Dream Express

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3rd POV

"You really thought you were the first?"

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"You really thought you were the first?"

Moonlight Cookie shifted between dreams, her sight clouded and flinching at every horrible vision. Her eyes dawned a mere glimpse of the truth...but it quickly faded away as though the narrative was trying to keep it hidden.

She suddenly felt a great shift in the pool of night, as if the stars themselves called upon her, seeking her presence. "Peril..." She muttered. "The City of Wizards...is in Great Peril..."

"I must await the moonrise...until then...open my eyes I shall not..." She called out, finding the source of the first pull, the first dream she sighted. She called out to him. "I need your help to protect the city...A cookie of bravery unheard."

She felt the pull shift then calm, signaling that he was listening.


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"....Maybe we can learn more about them then when we enter the City, right Gingerbrave?"

"Right Gingerbrave?!" Wizard said sternly startling Gingerbrave causing him to flinch. "Uhm...right, what- what were we talking about?" Gingerbrave asked, causing Wizard to groan. "Saint Pheonix Cookie! Remember how the Ginger Cookies worship the Wizards instead of the Witches? Their Patron Saint is Saint Phoenix Cookie! According to research, they were probably also a Soul Jam user." Wizard spoke grabbing a bunch of books that somehow fit all into his hat...possibly using a spell of sorts.

"How can that be though? Only the Ancients have used the Soul Jam." Strawberry Cookie asked curiously. They all departed on this mission instructed by Gingerbrave...

When they are called upon via dream...it was no joke...that was a pact they made.

"Yes, well- I'm not sure how, but I'm positive they might've had some sort of version of a Soul jam." Wizard explained "It's just a theory at the moment, what do you think Gingerbrave?"

He asked again, and once more the young cookie spaced out, staring at the window and gazing at the stars, he seemed puzzled... "He's been doing that a lot has he?" Strawberry Cookie asked, her voice filled with concern. "Is it a side-effect of some sorts?"

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