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3rd POV
After awhile...the light was restored upon the Republic, busy days filled the streets and mourn as cookies began to rebuild what they've lost...

And legally...this was to be settled in the Vanilla Kingdom...

After that whole fiasco with Gingerbrave...questions began to arise between the Ancients...and the Republic...

"A Sixth Soul Jam?!" Elder Canele spoke in surprise. "An artificial Soul Jam, one we deemed lesser than the others in terms of keeping the cookie alive..." Hollyberry informed. "The Soul Jam GingerCandy had power over could not replicate its protective power over them as it did with us..." Dark Cacao added.

"We decided to keep that information private...we thought it was pointless to even talk about it..." Pure Vanilla remarked. " did you come across it?"

Wizard and Strawberry tried their best to hide the fact that Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry were there when it happened...truth be told, they erased their memories of the whole incident...only remembering their relaxation there...

"Me and Alchemist Cookie found an old ruin somewhere in the forests when Gingerbrave stumbled upon a trapdoor that led to the Soul Jam...why it was there and why he absorbed it remains unknown..." Wizard explained, sitting on his seat and advocating for Gingerbrave on behalf of their kingdom.

"And you never bothered to tell us or the Ancient Heroes?!" Elder Custard protested much to Wizard's annoyance. "We were told by the Ginger Cookies not to disclose such they are the original keepers it is only right we respect their decision." Wizard said firmly, looking at Elder Custard with a cold glare, intimidating him.

Wizard looked at the Ancient Heroes with a soft gaze. "Forgive me...they also told me not to disclose such information to you..."

"I see...well that's understandable..." Pure Vanilla remarked, slightly disappointed that the Ginger Cookies seemed to not trust them with such information. "Forgive us, Pure Vanilla...but it was upon my father's last request..." GingerPeach added, not representing herself as it seems the Republic doesn't trust...Ginger Cookies...

Espresso cleared his throat getting into the other topic. "With that out of the and Wizard Cookie would like to request something."

"We want to move the Magic Candy research back to the Time Kingdom."
Wizard Cookie proposed, causing shock to the Republicans.

"Why do you say this, Wizard Cookie, are our technology unreliable to you?" Clotted Cream asked rather nervously. "It's simple...though you're technology has improved the Soul Jam by a spectacular amount, it is not entirely needed...all you need is a bit of knowledge of Magic and Alchemy, which is what the Time Kingdom does best, compared"

Wizard cleared his throat.

"Though we will require some of the technology, I think we can do best back at the Time Kingdom..." Wizard spoke. "Besides...The Republic has thought to revolutionize the Magic Candy ahead of time, most notably not informing its rightful owners...the Ancient such the Ginger Cookies have well...let's just say, they've started an outcry against the Republic."

"Further research leads me to conclude that the Ginger Cookies and Vanillians have had a tough history, despite Pure Vanilla's friendship with King GingerCandy...GingerPeach's father...if we let this spread they will cause a riot." Wizard warned, looking upon the Republicans. "Bah! They're Ginger Cookies! There dough is as frail as their emotions!"

"Need I remind you that magic tends to exceed technology...Elder...?" Wizard turned threateningly at Elder Custard. "You may have engineering smarts, but despite their frail bodies, Ginger Cookies have massive potential in magic due to how 'plain' they fact, Gingerbrave's brother was outstanding in magic...taught me a few spells..."

"But a riot is a matter how frail...or strong...the people will lose faith in you...and that can ruin not only your reputation...but the Republic's..." Wizard eyed them threateningly, which caused them to back down.

"I agree with this proposal...the Ginger Cookies, as the original founder of this research, have every right to dictate what happens to it." Pure Vanilla spoke. "But Espresso Cookie, where will you go?"

"I'm required to help aid with Wizard Cookie during the research and after a bit of talking decided to reside in the Time Kingdom for the meantime." Espresso stated. "I also need some time to...process from Madeleine..."

Clotted Cream understood their situation, Madeleine was a star on the top of a pedestal laid down by the Republic...and Espresso's travel companion...

"I see...well then...I'll consider this request." Clotted Cream remarked. "Since this is being asked in behalf of the whole Time is only right we respect their decision..."

" end this off...may we discuss the topic about...Gingerbrave in general..."

Wizard knew this was gonna happen, Strawberry held her hand nervously on Wizard' was to try and calm herself, but also a warning for Wizard not to lose his temper...

"Gingerbrave now has a Soul Jam...but...we have seen how his Soul Jam reacted to the magic of Dark Enchantress Cookie...he spoke as if he was an entirely different I must ask...where did you come from?"

"Gingerbrave was speaking under the influence of the Soul Jam's corruption against the Dark Magic." Wizard spouted. "As I said before...we've seen this happen to Dark Cacao is no wonder that his consciousness created a very different persona than that of Dark Cacao's Soul Jam. It does not correlate to where we came from..." Wizard spouted.

"Even if we did tell's off the map of Earthbread..." Wizard muttered. "How would we even point that out? If that's all you can say...then this meeting is over..."

Wizard sighed as he sat in the bar of the inn, extremely frustrated.

"Do you want me to order some juice for you, Sir Wizard Cookie?" Wizard was surprised by the Hollyberrian warrior, but declined. "No need...I've seen my fair share of berry juice..."

"So...Gingerbrave's still asleep up there?" Crunchy Chip asked. Wizard nodded. "The incident really knocked him out cold..."

"Man...Soul Jam power is strong..." Crunchy Chip remarked, taking a huge sip of some berry juice as Wildberry cringed. "So...what now?"

"We wait for Gingerbrave to wake up and return to the Time Kingdom to sort out some allegations against him...I can't speak for him forever..." Wizard answered, leaning his head against the counter.

"You think he's prepared for that?" Wildberry asked. "Duh! It's Gingerbrave! Guy can handle Dark Enchantress Cookie alone! As if he can't handle a whole speech!"

"He never used to be that brave..." Wizard remarked as Wildberry and Crunchy Chip looked at him. "The only reason we survived was because of cowardice..."

"If you don't mind...what exactly happened to you guys?" Crunchy Chip asked as Wizard was fixated by the flames...

"It's...a long got time?"

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