The Arrival

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Doing another chapter do blow off some steam.
That cake hound with a crown ruined a perfect victory.
3rd POV
Gingerbrave waited eagerly in the Airship port receiving a letter from GingerPeach that she would come here, it had been a day since the second meeting occurred and he was nervous. "There you are, GingerBrave!" Black Raisin spoke as Gingerbrave whipped his head to see her. "Black Raisin Cookie! I just LOVE my bed at the inn! I've never slept SO WELL!" Gingerbrave remarked, greeting her politely. "Glad to hear it! It's been a while since the council started" Black Raisin spoke sitting next to him as he waited. "Yeah! But the longer it goes on, the more complicated it gets..." He spoke, he didn't think politics was this hard...but he could manage. "Pure Vanilla Cookie seems... weary. Sad to see him in this state, given how happy he was to finally meet his friends. He must have a lot on his plate." Black Raisin spoke looking to the ground softly. "Pure Vanilla Cookie always took good care of us... Isn't there anything we could do for him? I'm worried." She asked herself looking to the sky in concern. "I'm sure the others are worried too! But, maybe try and talk to him about it, opening up is the best way to solve your problems!" Gingerbrave advised to Black Raisin she nodded and stood up thanking him as she walks away, Gingerbrave then resumes to wait patiently.

A few minutes later he greets Clotted Cream who is slightly nervous by him. Naturally, he could not believe that this cookie that had authority of the fate of the Soul Jam can just greet him in the morning as if nothing happened at the meeting. "Listen, I think I found a solution! Why take the Soul Jam to the Republic when you can study it here?" Gingerbrave asked, it could be possible since now GingerPeach was coming over. "Unfortunately, it is impossible. Neither the Cookie Kingdom nor the Vanilla Kingdom have the required equipment available." Espresso said. "The Crème Republic's research facilities are far more advanced. Our technology is more refined and our scientists training is unparalleled. Preparing the laboratory will take us a ridiculous amount of time. We simply cannot afford that." He heavily explained. Gingerbrave nodded, understanding and proceeded to wave them goodbye for later.

"Wildberry Cookie! What are you doing here?" Gingerbrave asked as the bodyguard basically walked up to him. "Just checking on put quite the argument yesterday." Wildberry said sitting next to him. Gingerbrave chuckled nervously at that statement. Gingerbrave continued to stare at the sky, as if looking for the balloon that will soon carry the Soul Jam's fate. He looked at Wildberry who seems to be waiting with him. "Listen, I noticed how you look at Hollyberry Cookie. You really do respect her a lot! I mean... I know you have your orders and all! But isn't there more to it?" Gingerbrave asked curiously looking at him, as if the meeting from yesterday didn't freaking happen. Wildberry chuckled. "Yes, GingerBrave. As a knight, I do serve the Hollyberry Kingdom. But I follow the Queen Mother not because of any orders." Wildberry begun to explain. "I am... indebted to her. If it weren't for Hollyberry Cookie's help..." he began to trail off. "Huh? Indebted?" Gingerbrave asked confused. "If it weren't for her, I would have roamed the back alleys fighting for survival with nothing but my fists...." Wildberry spoke Gingerbrave now looking more concerned. "Huh?!" "That is right. I met Her Majesty when I was but a young vagrant. I was reckless enough to challenge her, unknowing of who she was. Hollyberry Cookie... showed me the error of my ways." Wildberry said somewhat embarrassed by the memory. "Ha ha ha ha! I can imagine! When we first met, she wore a disguise too!" Gingerbrave remarked remembering the time. "Yes. A Cookie of great strength and great humbleness. That experience was... eye-opening." Wildberry spoke looking to the ground which was several feet below them. "I was a rough street kid, but she treated me with kindness, like family. Most importantly, she taught me how to fight for something that matters. That is why I am here." Wildberry said now looking to the sky. "...Whoah! If Hollyberry Cookie brought you here, she must trust you a lot!" Gingerbrave spoke, eyes gleaming. "Hm... The Heroes have discussed many important matters. I am but a simple warrior, and it is hard to tell what is right. But I believe in Hollyberry Cookie's judgement. Her choice is my choice. For I trust her with my life."
Wildberry explained. Gingerbrave smiled at that, after that they chatted a but until Madeleine came and interrupted them. "Excuse me, but may I speak to Gingerbrave alone?" Madeleine asks, Wildberry was a bit nervous by this but then he remembered at the Council he redirected the attention to Gingerbrave himself, he doubts that even if the strategy was wise a Paladin of the Republic would ever do that since his partner Espresso also agreed to their Consul's orders. Wildberry greeted them farewell and went back to Hollyberry's chambers. Gingerbrave directed Madeleine to sit down beside him in the ledge, his Light now returning back to normal.

"Did you tell them...?" Gingerbrave asks, his mood more serious, seriously this guy can switch when necessary. "I relayed the information to Ser Financier Cookie, she will inform the Consul and the Consul will use such information to his advantage." Madeleine spoke, really becoming the White Knight/Inside man for Gingerbrave. "That's good news...I don't think Pure Vanilla will have the heart to say it...I think we have to tell them..." Gingerbrave explained looking up at the sky with concern. "Gingerbrave, this method GingerCandy chose will probably destroy their friendship forever! How does he know that this will work out?" Madeleine asks concerned. "GingerCandy has been their friend for a long time...I think they know what they are doing." Gingerbrave said looking to Madeleine. "It will be fine...I hope..." Gingerbrave said, he would admit he was nervous of this new strategy that GingerCandy suggested, and honestly he was unsure if this was the right decision, but he trusts him...and that's what matters.

The sounds of Christmas-like bells chimed from the distance...

Gingerbrave looked back hearing the noise...and just in the distance. A hot air balloon was there. Gingerbrave grabbed a pair of binoculars and stood up, he sees a Ginger Fighter waving a  stick full of bells indicating they were arriving. Gingerbrave pulled out his own and responded to the ringing bells in the distance.

Meanwhile with GingerPeach, she heard the reply from Gingerbrave coming. "Alright, let's prepare for landing." She spoke, as the Air Balloon aproached slowly to the Airship port. "Yes, Princess GingerPeach." The Bird Pilot (forgot the name) spoke leading the balloon straight to the Airship Port.

The other Ancients heard the sounds of bells and were familiar with the signal. They went to the Airship Port all separately to check, Gingerbrave was responding to the ringing bells with his own quite nicely. "This is it...GingerCandy's lost subjects have returned." Pure Vanilla remarked looking to the sky. "We may not see our old friend again...but at least his people still live in great health." Hollyberry said looking as the Air Balloon drew closer. " is unfortunate of his passing, but there are now those who continue his legacy...may he rest in peace." Dark Cacao spoke.

Gingerbrave helped guide the balloon down to the docks the balloon landed safely with the bird pilot tying the balloon down so it did not float away. "GingerPeach!" Gingerbrave exclaimed as he went over to hug the princess. "I see you are faring well Gingerbrave, I hope the Council hasn't been too hard on you." GingerPeach asked the young cookie hugging him back. "You have no idea!" Gingerbrave said muffling himself in her stomach. GingerPeach chuckled as the other Ancients approached her. "And...who are you...?" Dark Cacao asked looking at GingerPeach who looked...familiar? GingerPeach cleared her throat mostly to look professional as Gingerbrave moved out of the way. "I am GingerPeach, representative of the Ginger Cookies and daughter to the previous leader, GingerCandy." GingerPeach informed as all the Ancients looked shocked. GingerCandy's family lives? "Erm, greetings, GingerPeach, welcome to the Vanilla Kingdom! And who are these new cookies with you? I don't remember the Ginger Cookies having an army like this before." Pure Vanilla remarked looking at the Ginger Fighters beside her. "These are the Ginger Fighters and some of our researchers that will help in our discussion about your Soul Jam." GingerPeach said. "The Ginger Fighters were established after we had to flee from our old kingdom. They remain a great improvement to our kingdom and reinforce our security standards." GingerPeach said with the Ancients looking to her impressed, seems she took after her other father who she called 'Mom'  "Well, welcome again to the Vanilla Kingdom GingerPeach, we hope you enjoy this stay." Pure Vanilla spoke with open arms GingerPeach nodded and looked to Gingerbrave.

"I don't suppose you can give me a tour...?"

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