

Which is why they can't immediately believe Gingerbrave...Gingerbrave to them is a Ginger Cookie who is very unoriginal and can be able to use magic to break the seal in the capsule holding the Soul Jam, because, despite their efforts to improve their technology, the Ginger Cookies focused on improving their magic, instead of using tools to do so...

But then there was Wizard, who is neither Vanillian, Hollyberrian, Cacaoian, or Ginger Cookie, he's just...some guy that looks like an Ice Cream.

Wizard's delivery and confirmation, plus defending Gingerbrave, gives outsiders opinion, as he literally has no reason for him to defend Gingerbrave or even be pissed about it, I mean, Wizard only knew of the trial after Mulled Juice spoke of it, and his reaction wasn't concern or calmly going to the trial, but he was actually pissed that Gingerbrave even WAS on trial, dude was willing to go after every single Elder, like seriously, I was actually trying to write him be pissed and angry at all of them, or even scream at them, but Wizard being a savage like calling Mulled Juice a Hollyberrian and realizing he stands out as he looks more juice then Vanillian really made me laugh when I was writing that.

Like, he had no reason to go and roast the Elders or act stupid and unprofessional in front of them by lightening the mood for Gingerbrave by giving him bread, if he IS one of the leaders of the Time Kingdom, in that view, it would seem embarrassing, but the fact he went out of his way to try and make Gingerbrave laugh, to reassure him and defend him right in front of him, even asking GingerChoco to escort him away or reassure GingerChoco, that Gingerbrave wasn't going to be harmed while he was handling the trial, because he actually CARES for him.

He doesn't care if that takes away his status as Head of Magic and Research, Gingerbrave is being accused on trial for something he didn't do, GingerPeach hasn't taught him how to handle situations like that and good lord KNOWS how nervous and scared he was, Wizard just comes there to support and defend his friend because SCREW YOU he didn't do jackshit, because if he did, then this adventure wouldn't have existed in the first place.

As for why the Elders didn't suspect that Wizard was doing it for his own gain, Wizard explains that he knew Gingerbrave from BIRTH, telling them that Gingerbrave wasn't born in Paradise, the only place, Ginger Cookies are born, meaning Gingerbrave isn't an Earthbread or Paradise Ginger Cookie, but hails from somewhere else, (aka the Witch's oven) that they can speculate Wizard Cookie resided from; Wizard Cookie is not a Ginger Cookie so Gingerbrave's beliefs and actions would've been completely different from the Ginger Kingdom.

Backing them up would be Espresso and Madeleine, who are good friends with Gingerbrave and Wizard, and mostly, possibly met because of Milk or by Gingerbrave's Kingdom. That Gingerbrave didn't come from the Ginger Kingdom, as Wizard's story backs up their kingdom's founding.

Why would Gingerbrave build a home in an unknown ancient kingdom he would have 100% knowledge of? Especially since the Ginger Cookies still keep their traditions and still have high regard over their history.

Espresso and Madeleine would've even suggested, Strawberry Cookie be put on the stand, since she too was born with Gingerbrave and Wizard, if they didn't believe Wizard's story, 2 could be pure coincidence, but a third one, who's nervousness and shyness gets the better of her, saying the same story is mere truth.

Another thing is: With newly founded information that Wizard is part of the leaders (Which I will title 'Council of the Six') it means That the Time Kingdom isn't just ruled over Ginger Cookies, but others from different cookie types, meaning equality is highly practiced and possibly could be the same as the Republic.

So Wizard's delivery is just as powerful

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