The eyes of the bystander

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Wizard's POV

I...remember most things being was hard not to...

The Witch's Hut was a hut full of terror and madness...everyday, struggling to hide and survive, living in the darkness stranded by fear...

Everytime we heard her cackle, everytime we heard her enter, we would hide...

It was terrifying...

If not for our bright hope against the darkness...

I never really understood the prejudice against Ginger Cookies

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I never really understood the prejudice against Ginger Cookies...because they were too plain? Too common?

In my eyes...and from what I have seen, Ginger Cookies unlike most, can adapt to their surroundings...despite the freezing Cold, Gingerbrave had the Determination to withstand the blizzards of the Dark Cacao Kingdom...

And well...because we had no healer, surprisingly from the batch of 20 Cookies...Dozer taught himself how to mend a heal using magic.

Once in a tough spot, Ginger Cookies' minds adapt and become their surroundings, as well as their's like the plainness in their dough is what makes them strong...

Which is understandable...Ginger Cookies have been the first Cookies ever made...the baseline for most cookies...

And thus...Gingerbrave and his brother Dozer became our guiding light...

Gingerbrave woke up from the heat first, screaming in terror, waking up Dozer...Gingerbrave wanted to leave, an instinct that was understandable...but Dozer...Dozer led us out of there...

He gave the nameless names...and even gave Gingerbrave his name...

It was incredibly ironic back then...

Gingerbrave was a offense...

Hiding behind the mercy of his brother and constantly behind him everywhere he went...

I used to think it was insufferable...


Compared to Gingerbrave, it was clear who's brother tends to be more with the heart...

Dozer's mind was cunning, he thought of survival...just as his surroundings had given...while Gingerbrave brought the compassion of a leader, listening to our thoughts and words...making sure we never felt unsafe around him...

Though he was a coward, I will's brave when someone just experienced the worst trauma in their life...from the moment they were born...and still retain the want to be kind and sweet instead of becoming bitter and angry...

But, much like any child...Gingerbrave's mentality was flawed...compared to Dozer...

Dozer was a realist...much to our dismay, he couldn't find a way to save us all without was almost impossible...

While Gingerbrave kept bringing us the hope...the hope that we'd all be able to survive...

Both brothers prepped and prepped for days, arguing back and forth, disagreeing...

Hell it was probably the only thing Gingerbrave would have protested about despite how scared he was...

Dozer wanted Gingerbrave to understand that it wouldn't be so simple...while Gingerbrave tried to push the possibility...

It was hectic...

Until the day came...

We thought we could escape but...

"You two go!"

"What are you crazy?!"

"Dozer's in there! I can't leave him behind! Go! Go now!"

We ran for our lives...even then I'm surprised we were the only one who escaped...that night was the most terrifying...

The light of the flames, the cackle of the witch, the screams of our friends...the sounds of crumbling, terror and chewing still echo in our minds...

After a while, me and Strawberry Cookie wandered...searching for a place to stay constantly...fighting off rain, hiding in caves, until we all reunited back in the ruins of the Ginger Kingdom...

To say that...Gingerbrave seemed fine was an understatement...

He seemed...unbothered...

And I could never gravitate why...

What kind of madman?! Is what I thought, building a kingdom from the ground up without any experience, putting on a smile and bringing in cookies to said kingdom after that whole experience?!

You'd be angry too!

I thought...he got over it during the days we were separated...

That was the only way I could rationalize this...



Now that I think about it...

Gingerbrave...was bring back that dream he and Dozer shared...

I wasn't aware he blamed himself for the incident, it wasn't anyone's was a accident...

And...I think he took it harder than we did...

Me and Strawberry, we do our best, try to make sure others don't experience the same thing, I use my knowledge and she takes on medicine...

But Gingerbrave...?


I always see him try to get everyone's spirits up...constantly try to work on our safe haven...keep us safe...even in the battlefield...he uses his body as a shield...

Sure, My wand can pack a punch but it doesn't do well for protection spells...and Custard III's shields only work on two people...

And even then, he takes his responsibility as a leader and representative seriously...


He's so hard on himself...

Holding the weight of the entire world on his hands...desperately making decisions that would make sure everyone was happy...

Now that I know it's been haunting him for days...

It must've been so hard for him...

"I feel like...I should've known more..."

Wildberry and Crunchy Chip stared at me with a disheartening look, Crunchy Chip went to the other seat to sit beside me...

"Hey, pal...don't blame yourself for had your reasons..."

Crunchy Chip spoke, his expressions showed me how hard that information was taken...

"To think that you experienced this so young's...not fair..."

Wildberry spoke sighing.

"No wonder you're so protective of him..."


"Mind keeping this a secret...? This is...pretty much personal..."

Wildberry looked at me with suspicious eyes...

"Tell me...Wizard...this Witch's's...not from another land is it...? A land outside Eartbread..."

I paused...technically it the same time it wasn't...the silence itself was could confirm any question asked...

"Don't let word of this spread...the last time a cookie saw the truth..."

I looked down at the tea served on the counter.

"We had Dark Enchantress Cookie..."

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